Bykhov - 貝霍夫

BekhovBelarusian: Быхаў) YesBelarusMogilev OblastOf a small town. Bekhov was once an important fortification, and there are interesting relics worth seeing in the area.


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  • 1 Bekhov CastleБыхаўскі замак)。IntroductionBaroque ruined castle from the 17th century. The building was started in 1610 byJan Carol Hodkiewicz(Ян Караль Хадкевіч) jurisdiction. The castle was severely damaged during the war in the mid-17th century and has since been rebuilt.
Ruins of the Bykhov Synagogue
  • 2 Bekhov SynagogueБыхаўская сінагога)。IntroductionA magnificent ancient synagogue, although part of it has been damaged and the followers are no longer active, this church is still worth seeing.
  • 3 Holy Trinity ChurchЦарква Святой Троіцы)。IntroductionA good wooden Orthodox church, built in the 19th century.





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