Makhachkala - 馬哈奇卡拉

Travel warningwarn: It is strongly recommended not to go to Makhachkala. The level of rebels and crime is much higher thanGroznywithMagasThose cities clearly pose a considerable threat to tourists.

MakhachkalaRussian: Махачкала́ muh-khuhch-kuh-LAH)YesDagestanThe capital, and forNorth CaucasusThe largest city in the region.

A view of Makhachkala


FromMoscowIt is possible to reach Makhachkala by rail, and it will take two nights to arrive. And from 1-2 flights a weekKievNovosibirskwithSt. PetersburgTo travel to the local area with others remotely. All trains are going, and will also start fromBakuCome through here.

Travel around

go sightseeing

Makhachkala Anzhi, for the local football club


Main mosque in Makhachkala





Next stop

Lenin Street
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