Upper Egypt - Alto Egitto

Upper Egypt
Nubian village in Elephantine Island Aswan.jpg

Upper Egypt (صعيد مصر Sa'id Misr) is a region ofEgypt extending along from the Nile valley, approximately between the cities of Luxor is Aswan, and the historic region of Lower Nubia; characterized by numerous ancient settlements and temple cities that attract thousands of travelers every year.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

The cities of Upper Egypt are accessible either by train or taxi from Luxor (north) or Aswan (south). The journey from one of these cities to the other is very popular among tourists in Egypt, and has greatly improved in recent times as it allows you to stop in one or more temple cities that you meet on the way.

By car

Negotiate with the taxi driver to stop in each of the towns along the way - this is a very common practice and can easily be arranged with some cunning bargaining - but they point out that even though this part of the Nile Valley has never really been threatened violence (unlike in Middle Egypt) - the Egyptian tourist police can however insist that you travel inside a police convoy.

On boat

Alternatively, a Nile felucca cruise between Luxor and Aswan which typically includes stops at one or more of these Upper Egyptian cities.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Upper Egypt
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