Central Highlands of Vietnam - Altipiani centrali del Vietnam

Central Highlands of Vietnam
Women sailing in the Mekong Delta, near Mỹ Tho
Central Highlands of Vietnam - Location

Central Highlands of Vietnam (Tay Nguyen) is a region Vietnamese.

To know

Major tourist destination of the central highlands is From Lat, a city at 1500 m above sea level and with a climate of eternal spring, a fact that was much appreciated by the French rulers who built villas and hotels there that are still in use today. Excursions to the surrounding valleys, lakes and waterfalls are interesting.

Territories and tourist destinations

This region includes the provinces:

  • Đắk Lắk
  • Đắk Nông
  • Gia Lai
  • Kon Tum
  • Lâm ĐồngFrom Lat, the provincial capital is located at 1500 m above sea level and enjoys a climate of eternal spring, a fact that was much appreciated by the French rulers who built villas and hotels there still in operation. Excursions to the surrounding valleys, lakes and waterfalls are interesting.

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

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