Sweden - 瑞典

currencySwedish Krona (SEK)
population9,875,000 (according to 2016 statistics)
Power Systems230V/50Hz (European plug)
country code 46
Time zoneUTC 1
LanguageSwedish, large Finnish speaking minority
Emergency call112
Driving directionright

Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish: Konungariket Sverige) is a Nordic country located in Scandinavia. Its capital is Stockholm. Its westNorway, Northeast andFinlandIt is bordered by the Skagerrak Strait and Kattegat Strait in the southwest, and the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia to the east.SwedenandDenmarkGermanyPolandRussiaLithuaniaLatviawithEstoniaFacing each other across the sea, in the southwest through the Øresund Bridge andDenmarkConnected.



The Kingdom of Sweden is located in Northern Europe and belongs to Scandinavia along with Denmark and Norway. Sweden is a country with a more advanced society and a more developed economy in the modern world. Its early history can be found in Sakya literature, which is also the first literature about the legendary king of Sweden. Although there is no exact record of the time when the kingdom was established, over time, the loosely-connected Viking tribes gradually unified on the land of Sweden. Under the leadership of the great king and general Gustav Adolf II, Sweden entered a period of strong national strength in the 17th century, and its military and political strength reached its peak.


Sweden extends from the Baltic Sea to the Arctic Circle in the north, and lies between Norway and Finland in the five Nordic countries. It is a densely forested country, most of the country is covered by native pine, spruce and birch trees. The east coast of Sweden is rich in fishery resources, which have been the basis for the development of fishery in Sweden from ancient times to the present.


Although Sweden has considerable differences in climate from south to north, its overall climate is surprisingly dry compared to neighboring countries.


Traditionally, Sweden is divided into three regions and subdivided into 25 "provinces" (landskap), which allows the formation of Swedish cultural characteristics. Most provinces have about 20 middle-level administrative districts, namely "counties" (län). The basic administrative district is called a "city" (kommun), and it usually contains a town or city and surrounding rural areas. Some basic administrative regions still retain legal privileges and become autonomous "towns" (stad). Most grassroots administrative districts have their own passenger halls.

Sweden Division
The sparsely populated northern region accounts for more than half of Sweden. There are many wilderness, forests, lakes, large rivers, huge swamps and mountains along the border of Norway, which are very suitable forHikingwithWinter sports
SvealandDalarnaNelcherWemlandSouthmanlandStockholm CountyUppsalaandSimanland
The central part of this country has something likeStockholmUppsalawithOrebroCities and mining and metallurgical remains.
YotaranBlekingeSmolanErlandEast GötlandHaranWest GötlandBuhusandDalsland
For tourists, there are many places of interest in Götaland, such as the medieval city, amusement parks and two large lakes.
Scania (Skåne)
Is Sweden’s granary and the gateway toCentral EuropeThe main point. here hasDenmarkOf the remains.
Once an independent country, it may be the birthplace of the legendary Goths. This limestone island is unlike any other area in Sweden.
Scandinavian Mountains


  • StockholmIt is the capital and largest city of Sweden. It is surrounded by many islands.
  • GothenburgGöteborg) Is Sweden’s second largest city and an industrial city and port on the west coast of Sweden.
  • KarlskronaIt has been a Swedish naval base since the 17th century.
  • KirunaIt is the northernmost city in Sweden, and it is also a very special place, mainly due to huge coal mines, aerospace centers andJukkasjarviKnown as the ice and snow hotel.
  • LinkopingIt is the fifth largest city in Sweden and has a huge university in the city.
  • MalmoIt has 250,000 inhabitants and is connected to the Danish capital through the Øresund Bridge.
  • UmeåIt is the university town of Nordland.
  • UppsalaIt is a beautiful and vibrant city with the heritage of the Viking Age, and it is also the fourth largest city in Sweden.
  • VisbyYesGotlandThe only city on the island is also a commercial center in the Middle Ages. The city walls are impressive.
  • OrebroIt is an industrial city with an impressive medieval castle.

Other destinations

  • 1 Abiscu Abisko on Wikipedia (Northern Sami:Ábeskovvu) Is the northernmost national park in Sweden.
  • 2 Buhus Bohus on WikipediaIt is the most productive fishing ground in Sweden, rich in marine flora and fauna resources.
  • 3 EckerIt is a freshwater island with the royal residence Drottningholm and the Viking-era settlement Birka.
  • 4 Lap Lapu settlement on WikipediaLocated in the Arctic Circle, it is the largest wasteland in Western Europe.
  • 5 Siljansbygdenlie inDalarnaThe city center is the prototype of Swedish folk culture.
  • 6 Stockholm archipelago Stockholm Archipelago on Wikipedia (Swedish:Stockholms skärgård) Contains islands of all sizes and shapes.
  • 7 Ystad Ystad on WikipediaIt is a picturesque seaside town, famous for the Wallander series of works.
  • 8 ÅreIt is one of Sweden’s largest ski resorts, with 44 lifts.
  • 9 Erland Oland on WikipediaIt is the second largest island in Sweden with long sandy beaches.


Entry requirements

Sweden has imposed temporary border control over Denmark. If you are from Denmark, you need a passport or EU/EEA ID card.

Residents of the European Union or the European Economic Area can get permission to work in Sweden without obtaining a visa or other high-level authorization during their 90-day visa-free stay. However, this visa-free work situation does not necessarily apply to all Schengen countries.

Visitors from Norway and Finland can enter Sweden by car, on foot or by boat without inspection as long as they declare that they do not carry certain goods.

Restricted goods include but are not limited to the equivalent of 10,000 euroscashpet, Guns, and wholesale goods. If you bring these items, you should declare them at a toll booth.Swedish customsTull) Is a law enforcement agency with the power of armed arrest.


For inquiries about inbound and outbound flights at Sweden airports and other information, please refer toLuftfartsverket-Swedish Airport and Flight Guidance Service (English)

Main airport:

Small airport:

In Sweden, many airports can passRainbow BusOn arrival, the price is about 70-100 kronor. Copenhagen Airport can be reached by train, see Skånetrafiken


Private car


Passenger ship

Travel around


go sightseeing










Medical treatment



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