Hotel - Albergheria

Hotel house
Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti
Hotel - Location

Hotel house or Albergaria or Royal Palace is a district (mandamento) of the city of Palermo.

To know

It is perhaps the richest district in history of the city in fact it also includes the Royal Palace, which has always been the residence of the kings of Sicily.

Geographical notes

It is delimited by:

  • Via Maqueda
  • Corso Vittorio Emanuele
  • Tukory course
  • Corso Re Ruggiero


In its area the first Phoenicians founded the city and established the first business centers there. Inside ran the Kemonia River, currently underground.

The area, officially called Mandamento Palazzo Reale, is the oldest in the city but in reality the current configuration is due to the Renaissance period, after the cutting of Via Maqueda after which we see great urban and architectural upheavals.

For a long time it was an extremely degraded neighborhood, only in the last decade has it been rediscovered and is being redeveloped.

How to orient yourself

How to get

  • 1 Palazzo Reale-Orleans station. Palazzo Reale-Orleans station on Wikipedia Palazzo Reale-Orleans station (Q3970398) on Wikidata

How to get around

What see


Palatine Chapel
  • unescomain attraction1 Palatine Chapel (called the Chapel of the Palace), Independence Square (Metro line A to the Palazzo Reale-Orleans stop or from the central station bus 109 or free shuttle to the Piazza Indipendenza stop. From Politeama bus 104 or 108 to the Piazza Indipendenza stop). Ecb copyright.svgPalatine Chapel and Royal Apartments: Full € 12, Reduced € 10. Full Palatine Chapel € 10, Reduced € 8 (Jan 2020). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 8: 15-17: 40 (last admission 16:40), Sun and holidays 8: 15-13: 00 (last admission 12:00). It is a three-nave church located inside the Norman Palace. The church dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle was built by King Roger II of Sicily as a private chapel. It was inaugurated in 1143. On the walls there are prodigious cycles of mosaics with episodes from the Old and New Testaments. At the center of the dome the Christ Pantocrator, depicted in blessing with his right hand, with the left holding the book of the Gospels closed, on the sides there are eight archangels. The wooden caisson ceilings have the shape of muqarnas produced by masters of the Fatimid school with zoomorphic and phytomorphic ornaments. Palatine Chapel (Palermo) on Wikipedia Palatine chapel (Q1034853) on Wikidata
Palermo - Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti
  • unesco2 Church and Cloister of San Giovanni degli Eremiti, Via dei Benedettini (near the Norman palace), 39 091 6515019. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 6.00, reduced € 3.00, free for minors, over 65 of the C.E. and school groups by prior arrangement. Simple icon time.svgMonday, Sunday and Midweek holidays from 9.00 to 13.30 ticket office closes at 13.00 Tuesday - Saturday from 9.00 to 19.00 ticket office closes at 18.30. Built in 1136 by King Roger II. The church is built according to the canons of Sicilian-Norman architecture; it is a Romanesque church that externally resembles oriental buildings. This reference to the East is even more emphasized by the bright red domes supposed by the architect Giuseppe Patricolo and which has become typical of the domes of Palermo. The presbytery, ending in a niche, is surmounted by a dome, like that of the two quadrangular bodies that flank it and of which the one on the left rises to a bell tower. The cloister, embellished by a luxuriant garden, is the best preserved part of the primitive monastery; the paired columns with acanthus leaf capitals that support ogival arches with double ferrules stand out for their beauty and lightness. There is also an Arab cistern. Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti on Wikipedia church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti (Q745359) on Wikidata
  • 3 Church of the Gesù (Casa Professa). Church of the Gesù (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of the Gesù (Q654981) on Wikidata
Church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini
  • 4 Church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini, piazza Pretoria, 39 091 331239. Ecb copyright.svgfree offer. Church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini on Wikipedia church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini (Q649685) on Wikidata
  • 5 Church of Sant'Orsola, Via Maqueda 110. Church of Sant'Orsola (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Orsola (Q2223897) on Wikidata
  • 6 Church of the Holy Savior, Corso Vittorio Emanuele. Church of the Santissimo Salvatore (Palermo) on Wikipedia Santissimo Salvatore church (Q2223590) on Wikidata
  • Church of San Michele Arcangelo (church of San Michele de 'Indulciis). Church of San Michele Arcangelo (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Michele Arcangelo (Q55832438) on Wikidata
  • Church of San Leonardo (church of San Leonardo de 'Indulciis or dei Greci). Church of San Leonardo (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Leonardo (Q55832518) on Wikidata
  • Church of Saints Crispino and Crispiniano degli Andalusi.
  • Church of Santa Maria dell'Itria. Church of Santa Maria dell'Itria (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria dell'Itria (Q25300023) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Most Holy Crucifix. Church of the Santissimo Crocifisso (Palermo) on Wikipedia Church of the Most Holy Crucifix (Q71725509) on Wikidata
  • 7 Church of San Demetrio (chapel of Our Lady of the Soledad), Victory Square. Church of San Demetrio (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Demetrius (Q30887637) on Wikidata
  • 8 Church of San Francesco Saverio. Church of San Francesco Saverio (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of San Francesco Saverio (Q2219504) on Wikidata
  • 9 Church of St. George in Kemonia (church of San Giuseppe Cafasso), Via dei Benedettini. St. George's Church in Kemonia on Wikipedia church of San Giorgio in Kemonia (Q1530938) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Annunciation in Porta Montalto.
  • Church of the Compagnia della Santa Spina.
  • Church of San Giovanni Decollato.
  • Church of San Giovanni dell'Origlione. Church of San Giovanni dell'Origlione on Wikipedia church of San Giovanni dell'Origlione (Q24938496) on Wikidata
  • 10 Church of Santa Chiara. Church of Santa Chiara (Palermo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Chiara (Q2222807) on Wikidata
  • Church of Santa Elisabetta (Offices of the Flying Squad).
  • Church of Sant'Agata dei Careri.
  • Church of the Compagnia di Sant'Alberto al Carmine.
  • Church of Sant'Anna alla ruga delli cheese.
  • Church of Sant'Elena e Costantino. Church of Sant'Elena e Costantino on Wikipedia church of Sant'Elena e Costantino (Q20008250) on Wikidata
  • Church of Sant'Isidoro Agricola.
  • 11 Church of the Carmine Maggiore. Church of the Carmine Maggiore on Wikipedia Carmine Maggiore church (Q1043808) on Wikidata
  • Church of Sant'Elena e Costantino. Church of Sant'Elena e Costantino on Wikipedia church of Sant'Elena e Costantino (Q20008250) on Wikidata


  • 12 Carminello Oratory (Oratory of the Carmine Minore). Oratorio del Carminello on Wikipedia oratory of Carminello (Q949812) on Wikidata
  • 13 Oratory of the Ladies (oratory of the Congregation of the Ladies of Giardinello al Ponticello), Via del Ponticello, 39. Oratory of the Ladies on Wikipedia oratory of the Ladies (Q55166381) on Wikidata
  • 14 Oratory of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami. Oratory of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami on Wikipedia oratory of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (Q2028360) on Wikidata
  • 15 Oratory of San Mercurio. Oratory of San Mercurio on Wikipedia oratory of San Mercurio (Q2028364) on Wikidata
  • Oratory of Sant'Alberto.
  • Oratory of the Santissima Annunziata dei Nobili.
  • Oratory of Our Lady of the Refuge of Repentant Sinners.
  • Oratory of Santa Maria Maggiore.


Villa Bonanno
  • 16 Villa Bonanno. Villa Bonanno on Wikipedia Villa Bonanno (Q16621302) on Wikidata
Palace of the Normans
  • unesco17 Palace of the Normans (or Royal Palace), Independence Square (Metro line A to the Palazzo Reale-Orleans stop or bus 109 from the central station or free shuttle to the Piazza Indipendenza stop. From Politeama bus 104 or 108 to the Piazza Indipendenza stop), 39 091 7056001. Ecb copyright.svgPalatine Chapel and Royal Apartments: Full € 12, Reduced € 10 (Jan 2020). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 8: 15-17: 40 (last admission 16:40), Sun and holidays 8: 15-13: 00 (last admission 12:00). The palace is the oldest royal residence in Europe, home to the kings of the Kingdom of Sicily such as Frederick II of Swabia and the historic Sicilian Parliament established in 1130 by the Norman king Roger II and considered among the oldest parliaments in the world. Today theSicilian Regional Assembly. The building stands on pre-existing Phoenician foundations dated between the eighth and fifth centuries BC. The ancient foundation dates back to the Arab era, but it was in the Norman era that the most important architectural transformations took place and which gave shape to the typically style Arab-Norman of the facades.
On the roof of the building there are astronomical domes of the National Institute of Astrophysics, previously it was a Bourbon astronomical observatory where on 1 January 1801 the astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi Ceres the first asteroid discovered there. Palazzo dei Normanni on Wikipedia Palazzo dei Normanni (Q1473825) on Wikidata
Conte Federico Palace
  • 18 Conte Federico Palace, Piazza Conte Federico, 2, 39 091 651 1881, @. Ecb copyright.svgAdults € 10, children € 5. Simple icon time.svgThu-Mar 11: 00-16: 00 (guided tours in Italian and English). It is one of the oldest and most prestigious buildings in Palermo. The building includes an Arab-Norman tower of the twelfth century, placed on the Punic wall of the old city and decorated with two mullioned windows, one Norman and one Aragonese. In the various halls, furnished with original furniture, you can admire the painted wooden coffered ceilings of the fifteenth century, the eighteenth-century frescoes of Vito D'Anna is Gaspare Serenari. Among the various areas of the building, the Dance gallery where is a grand piano that Wagner he played in 1882 while he was staying in Palermo. The building is owned by Count Alessandro Federico and by the family that draws its origins from Frederick of Antioch, one of the emperor's sons Frederick II of Swabia. The building is also used as a hotel. Palazzo Conte Federico on Wikipedia Palazzo Conte Federico (Q22263733) on Wikidata
Comitini Palace
  • 19 Comitini Palace (o Palazzo Gravina di Comitini), Via Maqueda. It was built between 1766 and 1781 by the will of Michele Gravina and Cruillas Principe di Comitini, by the architect Nicolò Palma. In 1931 the third floor was added by the engineer Mario Umiltà. The building finds in the façade the rule of symmetry in the rigorous localization of the two entrances. Inside there are many stuccoes and frescoed ceilings, moreover its rooms host many paintings in particular two paintings by Renato Guttuso ("Landscape" and "Women at the Fountain") inside the Red Room and the Green Room. One is currently the diplomatic headquarters and press office of the Metropolitan City of Palermo. Very interesting are the Chinese-style sitting rooms where there were dozens of porcelain plates embedded in the wooden walls, then replaced by Florio ceramic plates. Equally suggestive is the so-called Martorana Room, named after the painter Gioacchino Martorana to whom we owe the Glory of the Prince on the vault. The floor is a magnificent eighteenth-century Neapolitan majolica. The dressing rooms are attached to what used to be the great princes' alcove, now the metropolitan mayor's room. Palazzo Comitini on Wikipedia Palazzo Comitini (Q2047539) on Wikidata
  • 20 Sclafani Palace. Palazzo Sclafani on Wikipedia Palazzo Sclafani (Q2047617) on Wikidata
  • 21 Alliata Palace of Villafranca. Palazzo Alliata di Villafranca on Wikipedia Palazzo Alliata di Villafranca (Q3889524) on Wikidata


  • Chamber of wonders. Chamber of Wonders (Palermo) on Wikipedia Chamber of Wonders (Q60837038) on Wikidata
  • Statue of Charles V. Statue of Charles V on Wikipedia Statue of Charles V (Q89207694) on Wikidata
  • 22 Marble theater. Marble theater on Wikipedia Marble theater (Q20009481) on Wikidata
  • 23 Montalto gate. Porta Montalto on Wikipedia Porta Montalto (Q2104832) on Wikidata
  • Porta Sant'Agata. Porta Sant'Agata on Wikipedia Porta Sant'Agata (Q3908817) on Wikidata

What to do


  • 1 I'll dance, Via Ballarò. Ballarò (Palermo) on Wikipedia Ballarò (Q3633390) on Wikidata

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 B&B Il Giardino di Ballarò, Via Porta di Castro 75/77, 39 091212215, fax: 39 0917098066. Il Giardino di Ballarò B&B is the best choice for a stay in bed and breakfast in Palermo. Thanks to its unique position in the city center, it allows anyone staying in the structure to visit and experience the historic center of Palermo even on foot. The Cathedral, the Royal Palace with the Palatine Chapel, the Quattro Canti and the other beauties of the Sicilian capital are in fact no more than 600 meters from our B&B. The B&B Il Giardino di Ballarò is also perfectly connected with the main services and transport of Palermo: the Central Station, in turn well connected with the airport and the port of Palermo, is 10 minutes away on foot, as well as the University of Studies and the main hospitals of the city
  • 2 B&B Porta di Castro, Via Porta di Castro, 223 (behind the Norman Palace). It is possible to move to the main points of interest of the city in a few minutes on foot or by metro. Clean, and with all possible comforts in the room, it is furnished in a particular way, each room is different from the others and the charm of the old house is combined with comfort and modernity. Four star hotel.
  • 3 MAD bed & breakfast, Via del Ponticello, 49, 39 3495092985, @. The bedrooms are equipped with en-suite bathroom and all comforts (TV and DVD / blu ray player, air conditioning, heating, wi-fi, safe, kettle ...): the Blu Room is a double bedroom (on request also single use), the Red Room is a double or family room, as it also has a single bed.
  • 4 Ponticello Apartments, Piazza Santissimi Quaranta Martiri al Casalotto 9, 39 091 327511, @. The apartments can accommodate up to four guests.

How to keep in touch

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Hotel house
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