East Antarctica - 東南極洲

East AntarcticaYesAntarcticaOf an area. Although the name is a bit counterintuitive for a continent that straddles Antarctica. This area belongs to the Eastern Hemisphere and is close toAustralia

Lenin's head hard to find in the center of Antarctica


  • Adele Land-a research station in FranceDimon Deville StationLocated in this area.
  • Enderby Land-The coastal mountains here are as high as 2830 meters, which can be clearly seen from the sea.
  • Mac Robertson Land — herePrince Charles MountainsThe ridge length reaches 260 miles.
  • Princess Elizabeth Land — There are many old research stations in this area, as well as some new ones (e.g.AustraliaDavis Station).
  • Queen Mary Land-Shackleton Ice Shelf is located in this area.
  • Queen Maud Land-has a long coastline, most of the coastline is ice cliffs. There are countless inspection stations here. The southern part of this area is the vast Antarctic plateau, including Dome A.
  • Victoria Land — locatedRoss SeaTo the west, there is a spectacular Trans-Antarctic mountain range.
  • Wilkes Land — Located in the eastern part of Victoria Land, Mawson Lodge in the Commonwealth Bay is in this area.

Research station

Russian Oriental Research Station
  • Dimon Deville Station—FranceScientific research station.
  • Dongfang Station-this isRussiaThe research station in Antarctica is also the most isolated research station in Antarctica; in 1983, the lowest temperature confirmed globally was -89.6℃. The East Station is close to the South Magnetic Pole and is the main residence station for expeditions who want to reach the South Pole.

Other destinations

  • Denison Point-Commonwealth Bay (Mawson Cottage)
  • Mertz and Ninnis Glacier
  • The center of Antarctica


Mawson Cottage



Travel around

go sightseeing

Ice Dome C in the vast Antarctic Plateau
  • ArgosDome A)。IntroductionIt is the highest point of the huge East Antarctica ice sheet, located in Queen Maud Land in the Antarctic Plateau. Due to its altitude, extreme climate, and proximity to the East Station where the lowest temperature has been confirmed so far, it is guessed to beThe coldest place on earth.
  • Mount IsaacsonIntroductionThe highest mountain in the east of Antarctica, near the coast of Queen Maud Land.
  • Mawson Cottage
  • Shackleton Ice Shelf
  • Oriental Research Station

Explorers should be interested inThe center of Antarctica , Here is very far away from any coast of Antarctica. Its specific location has not yet been fully determined, because the definition of the Antarctic coastline is unclear. According to a calculation, it is located at 85°50′S 65°47′E. British Antarctic Survey calculated that it is located at 82°53′14″S 55°4′30″E without ice cover, and it is located at 83°50′37″S 65°43′ when ice cover is calculated. 30″E. The Soviet Union once established a scientific research station at 82°06'S 54°58'E, which was also named after it. This scientific research station is 878 kilometers (546 miles) from the South Pole and has an elevation of 3,800 meters (12,467 feet). However, this research station was closed on December 26, 1958 due to safety concerns caused by being too far away from other Soviet research stations. Today there is covered with ice and snow except for a statue of Lenin.


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