Fishing - 钓鱼

fishingIt's not just a pure fishing activity: it is an ancient art form, and there are many different ways to catch fish all over the world. Fishing is generally carried out in the wild, but the methods of fishing can include unarmed, fishing, spear stabbing, net fishing, and trapping.


Can you catch a crocodile with a hook? Can you use a rope to hold down its tongue?
Can you pierce its nose with a rope? Can you use a hook to pierce its cheekbone?
——The Book of Job
atSwedenIce fishing.

The term fishing can be used to capture other aquatic animals, such as molluscs (clams, squids, etc.), crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, etc.), and echinoderms (starfish, sea cucumbers, etc.), but it is usually not defined as catching and breeding Fish, or aquatic mammals, such as whales (the term whaling is more appropriate). Catching stationary aquatic animals, such as clams, usually also classified asGather foodA sort of.

Some people make a living by fishing. For travelers, fishing is often a leisure and entertainment, which can be referred to hereWilderness backpackingandCruising on small shipsInformation on related topics to promote the reduction of carrying too much food on the backpack during travel.

In most parts of the world, fisheries are regulated by law, and many places are completely prohibited. It is necessary to consult local authorities about fishing rights and regulations, and the regulations are not the same in each region.


The cost of fishing will vary depending on the region or private fishing grounds, and even some places do not charge fees at all. For those who love fishing, you should pay more attention to the information on fishing fees in various countries or places!

Types of fishing


Fishing is a method of fishing through "projections" (fish hooks). Fishing hooks are usually attached to fishing lines, and fishing lines are usually attached to fishing rods. Fishing rods are usually equipped with fishing reels, which function as a mechanism for storing, organizing and retracting fishing lines. The hook itself is sometimes used to pierce bait or bait, and there are floats or fishing floats near the fishing line on the hook.

Fly fishing

Also known as Western-style hair hook fishing. Hair hooks are made of materials such as skin, wool and thread. The life-like insect-shaped hair hooks attract the vision of fish floating on the water, making them mistaken for flies and jumping to the hook. For this type of fishing method, it is not so easy to learn the control force, and it is necessary to adapt to local conditions.

Ice fishing

When the waters are covered by snow and ice, fishing requires special skills. Ice fishing leisure generally involves simply digging a hole in the ice and snow, and then you can go fishing; however, like fishing under ice and fishing, it can also be done on thin and transparent ice.

Cast net fishing

Cast net fishing is the preferred method of professional fishermen. However, because fishing nets are more harmful to the ecosystem than hand-held fishing rods, they are generally not suitable for fishing recreation.

Digging clams

Sometimes it can also be called clam digging. Shellfish fishing is to pick clams (edible mollusk bivalves) from under the surface of tidal beach or mud flat. The most common tools used are shovel or fork and rake special for picking clams. .

Sea fishing

The method of fishing along the coast or on a boat. The more common fishing tools are harpoons and lances. Generally mainly throughdivingandSnorkelingCome to fish under the sea.

Trap fishing

In CanadaNova ScotiaLobster trap

Fishing cages made of plants or PET bottles are used to fish on river water. Usually this fishing method can be placed for a period of time, and regularly check whether the capture of aquatic animals (such as: crabs, shrimps, fish, etc.).


Fishing usually andWilderness backpackingandCruising on small shipsThere is a certain correlation; the type of clothes you wear and how many pieces are roughly dependent on your location, season, and type of fishing. When engaged in fishing in the water, you may need to keep your body warm! Except for the hottest weather, the clothes you wear determine the key to fishing. If the temperature changes drastically, please bring a set of warm clothes and cold-proof clothes to ensure that your body will not catch the cold, but this also adds extra weight. On the contrary, wear cool clothes in hot weather, and of course bring warm clothes to cope with the cold at night. Fishing also often represents a relief entertainment away from the pressure of civilization.



Fishing gear, Refers to the equipment used by fishermen when they are fishing. Fishing gear will vary greatly depending on the fishing technique.

Almost any fishing rod or equipment used for fishing can be called fishing gear. There are many kinds of fishing, such as fishing rods, fishing nets, bayonet guns, fishing cages, etc.

The fishing tackle connected to the end of the fishing line is called "end fishing tackle". This includes hooks, plumb bobs, fly fishing, floats, reels and lure rings; and other things used during and after the fishing process, such as fishing line, bait, beads, spoons, blades, and clamps.


See general maritime safety informationWater sports#safety

Safety measures

lie inVietnamTraditional fishing boat
  • When fishing, do pay more attention to the reel of the fishing rod.
  • Before you cast the fishing line (hook), please make sure there are no wires, trees or people behind to avoid danger.
  • Don't leave fishing gear indiscriminately. In order to avoid causing other people to trip, fall, and even cause others to move.
  • When the hook is deeply stuck in the fish's mouth, please do not lift it with your hands. You should use tweezers or disassembly tools and carefully pull out the hook. If you don't do this, you will accidentally insert your hand into the hook.
  • When you want to move fishing gear, please confirm whether there are any dangerous objects (for example: fishing hooks, bayonet guns, harpoons, etc.).

Dress appropriately

  • Whenever you want to go into the water to fish, children should wear a suitable floating equipment (for example: a life jacket); while adults wear floating equipment in the sea or deep seas. In order to avoid the tragedy of drowning in fishing or fishing situations.
  • Pay more attentionSun protection measures! You should apply sunscreen cream on your face, neck and hands to avoid sunburn. The sun’s rays can harm your skin and cause you a painful burn.
  • Put on a hat. The hat can keep the head cool in summer, but in winter it is to avoid the cold wind blowing on the head. In addition to avoiding the sun's direct exposure to human eyes, it can even prevent fish hooks from falling from the sky.
  • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. In addition to protecting your eyes, sunglasses can prevent fish hooks and harmful sun rays; they can even help you clearly see fish and other objects under the water.
  • Whether you are fishing on the shore, on a fishing boat, or by a stream or lake, shoes are always mandatory. On the shore and in the water, some stray hooks, glass, sharp rocks and other objects may cut your bare feet. Another point, the benefits of wearing shoes can prevent slipping.
  • Wear clothes suitable for the day, and prepare a jacket or vest to cope with changes in the weather.


See:Outdoor cookingseafood

Cooking and eating fish can be a great ending in a fishing adventure. You should choose fresh fish to eat.


See:Animal ethics

In many cases, the small fish caught should be returned to the water to maintain ecological sustainability and avoid waste.

If you want to cook, you should cut the fish as fast as possible so that the fish will die without pain (this principle is the same as slaughtering cattle or pigs).


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