China National Nature Reserve - 中国国家级自然保护区

ChinaofNature reserveAccording to the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Nature Reserves”, it refers to the land and water bodies where protection objects such as representative natural ecosystems, natural concentrated distribution areas of rare and endangered wild animal and plant species, and natural relics of special significance are located. Or the sea area, a certain area is delineated in accordance with the law to be specially protected and managed. The natural protection is divided intoNational Nature ReserveAnd local nature reserves at various levels, among which nature reserves with typical significance at home and abroad, significant international influence in science, or special scientific research value are listed as national nature reserves and reported to the State Council for approval and establishment.

There are currently 446 national nature reserves in China.

North China

North-east area

Huadong Region

Central South

Southwest Region

North-west region

Note: Those marked with "*" are national nature reserves across provinces (regions, cities).

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