Tsunami - 海啸

TsunamiIt's a huge wave hitting the coast. It is usually made byearthquakeOr underwater landslides (usually also caused by earthquakes). At sea, waves are difficult to notice, but when it is slowed down by shallow sea areas (such as near the coastline), it becomes steeper and can rise to a height of tens of meters, with great destructive power.


year 2004ThailandKrabiNanglangTsunami hit the coast

If the epicenter of an earthquake is under the ocean or a large lake, the earthquake will move a lot of water. Even small earthquakes can cause underwater landslides and have similar effects. The risk of a tsunami depends on the direction of the sea. In the worst case, such as when the edge of the structure moves up or down along the plate boundary, the water will move more or less in a coordinated direction, resulting in huge waves.

Tsunami can hit the coast within minutes or hours after the earthquake, depending on how far from the epicenter of the coastline. Tsunamis may travel as fast as commercial jets and are usually invisible before it is too late, because they only rise in shallow waters near the coast. In addition, tsunamis can spread very far-for example, in 2004Indian OceanTsunami is caused bySumatraCaused by the earthquake in the north, but a few hours laterEast coast of africaCaused huge damage.

Although the Pacific tsunami warning center has been established for a long time, it was not until 2004 that a tsunami warning center was also established in the Indian Ocean. Although they are not perfect, and false alarms do occur, their alarms should be taken seriously, because once a false alarm occurs, the worst case is to ruin the day, and the tsunami can easily obliterate you and your career and future. .

Early warning of natural disasters

Low tide

If you find yourself in an unlikely situation, there is no warning infrastructure for a tsunami, and there are usually so-called "nature warning signs"-nature itself tells you that a tsunami is coming. If an earthquake happens on the coast, you may only have a few minutes to escape, so don't hesitate to evacuate immediately. Some obvious and noteworthy natural warning signs are:

  • Strange behaviors of animals, such as irritability (may or may not happen);
  • The water has been underwater, exposing the bottom of the sea, which is usually underwater (this is a sign of death, indicating that a tsunami is coming,You have at most a few minutes to escape from this);
  • Significant shaking from an earthquake near or near the coast (if you are on the coast and feel an earthquake, do not wait for any official warning, but immediately move inland or higher);
  • Any loud or unusual sound from the sea.

During the tsunami

lie inTokyo GinzaIn the Sony Building, banners were erected to show the threat of the tsunami. The red line in the middle of the banner is the height of the tsunami that hit the Tohoku region on March 11, 2011.

During the tsunami warning period, please follow the escape route and pay close attention to what the authorities usually say (especially in the Pacific coast countries). They have a full understanding of the nature of the tsunami and improved the emergency plan through earlier tsunamis. The most important thing during the tsunami is obviously to escape to a relatively high altitude. However, compared to mountains, trees and even the roofs of houses are a secondary option, because the huge force of a tsunami may only destroy trees, and it may also include the houses you want to go to (even in higher places).

Under no circumstances should you expect your swimming ability to fight against such a powerful current! In the worst case, if you are really washed away by water, try to grab a piece of floating debris and wait for rescue.

Don't try to go to the seaside for sightseeing or watch the tsunami again!exist2011 Tohoku EarthquakeIn the resulting tsunami, a 25-year-old man was involvedCaliforniaThe Pacific Ocean near the Klamath River in the north. This man and some of his friends went to the coastline to take photos of the crashing waves and entering the sea. Although his friend survived, the man’s body was never found.

After the tsunami ebb

Please note that there may be more than one tsunami wave, and it may happen within 24 hours after the initial wave, so please keep evacuation until the officer tells you that you can return safely.

When returning to the building, be aware that the flood may have caused severe damage to the infrastructure. Floods can also be contaminated by sewage.

Avoid sightseeing and travel only when necessary. If you have already made travel arrangements with airlines or other agencies, it is best to contact them for advice.


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