Trieste - Τεργέστη

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View of Trieste.

THE Trieste (Italian Trieste, Slovenian and Croatian Trst, German Triest) is a seaside town and its port northeastItaly, capital of its region Friuli Venezia Julia.


Trieste is a seaside town and its port is the northernmost in the Mediterranean. The city is located very close to the border with Slovenia, has a population of 204,878 inhabitants. and has been described as the mistress of the Adriatic.

Historical data

Trieste was colonized by the Romans in the middle of the first century BC. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Trieste came under the control of the Byzantines and in 788 AD. was occupied by the Franks. Frequent battles with neighboring Venice led to its conquest in 1283 while in 1382 the city came under the protection of the Duke of Austria, which played an important role in upgrading the port. Beautiful palaces and mansions were built at that time, transforming Trieste from a small provincial town into a cosmopolitan center of Austria-Hungary.

In 1918 the Italian army entered Trieste and with the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo in November 1920, the city was officially incorporated into Italy. In September 1943, after the Italian armistice, Nazi Germany occupied Trieste without much resistance. The city will be liberated on May 1, 1945 by Tito's brigades. Finally in 1947, under the auspices of the United Nations, the Trieste Free Zone was created, which was divided into two zones of military occupation. This situation continued until 1954, when the final division of the free zone took place and was formalized in 1975 by the Treaty of Ozimo.

Ideal period of visit

The rain on the waterfront of Trieste.

The climate of the city is characterized as Mediterranean with mild winters and relatively hot summers. It is worth noting, however, that the climatic conditions in the areas located on the hills around the city are quite different from those in the city center and the climate of these areas can be characterized as continental.

The Molo Audace waterfront of Trieste.

Worth mentioning is the shower, which is a strong and cold north - northeast wind. On February 11, 2012, the wind speed reached 182 km / h. Usually the rain lasts only a few days but often, due to the cold and the intensity, it causes significant traffic problems.

There is an opinion that is often reported by the people of Trieste and it says that “The storm lives for 3 days. "On the first day he was born in Dalmatia, on the second he grew up in Trieste and on the third he died in Venice." Visitors should therefore be especially careful if they are in Trieste on the days of shower, that is, the strong and cold north wind. It is good to avoid open spaces, especially when frost and frost prevail. In case the rain is combined with rain, the umbrella will offer you absolutely no protection. The city authorities and the residents advise the tourists not to approach the waterfront of Trieste, the Molo Audace, located a few meters from the main square of the city even if they feel confident that they will not lose their balance, because the wind speed is high and can have unpredictable results.

Average maximum temperature (° C)791217222528272417128
Average minimum temperature (° C)3461014182020171384
Rainy days88899107888109
Sunshine hours961181431772262432882602101679984


Bilingual Italian identity in the province of Trieste.

The official language is Italian. A part of the population (about 10%) is from neighboring Slovenia and knows and speaks the Slovenian language.

It should be emphasized that the district of Friuli Venezia Giulia pays special attention to the protection and promotion of the Slovenian language and in some municipalities of the region the bilingual toponyms have been established, maintaining in any case the official character of the Italian language.

Many residents know German and almost all speak, along with Italian, the local language idiom of Trieste. The staff working in the hotels know and speak English.


By air

  •   Trieste-Ronki dei Legionari Airport. - The city airport is located in the Ronchi dei Legionari area, about 30 km from Trieste. The airport is connected to the city via the intercity bus line E 51. THE Terminal Station of buses is located next to Trieste train station. There is also a train station in the Ronchi dei Legionari area but the distance is quite long so it would be good to take the bus. THE Alitalia operates daily flights to and from Trieste.

By road

By train

The train station of Trieste.
  •   Central station (Trieste Central Station). The city's main station is located in Piazza della Libertà 8, five minutes from the city center. The station has been recently renovated and inside you can find a kiosk, a pharmacy, a mini market and a snack bar. They exist every hour itineraries from and to Venice and Udine.

By boat

Since the beginning of 2013, Trieste has a direct ferry connection, three times a week, with Igoumenitsa and Patras, through the Minoan lines.

Orient yourself

The city of Trieste is not very big and it is relatively easy to visit. Most of the attractions are located near the city center.



Piazza Unita d'Italia, the central square of Trieste.
  •   Piazza Unita d'Italia (Unity Square of Italy - Italian: Piazza Unità d'Italia). - This is the central square of Trieste. It is located at the foot of the hill of San Justo. The square on one side opens onto the Gulf of Trieste and is surrounded by numerous buildings such as the Palace of the Austrian Lieutenants, the Palazzo Stratti, the Palazzo Model, the Palazzo Pitteri, the Palazzo Vanoli, the Palazzo Lloyd and the Lloyd's Palace There is a tower on which there is a bell with two human figures that ring and signal the time and are called Mikete and Jakece (from the Slovenian Mihec and Jakec), It has a total area of ​​12,280 sq.m. and is the largest seaside square in Europe..

Nsos of Agios Nikolaos and Agia Triada.

  Church of Agios Nikolaos and Agia TriadaRiva 3 November, 7 39 040 635614. - Headquarters of the Greek community of Trieste


  Miramare Castle (Castle of Miramare). - Palace where the Archduke of Austria Maximilian lived before he became emperor of Mexico. Today it is a museum
  Science center scientific imaging. - One of the most important technology museums in Italy.



  • Bargolana - It is one of the largest sailing races in the world, both in terms of route and international participation and is the most famous event taking place in Trieste. The regatta takes place every year, on the second Sunday of October and includes in addition to sailing competitions and cultural events.
  • Babizela - Marathon that takes place in May and is attended by many world champions and ordinary friends of sports.
  • Exhibition of San Nicolo - It takes place on December 6 and is held in honor of San Nicolo.
  • Maremetraggio - International Short Film Festival in June and July.
  • Mittelciok - Event dedicated to chocolate, which takes place in the city center, just before Christmas.
  • FEST - International Science Fair in April.
  • Triskell - Festival dedicated to Celtic culture during the month of June.


Job opportunities in Trieste


  •   Pasticceria Pironaat Largo della Barriera Vecchia 12.. - The visitor to the city of Trieste should visit and try the famous Pasticceria Pirona pastries.
  •   Drogheria Vittorio Tosoin Piazza San Giovanni 6 39 040 636 288. Spice lovers should take a look at the historic Drogheria Vittorio Toso grocery store. The store has remained the same since 1906 and the visitor can observe the wooden floors and wooden shelves that decorate the interior of the store.

In Trieste there are many antique shops located near Via Diaz and Via Cadorna, as well as behind Piazza della Borsa. An antique bookstore owned by Uberto Samba, an Italian poet and writer, and still bearing his name, is located at Via San Nicolò 30.

The shopping malls of Trieste are

  •   The GiuliaVia Giulia, 75/3 (bus lines 6, 9 and 35).


In the city of Trieste there are branches of all Italian banks and guests have the opportunity to withdraw money from ATMs. Hotels, supermarkets and most shops accept credit cards, but for convenience it is recommended that you have cash for transactions on public transport and cafes.


Historic cafes

Interior of Agios Markos cafe
  •   Coffee of the SpecchiPiazza dell'Unità D'Italia, 7Tel. 39 040 661973.. - In the heart of Trieste, since 1839, the Caffe degli Specchi has experienced all the events of the city and is part of the history, Piazza Unità d 'Italia 7,
  •   Coffee San Marcoat 18 Cesare Battisti Street.

Restaurants - Taverns

  • Trattoria al PescatoreV.le Miramare 211 39 040411134. - Kitchen based on seafood Prices 28 - 50 €. year 2013.
  • Trattoria Da MassimoVia degli Apiari, 4 39 040 452 8821. - Kitchen based on seafood
  •   Alla SorgenteVia della sorgente 2Tel. 39 3479396519. - Italian cuisine Prices 16 - 31 €. year 2013.
  •   Pizzeria CapriccioPiazza della Libertà 2Tel. 39 040370018.. - Very good pizza near the train station
  •   Pizzeria DelfinoVia Nordio Aurelio and Fabio 12 39 040 370827. - Delicious pizza near the center
  • Home: Italian cuisine, Via Diacono 5, tel. 39 040764519.
  •   RomaquattroVia Roma 4Tel. 39 040 634633. - Fast food, Italian and European cuisine
  • Buffet Bier Stube: Italian, Austrian, Slovenian cuisine but also good beer, Via Ugo Foscolo 3, tel. 39 3427186941. Prices 11 - 20 €.
  • Gelateria Jazzin: Large variety of ice creams, Via Mercato Vecchio 1 / D, tel. 39 331 750 8768.
  •   'La BombonieraVia Trenta October 3 39 040 632752. - Ice cream and pastries in one of the most famous and oldest shops in the city (since 1836), with a typical Austro-Hungarian style,

Economic options

Middle class

High benefits


Economic options

  •   Istria HotelVia Ruggero Timeus, 5tel / fax 39 040 371343.

Middle class

High benefits


Trieste, although a border town and a significant number of people pass through its port every day, can be described as a fairly safe city. The phenomenon of petty crime is rare due to the fact that the city is relatively small and the presence of the police and carabinieri is constant, but the rather high sense of legitimacy of the inhabitants also plays an important role. All of this places the city among those with the lowest crime rates.

Useful phone numbers and addresses

  • Carabinieri: The emergency number is 112. In Trieste the carabinieri stations are located at Via Francesco Hermet 7, Via dell'Istria 54 and Via San Cilino 16.
  • Police / Polizia: The emergency number is 113 and the police station is located at Via Tor Bandena 6.
  • Economic police / Guardia di Finanza: The call number is 117. The Financial Police are responsible for tax / financial infringements and the stations are located at Via delle Fiamme Gialle 6, Via Giulia, Via Rio Primario, Molo Fratelli Bandiera and Via XXX Ottobre.
  • Emergency Center: It is the corresponding E.K.A.B. and the emergency number is 118.


Trieste has 3 hospitals: Ospedale Maggiore, Ospedale di Cattinara and Burlo Garofolo Pediatric Hospital.


Trieste offers free wireless internet access to all residents and visitors of the city. Wireless network hubs are located in various places and cover most of the city. The downside is that access is only possible after entering a password. The code is downloaded through the website TriestefreeSpoTS. After registering on the website and entering the details along with his phone number, the visitor receives a text message with the code. The service is active only for subscribers of Italian mobile companies. If you do not have an Italian SIM card, you can request the code from the Public Service Office in Via della Procureria 2 / a with your ID or passport.

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