Luxor - Luxor

Luxor ·الأقصر
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The town Luxor or el-Uqsur (Arabic:الأقصر‎, al-Uqṣur, in dialect il-U'ṣur spoken; Greek: Thebes; French: Louxor) and their surroundings are the main travel destinations in Upper Egypt. On both sides of the Nils it offers the traveler numerous monuments of the ancient Egypt from the Middle Kingdom to Roman times - temples, palaces, royal and private tombs - for viewing on site and in museums. The monuments of this ancient city belong to Egypt Unesco world heritage sites.

In the field of ancient Thebes the northern neighboring city is located next to Luxor Karnakwhich are both located on the east bank. The Thebes cemetery with the numerous royal and noble graves is located on the west bank, in Thebes West. Travelers are offered numerous hotels, restaurants and activities on water, on land on foot, in quad bikes, on horseback and in the air.


Location and name

Luxor is 712 kilometers south of Cairo and about 61 kilometers south of Qinā. The city lies exclusively on that eastern Bank of the Nile. In the north it goes seamlessly into its neighboring city Karnak above. There are several small villages on the west bank, such as B. Gazīrat el-Ba'īrāt and Sheikh ʿAbd el-Qurna.

Next to the ancient Egyptian crook name Weset is also the name for the city Newt, "The city", handed down. This is certainly where the biblical name comes from No or No-amun emerged (e.g. Close 3,8–10 EU or Ez 30,14–16 EU). The Bible deals with both their situation and their destruction by the Assyrians. The Greeks had two names for this city, Thēbai, Θήβαι, and Diospolis Megalē, Διόσπολις μεγαλή. In Coptic, Egyptian-Orthodox times, it was too Papē, Ⲡⲁⲡⲉ, called. The most important institution on site, the Luxor Temple, bore the name in Pharaonic times Ipet Reset / Resyt, Ipt rst / rsyt, the "southern harem". This information refers to the northern one Karnak temple. Once a year there was a procession of gods, that Opet festival, held between the two temples.

The current name is Arabic. It probably refers to the use of the Luxor Temple as a Roman field camp, Latin: castrum. The high Arabic al-Aqṣur or colloquial el-Uqṣur, ‏الأقصر, "The castles / fortresses" are the rarely used plural of a small number, the pluralis paucitatis, of el-Qaṣr, ‏القصر. In Christian sources, the two number, the dual, el-Uqṣurein, ‏الأقصرين, Which refers to the two temples of Karnak and Luxor.


City map of Luxor

The beginnings of the city lie in the dark or under the modern buildings and the meter-high settlement layers of the past centuries and millennia. The Luxor Temple and the Avenue of Sphinxes, the main attractions of the city, are now about 2 meters below the level of the city. The city's beginnings go back to pre-Pharaonic times. The earliest traces of settlement come from the area of ​​today's village eṭ-Ṭārif on the west bank, where flint tools and artefacts and several thousand ceramic shards were found that date back to the 6th millennium BC. Go back BC.[1]

The area of ​​today's Luxor belonged in Pharaonic times to the 4th Upper Egyptian, the Theban Gau, ancient Egyptian: Waset, W3st. This Gau was first in the Old Kingdom, in the 4th Dynasty, on a three-man statue of the king Mykerinos called with this god god.[2] The administrative center of this district was at that time, however, further south in Hermonthis, today's Armantwhere the god of war Month was worshiped. Some princes from the Old Kingdom are also known for their graves.

At the end of the Old Kingdom and in the first interim period, however, this center shifted to the north. The area of ​​today's Luxor was part of the ancient Thebes and included the present-day cities of Luxor and Karnak on the east side of the Nile and the extensive cemeteries on the West bank about south of eṭ-Ṭārif to after el-Malqaṭa. The princes of the 11th dynasty called Antef / Intef and the Mentuhotep kings of the 12th dynasty, whose name may be derived from Hermonthis or Madu, today's el-Madāmūd, were able to extend their sphere of influence far to the south and north. They moved their imperial capital to it Itj-taui, today's el-Lischt. Thebes with its local god Amun was already an important religious center at this time. The earliest building certificates in Luxor come from the king Sobekhotep II from the 13th dynasty. The fragments of his buildings were rebuilt in the Luxor temple.

In the second interim, the Hyksos, Immigrants from ancient Syria or Palestine, new rulers as far as Thebes. The Theban princes of the 17th Dynasty, so i.a. Kamose and his brother Ahmose I., took up the fight against the rule of Hyksos and were able to win it. Ahmose's son, Amenhotep I., now ruled over a united country again. In the New Kingdom, whose founder was Amenhotep I, Egypt flourished again. The imperial capital was now moved to Thebes, and Thebes became an important religious center of that time - with the exception of the Amarna time under the king Akhenaten. Probably instead of earlier sanctuaries, the Luxor temple or parts of it was under Hatshepsut, Thutmose III., Amenhotep III, Tutankhamun and Ramses ii built.

In the Third Intermediate Period, Thebes lost its importance. The imperial capitals of the new rulers were moved back to the north of the country. 669 BC The Assyrians fell under Azarhaddon in Egypt a. 652 BC Could Ashurbanipal also conquer Thebes and let it devastate.

In Roman times, Thebes belonged to the Roman province of Thebais. An army camp was set up in the Luxor Temple. The temple itself was used for administration, for the imperial cult and the storage of military insignia, while the camps were set up outside the temple in the east and west. According to the Roman State Manual Notitia dignitatum here come the units of Equites Sagittarii Indigenae, the Legio Tertia Diocletiana or the Cohors Septima Francorum in question.

With the soldiers, Christianity also came to Luxor, while the place itself was still pagan. This can be done e.g. B. can be seen at the churches north of the entrance pylon and west of the temple. Another church is also said to be located below the Abū-’l-Haggāg Mosque. These churches date to around the 7th century. Christian martyrs were handed down as early as the beginning of the 4th century AD, and shortly after 325 there was the first diocese here. Not only in Luxor itself, but also on the west bank, in Armant, Qifṭ and Qūṣ there were large Christian communities in the centuries that followed.

Since the 9th century there have been descriptions of cities by Islamic historians and geographers who, with the exception of the Colossi of Memnon, take no notice of the sites on the west bank. For example, reported B. the Egyptian historian Ibn Duqmāq (1349-1407) about the two temple complexes on site.[3] Luxor was known for its agricultural products such as grapes.

In Muslim sources, but also by the Coptic writer Abū el-Makārim, Beginning of the 13th century, according to tradition Abū Ṣāliḥ the Armenian, however, there are no references to Christianity. Abū el-Makārim said little about Luxor:

“Luxor. In front of the gate of this city [the entrance pylon of the Luxor temple] there are idols who stand like a castle. Some of them are in the shape of lions or rams, they stand on their feet in two rows, on the right and on the left. They were [carved] from hard black stone that was polished. There are also countless great idols made of hard black stone within the city. "[4]

However, the Arab historians were much more interested in the most important Islamic saint of this city, Sīdī Abū el-Ḥaǧǧāǧ Yūsuf bin ʿAbd er-Raḥīm el-Quraschī el-Uqṣurī (d. 642 AH = 1244 AD), derived from the Moroccan Ceuta, Arabic: Sabta, came from and was praised for his miracles. His son Aḥmad built the tomb mosque for himself and his father over the Luxor temple.

First news of Luxor brought the two Capuchin monks Protais and Charles François to Europe in 1668, who described Christian houses and the Luxor temple.[5] These reports also resulted in the Catholic Church's interest in Luxor growing since the 18th century. A Franciscan monastery was built on site in 1731, and other Christian religious communities followed.

Scientists carried out extensive research at the end of the 18th century as part of the Napoleon expedition. Further expeditions followed. In 1881, the excavation work began on the Luxor Temple, which was still inhabited at that time. The city now also became increasingly a tourist destination. With paddle steamers and later trains, travelers were able to reach Luxor quite comfortably as early as the 19th century - the tourism pioneer Thomas Cook (1808–1892) already offered package tours for Luxor. Since 1958, the Luxor Temple has been fully accessible after the first pylon was fully exposed. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Sphingenallee has also been increasingly exposed. Unfortunately, some parts of the city north of the Luxor Temple were also torn down.

Given the large number of pharaonic monuments, it is not surprising that tourism is the most important industry today - it generates around 85 percent of the city's economic output.

In the meantime, Luxor has also become a popular adopted home for European, mainly British emigrants, so-called expatriates, and are thus fulfilling their not so easy dream of being away from home. With their own experiences they also contribute to the revitalization of tourism e.g. B. in gastronomy.


The Luxor train station is only 600 meters from the hotel Luxor temple away. The Bahnhofsstraße leads from the train station, in Arabic:شارع المحطة‎, Shāriʿ al-Maḥa .a, in a north-westerly direction and after 500 meters you will come to a small roundabout to the east behind the Luxor Temple. From here leads the Karnak Temple St.,شارع معبد الكرنك‎, Shāriʿ Maʿbad al-Karnak, north to Karnak temple. Suq St.,شارع السوق‎, Shari'as-Sūq, in a north-northeast direction through the tourist market.

From the roundabout mentioned, a road leads in a south-westerly direction around the temple and ends in the Niluferstraße, the Corniche,الكورنيش‎, al-Kūrnaish, a. The Corniche also leads to the Karnak Temple. From the southern end of the Luxor Temple, it continues about 500 meters in a south-south-west direction and then meets the roundabout in front of the Iberotel. The immediate continuation of the Corniche is then the Khalid / Chalid ibn el-Walid St.,شارع خالد بن الوليد‎, Shāriʿ Chālid bin al-Walīdwhich now no longer runs along the bank. Most of Luxor's hotels, restaurants and shops are located on Chalid ibn el-Walid St.

From the roundabout at the Iberotel, Salah el-Din St.,شارع صلاح الدين‎, Shārīʿ Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn, to the east and after 450 meters you will reach Salah el-Din Square,ميدان صلاح الدين‎, Mīdān Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn. This is where the Television St. begins,شارع تليفزيون‎, Shāri Tilīfizyūnwhich leads in a south-southeast direction.

getting there

By plane

Luxor International Airport

The 1 Luxor AirportWebsite of this institutionFlughafen Luxor International in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaFlughafen Luxor International im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsFlughafen Luxor International (Q1347322) in der Datenbank Wikidata(IATA: LXR) can be taken from Cairo by flight EgyptAir can be achieved. Numerous charter airlines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland also fly directly to Luxor; with them there is also a flight from or to important seaside resorts Red sea possible. One-day tours with EgyptAir from Cairo to Luxor are also possible.

The price for a taxi from the airport to the center of Luxor is around LE 150, depending on the location of the hotels (as of 2019). Guide prices can be requested at the airport.

By train

Luxor train station

Luxor is on the railway line Cairo-Minyā-Luxor-Edfu-Aswan. The 2 Luxor train stationBahnhof Luxor im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsBahnhof Luxor (Q3096915) in der Datenbank Wikidata(25 ° 41 ′ 47 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 41 ″ E) is located in the city center, about 600 meters east of the Luxor Temple. There is a tourist information office to the northwest outside the train station.

Air-conditioned express trains run around three times a day. Tickets are relatively easy to buy because the staff understands English. Tickets for the air-conditioned express trains are also a reservation ticket, i.e. only valid for the selected train. The prices are affordable even in the first class. In the case of heavily frequented trains such as night trains, it is advisable to sell tickets several days in advance.

Tourists can use the following so-called "protected trains" (status 2/2005): Luxor–Cairo (9:15 am (train 981), 8:55 pm (train 1903) and 11:10 pm (train 997), travel time: 10 hours, fares: 1st class: LE 90; 2nd class: LE 40 (stand 3 / 2008) and Luxor–Aswan (07:15 (train 996), 09:25 (train 1902) and 17:10 (train 980), travel time: 3 hours, fares: 1st class: LE 41; 2nd class: LE 25. Only the train on early morning to Cairo (9:15 am) also stops in el-Balyanā (Train station near the temple of Abydos 10 km away). The fare for this is LE 29 (1st class) or LE 13 (2nd class).

The Luxor – Cairo trains also stop in Sōhāg (LE 41 (1st class), LE 26 (2nd class)) or Asyut (LE 50 (1st class), around LE 30 (2nd class), as of 3/2008).

With the Watania Sleeping Trains, formerly Egypt Abela Corp., you can travel from Luxor to Cairo in a sleeper train. Departure times are 7:40 p.m. (train 83), 11 p.m. (train 87) and 11:30 p.m. (train 85). The fares are very high and must be paid in cash: $ 120 in a single compartment, $ 100 in a double compartment, $ 85 for children aged four to nine (as of 1/2015).

The trains, especially those coming from Cairo, have some considerable delays (several hours). This also applies to sleeper trains. It therefore makes no sense to buy the ticket at the counter. You usually choose the first train that comes and pay on the train. The surcharge is LE 6.

In the street

Cairo721 km
Qinā61 km
Esna54 km
Edfu105 km
Kom Ombo164 km
Aswan208 km

Luxor is connected to the highway 2, Cairo-Aswan, which bypasses the city extensively in the east. In the area south of Luxor 3 Nile bridge(25 ° 38 '11 "N.32 ° 35 ′ 31 ″ E) one branches off from the trunk road to the more westerly road. Between Luxor and Karnak the road leads westwards and ends at 4 25 ° 41 ′ 34 ″ N.32 ° 40 ′ 51 ″ E back on the Autobahn 2.

The arrival and departure after Aswan and Hurghada can take place between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. without a convoy. At night you have to rely on a chargeable convoy.

By bus

Luxor can also be reached by bus from various regions. The new 5 Bus station(25 ° 40 ′ 0 ″ N.32 ° 41 ′ 4 ″ E), Arabic:الموقف الجديد‎, al-Mauqif al-Hadid, the Upper Egypt Travel line is located near the airport. The cost of traveling by taxi makes a bus trip over short distances less attractive. Offices of Upper Egypt Travel and SuperJet are located south of the train station.

Upper Egypt Travel served de facto only two lines: buses run over at 8:15 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm Qinā (Fare: LE 5, as of 3/2008), Safāgā (LE 20), Hurghada (LE 32) Sue (LE 60). The 7:00 p.m. bus goes to Cairo (LE 90), the 8 p.m. bus to after Port Said (LE 70) further. Sōhāg can be reached via Qinā, near the bus station there is a train station for shared taxis to Sōhāg. Buses to Quseir and Marsa Alam depart Qift (11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., fare LE 8 or LE 15).

At 07:00 and 15:30 there are buses from Luxor to Aswan (LE 15). The 7 o'clock bus runs at least on Fridays Not.

Only as many passengers as there are places are transported. In the case of long journeys, it is advisable to purchase tickets in advance at least one day in advance.

The ticket office and bus station are located north of the train station 6 Go bus, ‏جو باص. With simple buses you can, among other things. to Cairo (twice a day, 7:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 hours, LE 255) and Hurghada (once a day, 8 a.m., 5 hours, LE 135) (as of 4/2020).

With service taxis and microbuses

Once a week you can travel to Sudan in a luxurious and “stylish way” on the steamship.

There are two stops for service taxis and microbuses:

  • The 7 West bus station(25 ° 40 ′ 48 ″ N.32 ° 38 '34 "E.), Arabic:الموقف الغرب‎, al-Mauqif al-gharb, for trips to the west bank, e.g. to Armant.
  • The new bus station (Arabic:الموقف الجديد‎, al-Mauqif al-Hadid), see above.

It happens that the drivers refuse to take foreigners with them due to an official decree.

By boat

Luxor is the starting point or end point of Nile cruises, mostly from or to Aswan, less often from and to Cairo. If you want to travel in style like in the 19th century, you can still do so today with the paddle steamer "S / S Sudan". In addition, one-day cruises are also available Dendera and Abydos offered.

A booking for a cruise is also possible on site. Both hotels and travel agencies offer cruises here. One possibility is to negotiate directly with the managers or the reception of the cruise ships in the morning if possible and to receive a cheaper offer, which promises success, especially with underutilized ships. The cost of one night for a double cabin is on the order of $ 60 on a three-star ship and about $ 80 on a five-star ship.


In the street

The road between Luxor, north of the Luxor Temple, and Karnak along the Nile no longer exists. It had to make way for the new Corniche, which is only accessible to pedestrians.

On foot

Hotels and sights are located in a very small space, so that exploration is also possible on foot.

With boats, ships and ferries

A Passenger ferry connects east bank (jetty near the entrance to Luxor Temple, 8 25 ° 42 ′ 6 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 20 ″ E) and west bank in Gazīrat er-Ramla (Dock near the shared taxi station, 9 25 ° 42 ′ 18 ″ N.32 ° 38 '8 "E). The fare is LE 5 (as of 11/2018).

Nile trips with a Felucca or with a motorboat are offered by numerous local boat tours (see also under activities).

By bicycle

There is a bicycle rental service in numerous places. The rental fee is around LE 20 per day (as of 3/2015).

Carriage rides

In front of hotels and the sights, owners of horse-drawn cabs offer their services. A one-hour journey costs around LE 20 to LE 30 (as of 3/2015).

With the taxi

There are plenty of taxis available in Luxor.

Taxis are very expensive in Luxor by Egyptian standards. The costs for a short distance in Luxor are LE 10 to LE 20, for the trip to the airport LE 30–50 (as of 3/2010). As in many other "exotic" countries - and also for trips with the horse-drawn carriages that are common there - the fare should in front The start of the journey can be negotiated, whereby haggling, bargaining - including leaving and asking about the next taxi - are definitely appropriate in Egypt. If no fare is agreed, the taximeter should be switched on during the journey, but you have to check this yourself.

With the microbus

If you know the routes, you can get through Luxor or Karnak by microbus very cheaply. A trip costs LE 1.5 (as of 12/2018).

Tourist Attractions


New Corniche in Luxor

The Corniche between Luxor and Karnak is ideal for a stroll. In the area of ​​the Luxor Temple and the Winter Palace Hotel, it is an approximately four meter wide footpath with trees and benches. The Corniche is bordered by a metal fence towards the Nile. There are shopping streets and boat docks below the Corniche.

The area north of the Luxor Temple to Karnak has been redesigned. The road was also blocked for this purpose. Here the path now runs between extensive green spaces with roofed wooden benches and stone sculptures as well as a shopping street.

Luxor temple

Statue of Ramses ’II in the Temple of Luxor
Top attraction1  Luxor temple (معبد الأقصر, Maʿbad al-Uqṣur). Luxor-Tempel in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaLuxor-Tempel im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsLuxor-Tempel (Q319841) in der Datenbank Wikidata.The temple of the Theban triad Amun, Mut and Chons was largely built under Amenhotep III. and Ramses II erected. The entrance to the temple is now on its east side.Open: Daily, May to September 6 am to 8 pm, from July 1, 2015 until 9 pm, October to April 6 am to 9 pm.Price: LE 160, for students LE 80 (as of 11/2019).Unesco World Heritage Sites in Africa(25 ° 42 ′ 0 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 21 ″ E)

An obelisk and monumental statues of this ruler stand in front of the entrance pylon with his depictions of the battle of Ramses ’II. The temple could be accessed via an avenue of sphinxes from Karnak temple can be achieved from. Behind the pylon you get to the Ramses ’II courtyard. Immediately on the right is the barque shrine of Hatshepsut and Thotmosis’ III. The Abū ’l-Haggāg Mosque rises on the pillars of the courtyard on the left. On the right back wall of the courtyard is a procession of Amun to his temple during the Opet festival. This is followed by the colonnade hall with its two rows of seven columns each, which were built under Amenhotep III. was erected. It was decorated with scenes from the procession during the Opet festival under Tutankhamun. The large, open courtyard of Amenhotep III closes. at.

Via the Hypostyle Hall with its eight columns in four rows you can reach the imperial cult room of the Roman tetrarch who is in office on site. Paintings of Roman emperors are attached to the walls and in the niche, the apse. The still heard suggestion that this is a church is absolutely wrong. There are simply too many people in the picture for the Lord's Supper to be shown on the left. A small passage in the apse leads to the four-column hall and the sanctuary of the Amuns barge, which was built under Alexander the great. To the east of the four-column hall is the so-called birth hall. In the representations, the rule of Amenhotep III. legitimized by his divine descent, because he himself did not come from the main line of the royal family. His father was Thutmose IV., But his mother was only the concubine Mutemwia, who was only born when Amenhotep III ascended the throne. received the title of queen. From here you can also reach the southern rooms of the temple.

Numerous depictions of battles have been affixed to the western outer walls of the colonnade hall and the courtyard of Ramses ’II. East of the court of Amenhotep III. Building fragments were exhibited that date back to the Greco-Roman period.

Sphinx avenue

Sphinx avenue north of the Luxor Temple

A 2 Sphinx avenueSphingenallee im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsSphingenallee (Q47290440) in der Datenbank Wikidata, ‏طريق أبو الهول‎, Ṭarīq Abū al-Haul / al-Hōl, „Path of the "Father of Terror"“, Connects the Luxor temple with the Karnak Temple. The avenue, which was once built over long stretches, has been excavated and archaeologically examined in recent years. However, this work is not yet complete. The southern end of the avenue is easy to see when visiting the Luxor Temple. You can walk down this avenue and make it out easily from elevated points or road crossings. However, many sphinxes have been badly affected by the modern development.

The idea of ​​being able to reach both temples via this avenue of sphinxes will probably not be feasible for a long time.


Luxor Museum

That opened in 1975 Top attraction3 Luxor MuseumLuxor-Museum in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaLuxor-Museum im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsLuxor-Museum (Q319841) in der Datenbank Wikidata(25 ° 42 ′ 27 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 41 ″ E), ‏متحف الأقصر‎, Matḥaf al-Uqṣur, Tel .: (0) 95 238 0269, 237 0569 (Director), located halfway between the city center and the Temple of Karnak on the Corniche el-Nil. It houses a high-quality collection, particularly of local Egyptiaca. The museum, which is now divided into three parts, presents exhibits from the 12th dynasty to the Coptic period in the main collection. A second part in the basement is dedicated to the statuary finds from the statue hiding place of the Luxor Temple from 1989. In the newly built museum annex, the exhibition “Thebes Glory” was opened on May 19, 2004, in which the successes of the ancient Egyptian Army in the New Kingdom are discussed. The pieces date from the 17th to the 19th dynasty, including the so-called Kamosestele and the mummies of Ahmose and presumably that of Ramses I. Both mummies had been brought from Cairo to Luxor by boat two months beforehand. The museum has a souvenir shop. Opening times: October to April, 9 am to 1 pm and 4 pm to 9 pm, May to September, 9 am to 1 pm and 5 pm to 10 pm. Admission price: LE 140, students LE 70, photo ticket LE 50 (without flash, as of 11/2019).

The 1997 opened 4 Mummification MuseumMumifizierungsmuseum in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaMumifizierungsmuseum im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsMumifizierungsmuseum (Q3330049) in der Datenbank Wikidata(25 ° 42 ′ 10 ″ N.32 ° 38 '24 "E), ‏متحف التحنيط‎, Matḥaf at-Taḥnīṭ, is located below the Corniche el-Nil in the confluence area of ​​the Montaza St. Display boards and a small collection of statuettes of the gods of the dead, tools and embalming material, canopic jugs, shabtis, amulets, animal mummies, several coffins, including that of a Padiamun, and the mummy of the high priest Masaherta from the 21st dynasty illustrate the practice of mummification. The museum has a cafeteria. Opening times: October to April, 9 am to 1 pm and 4 pm to 9 pm, May to September, 9 am to 1 pm and 5 pm to 10 pm. Admission price: LE 100, for students LE 50 (status 11/2019), photo ticket LE 50 (without flash, status 11/2019).

Luxor Heritage Center

The 5 Luxor Library and Heritage Center(25 ° 42 '36 "N.32 ° 38 '57 "E.) in Karnak Temple St. houses a public library and a hall for the 40-minute multimedia panorama show Culturama, in which the Egyptian history between the pharaohs and modern times is presented. Open daily except Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., admission LE 10. The rarely visited Culturama must be booked in advance, tel. 0122 907 6243, and paid for separately.


The small one is located in the northeast of the Luxor temple complex, raised in the first courtyard Top attraction6 Abū-’l-Ḥaggāg MosqueAbū-’l-Ḥaggāg-Moschee in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaAbū-’l-Ḥaggāg-Moschee im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsAbū-’l-Ḥaggāg-Moschee (Q2635269) in der Datenbank Wikidata(25 ° 42 ′ 0 ″ N.32 ° 38 '23 "E), ‏مسجد أبي الحجاج الأقصري‎, Masǧid Abī al-Ḥaǧǧāǧ al-Uqṣurīwho carried the bones of the local saint of the same name (d. 642 AH = 1244 AD) and that houses his son Aḥmad. It is the most important Islamic attraction in the city. On the anniversary of Abū ’l-Ḥaggāg, he is commemorated with a great barque procession through the city, just as the ancient Egyptians did with the barque of Amun. The mosque can be entered from the east side.

You get to the room with the cenotaphs of both deceased and the three-aisled mosque adjoining it in the west. During the last restoration, which was completed in 2009, some capitals and architraves with their pharaonic inscriptions were exposed. In the southwest is the minaret of this mosque.

The 7 minaret, ‏المئذنة الفاطمية‎, al-Miʾdhana al-Fāṭimīya, in the northeast of the mosque does not belong to it, but was already earlier in Fatimid times at the time of de facto Regents Badr el-Ǧamālī († 1094), probably before 474 AH, 1081/1082, built from adobe bricks. The minaret is about 30 meters high and consists of two segments. The lower part is square, about 4 meters wide and tapers towards the top. This lower part is followed by a round tower section that also tapers towards the top, is around 14 meters high and has a diameter of 3.2 meters at the lower end. There are windows in the area of ​​the spiral staircase and at the upper end of this part of the tower. A dome forms the top of the minaret.

East side of the Abū ’l-Haggāg Mosque
Inside the Abū ’l-Haggāg Mosque
Aḥmad Nagm Mosque

A few meters to the northeast is still the 8 Aḥmad Nagm Mosque, Arabic:مسجد أحمد النجم‎, Masǧid Aḥmad Naǧm. The Corniche is located just north of the Luxor Conference Center 9 es-Sayid-Yusuf-el-Haggagi mosque, ‏مسجد السيد يوسف الحجاجي‎.


Christianity has been present with church buildings since its early days. For example, the remains of five churches were found on the site of the Luxor Temple. In particular, the ruins on the west side of the temple can still be studied today.

Otherwise, the church buildings in Luxor are more recent. On the west side of Karnak Temple St. three churches can be made out: the Catholic one 10 Franciscan Church of St. family, ‏كنيسة العائلة المقدسة, South of the Emilio Hotel, to which a mission school is attached, a reformed one 11 presbyterian church at the intersection with Labib Habachi St. and the Coptic 12 Church of St. Maria(25 ° 42 ′ 20 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 41 ″ E), ‏كنيسة السيدة العذراء‎, Kanīsat as-Saiyida al-ʿaḏrāʾ, at the intersection with Tutankhamun St. In the case of the latter church, the three-aisled hall church with an iconostasis on its east side can be reached via a courtyard.

Entrance to the Church of St. Maria
North side of the Church of St. Antony
Interior of the Church of St. Antony
Nave of the Church of St. Maria
Entrance to the Church of St. Antony
Iconostasis of the Church of St. Antony

The new one is being built north of the station 13 Cathedral for the Archangel Michael, Arabic:كاتدرائية الملاك ميخائيل‎, Kātidrāʾīyat al-Malāk Mīchāʾīl.

The is a bit out of the way 14 Church of St. Antony(25 ° 41 ′ 57 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 51 ″ E), Arabic:كنيسة القديس أنطونيوس‎, Kanīsat al-Qiddīs Anṭūniyūs, in the district east of the railway line. Follow the Yusif Hassan street past the Emilio Hotel to the level crossing. Immediately after the crossing, turn to the north and take the third side street to the east. A wooden door leads to the three-aisled interior, on the east side of which is the iconostasis. The church is named after St. Anthony the Great (* around 251 in Kome (Middle Egypt), † 356 Mount Kolzim near the Red Sea), who lived as a hermit in the Western Desert and is considered the first Christian monk. At the age of 20 he gave away his worldly possessions and from then on lived in solitude. It is reported that St. Antony St. Paul of Thebes is said to have buried with the help of two lions.

Further south there is also the 15 Church of St. George(25 ° 41 ′ 22 ″ N.32 ° 38 '50 "E), Arabic:كنيسة القديس مارجرجس‎, Kanīsat al-Qiddīs Mār Girgis.

Historic hotels

Winter Palace Hotel

Luxor has two early, now historic, hotels.

On the one hand, this is the (old) Winter Palace Hotel, ‏لوكاندة ونتر بالاس‎, Lūkānda Winter Bālās, with its large garden on the Corniche, which was built in 1886.

Another hotel is this Luxor Hotel, das sich im Osten des Luxor-Tempels befindet. Es ist das älteste Hotel der Stadt, besitzt aber nicht die Berühmtheit des Winter Palace Hotels.

Old town

Insbesondere im Norden von Luxor sind noch Teile der Altstadt und einige kolonialzeitliche Bauten erhalten. Ein Teil dieser Gebäude ist aber für die Freilegung der Sphingenallee zwischen dem Luxor- und dem Karnak-Tempel bereits abgerissen worden.

Andere Ausflugsziele

The 1 Brooke-Tierklinik(25° 41′ 29″ N32° 39′ 6″ O) dient in erster Linie der Behandlung von Pferden, Eseln und Maultieren. Die 1966 eingerichtete Klinik von ist eine der bedeutenderen des Kliniknetzwerkes. 2006 wurde die Klinik nach Nag' el-Chataba außerhalb der Stadt verlegt. Es kann von interessierten Besuchern aufgesucht werden; Oktober bis April 8–13:30 Uhr und 16–18 Uhr, Mai bis September 08–13:30 Uhr und 18–20 Uhr. Auch wenn der Eintritt frei ist, sind Spenden zur Unterstützung der Arbeit der Tierklinik gern gesehen.



Hot air balloon at takeoff

There is the possibility of the Theban west bank by Top-AktivitätHot air balloon to explore. Die Fahrt beginnt ungefähr vor dem Tempel der Hatschepsut und dauert etwa 45 Minuten. Der üblicherweise im Sommer von Norden kommende Wind treibt den Ballon nach Süden: Sie überfahren Qurna, das Ramesseum, Medinet Habu und Malqata. Die Fahrt kostet ab 90 Euro, inbegriffen sind Abholung vom Hotel und Nilüberquerung. Im Winterhalbjahr kommt der Wind häufig aus Nordwest, die Fahrt kann so über den Nil und über den Süden von Luxor gehen. Gestartet wird am frühen Morgen gegen 6 Uhr, wenn sich das Gelände noch nicht so sehr aufgeheizt hat.

Fahrten mit Heißluftballons sind in Ägypten bisher nur in Luxor möglich.

Nach mehreren Unfällen zwischen 2006 bis 2009 wurden die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zwar verschärft. Aber die Bedingungen, unter denen eine Landung erfolgen kann, können nicht immer vorausgesagt werden. Deshalb sollte man möglichst auf Unternehmen mit erfahrenen Piloten zurückgreifen. Insbesondere bei starkem Wind kann es passieren, dass Flüge abgesagt werden. Im Interessen der eigenen Sicherheit sollte man nicht versuchen, dann unbedingt mit anderen Unternehmen fahren zu wollen. Ein Verkaufsbüro in einem Hotel muss nicht unbedingt bedeuten, dass ein Unternehmen gut ist, es bedeutet nur, dass es wohl zahlungskräftig ist.

Es gibt mehrere Anbieter vor Ort, häufig mit Niederlassungen in den Hotels. Die bei Reiseunternehmen bevorzugten Unternehmen sind HodHod Soliman und Magic Horizon:


Nil bei Luxor
Graufischer bei Luxor

Sowohl von Luxor als auch von Gazīrat er-Ramla auf dem Westufer aus lassen sich Bootstouren entlang des Nils unternehmen. Both motor boats and feluccas are available for this. The costs are around LE 40 per hour. Tours that are organized from hotels are sometimes considerably more expensive. Ziel könnte z. B. die im Süden von Luxor gelegene 16 Bananeninsel(25° 40′ 13″ N32° 37′ 34″ O) be. There are also day trips with motor boats to the Temple of Dendara offered.


Die späten Nachmittagsstunden lassen sich im Süden der Stadt zur Vogelbeobachtung nutzen. Mit einem Motorboot nähert man sich möglichst leise den Inseln im Nil oder den Uferbereichen. Es lassen sich u. a. Reiher, Schwalben, Ibisse, Nektarvögel, Eisvögel, Grasmücken und Kappenschmätzer beobachten.

Mūlid des Abū ’l-Haggāg

Einmal im Jahr, und zwar etwa zwei Wochen vor dem Beginn des Fastenmonats Ramadan, wird das 13-tägigen Mulid, ein Fest zu Ehren des Geburtstages des Abū ’l-Haggāg veranstaltet. Den Abschluss bildet eine etwa zweitägige, farbenfrohe Bootsprozession vom Luxor-Tempel über die Corniche zum Karnak-Tempel. In der Prozession werden auch die Kenotaphe der verstorbenen Sippenmitglieder mitgeführt, natürlich unmittelbar gefolgt von den männlichen Nachkommen. Zu diesen Feierlichkeiten reisen alljährlich etwa anderthalb Millionen Besucher aus ganz Ägypten an.

2021 findet/fand diese Prozession am 31. März statt (1. Ramadan = 13. April 2021). Der Termin verschiebt sich alljährlich um zehn bis elf Tage nach vorn. 2022 wird die Prozession etwa am 21. März stattfinden.

Weitere Ereignisse


  • Ein öffentliches 1 Schwimmbad mit Sprungturm, der Social and Sport Club, befindet sich in der Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid zwischen dem Hotels Sonesta St. George und Meridien. Es ist täglich zwischen 9:00 bis 19:00 Uhr geöffnet. Die zweistündige Nutzung des Bades kostet Ausländern LE 10, Einheimischen LE 6 (Stand 8/2006).
  • Etwas nördlich östlich hinter der Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid befindet sich der 2 el-Madina-Club(25° 41′ 20″ N32° 38′ 6″ O), Arabic:نادي المدينة المنورة‎, Nādī al-Madīna al-Munauwira, mit einem kleinen Rummel.
  • An der Corniche, südlich des Winter Palace Hotels, befindet sich der Ruderclub 3 Luxor Rowing Club.

Quadbiking, Reiten

Reiten siehe unter Gazīrat el-Baʿīrāt and Gazīrat er-Ramla, Quadbiking unter Madīnat Hābū. Beide Dörfer befinden sich auf dem Westufer.



Der neuen Touristenbasar
Auf dem Suq von Luxor
  • 1  Savoy Mall (مول سافوي, Mūl Sāvūi) (nordöstlich des Luxor-Tempels, westlich des Queens Valley Hotel). Die Mall war als Ersatz für Restaurants und Geschäfte, die einst östlich hinter dem Luxor-Tempel gelegen waren, vorgesehen. Ist aber recht abgelegen und kaum bekannt.(25° 42′ 13″ N32° 38′ 34″ O)
  • 2  Neuer Basar (östlich des Luxor-Tempels). Diese Basar-Straße befindet sich im Osten der Karnak Temple St. und verläuft etwa parallel zu dieser. Sie beginnt am Schnittpunkt von Schari' Mahatta (Bahnhofsstraße) und Karnak Temple St. Dieser neu gestaltete Basar bedient hauptsächlich die Bedürfnisse der Touristen und ersetzt den Basarbereich östlich des Luxor-Tempels.(25° 42′ 4″ N32° 38′ 32″ O)

Bücher, Postkarten usw.

Schmuck usw.


  • 9  Aisha Handcrafts (بازار عائشة, Bāzar ʿĀʾischa), Sh. Youssef Hassan (gegenüber dem Eingang vom Emilio Hotel). Beduinen- und orientalische Handwerksarbeite.Geöffnet: Täglich außer freitags 10:30–14:30 Uhr und 18:30–22:30 Uhr.(25° 42′ 9″ N32° 38′ 35″ O)
  • Fair Trade Center, Luxor Outlet, Karnak Temple St. (östlich hinter dem Luxor-Tempel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 0870, Mobile: 20 (0)100 034 7900, (0)100 659 0103, Email: . Verkauf ägyptischer Handwerksprodukte.Geöffnet: Täglich von 09:00 bis 22:30 Uhr.
  • Habiba Gallery of Handcraft and Cotton, Sidi Mahmoud St. (El Souk, südlich Sahaby Lane). Tel.: 20 (0)95 235 7305, Mobile: 20 (0)100 124 2026, Email: . Linda, die australische Eigentümerin, und ihre Mitarbeiter verkaufen Handwerksprodukte wie Textilien, Metallapplikationen, Holzarbeiten, Beduinentrachten und Handtaschen.



Nach der Januar-Revolution 2011 ist der Tourismus in weiten Teilen Ägyptens eingebrochen. Es ist damit zu rechnen, dass viele Gaststätten und Hotels ihren Betrieb zeitweilig oder ganz eingestellt haben.

In vielen Fällen ist die Steuer (etwa 22 %) in den Preisen auf den Speisekarten nicht ausgewiesen!


  • 1  Abu Ashraf Restaurant & Koschari, Schari' Mahatta (Bahnhofsstraße) (Südseite der Schari' Mahatta). Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 5936, Mobile: 20 (0)109 466 5067. Angeboten werden Pizzas, Salate, Fleischgerichte, Hühnchen, Koscheri, belegte Schnittchen, Softdrinks, Kaffee, Tee und Karkadiya.Geöffnet: Täglich von 9–3 Uhr (mittags).(25° 41′ 51″ N32° 38′ 35″ O)
  • 2  Chez Omar (II), Midan Youssuf Hassan (2. Querstraße östlich des Hotels Emilio). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 7678, Mobile: 20 (0)122 282 0282, (0)122 533 2608. Das Restaurant bietet Suppen, Salate, Fleisch, Deserts und Softdrinks.Geöffnet: Täglich 9–3 Uhr nachts.(25° 42′ 7″ N32° 38′ 38″ O)
  • 3  El-Hareef BBQ (مطعم حاتي الحريف, Maṭʿam Ḥātī al-Ḥarīf). Mobile: 20 (0)121 151 5871, (0)112 266 1666, (0)100 860 6005. Unter den Einheimischen sehr beliebtes, typisch ägyptisches Grillrestaurant.(25° 41′ 48″ N32° 38′ 38″ O)
  • 4  Kam Thai, El-Madina St. Mobile: 20 (0)127 728 2490.Kam Thai auf Facebook.Thailändische Küche, kleines Restaurant. WiFi free.Geöffnet: Montags bis freitags 13–21 Uhr.(25° 41′ 12″ N32° 38′ 6″ O)
  • 5  KFC (مطعم حجاج كنتاكي, Maṭʿam Haǧāǧ Kintākī) (südlich des Isis Hotels). Hühnchen-Fastfood.Geöffnet: Täglich 12-1 Uhr nachts.(25° 41′ 5″ N32° 37′ 49″ O)
  • 6  MC Donalds, Karnak St. (südlich der Einmündung der Bahnhofsstraße (Schari' Mahatta)). Geöffnet: Täglich 7–2 Uhr nachts, Frühstück 7–11:30 Uhr.(25° 41′ 55″ N32° 38′ 24″ O)
  • 7  New Om Hashem (مطعم نيو أم هاشم, Maṭʿam Nyū Umm Hāschim). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 8906, Tel. gebührenfrei: (0)100 100 8390, (0)100 442 3645. Einfaches, aber beliebtes Restaurant mit ägyptischer Küche und Grill. Speisen auch zum Mitnehmen, Frei-Haus-Lieferung. Arabische und englische Menükarten.Open: 24 hours a day.(25° 42′ 8″ N32° 38′ 38″ O)
  • Shams el-Asir (مطعم شمس الأصير, Maṭʿam Schams el-Aṣīr), Television St. (Abzweig El-Marwa St.). Mobile: 20 (0)100 443 8708. Das Restaurant bietet ägyptisches Fastfood wie Salate, Falafel, Fūl, Kartoffelgerichte, Huhn, Kofta, Hotdogs, Schawarma (Döner), Garnelen, Kalimari, Spaghetti, Koscheri, Deserts und Süßigkeiten. Es gibt keine Suppen. Das Menü ist auf Arabisch, das Personal spricht aber auch Englisch.


  • 8  7 Days 7 Ways (zwischen Isis und Sheraton Hotels). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 6264, Email: . Restaurant und Royal Oak Pub.Geöffnet: Täglich ab 15 Uhr.(25° 41′ 4″ N32° 37′ 47″ O)
  • 9  A Taste of India, St. Joseph Hotel St., Luxor (östlich hinter St. Joseph Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 228 0892, Mobile: 20 (0)109 373 2727. Von einem Briten seit 2001 geführtes indisches Restaurant. Tandoori, internationale Küche. Wohl bestes indisches Restaurant in Luxor.Geöffnet: Täglich 12–23 Uhr.(25° 41′ 19″ N32° 38′ 2″ O)
  • 10  Aisha Restaurant, El-Roda el-Sherifa St. Mobile: 20 (0)114 013 4059, (0)111 198 8337, (0)100 574 7068, Email: . Ägyptische und europäische Küche. WiFi free. Speisen auch zum Mitnehmen.Geöffnet: Täglich 12–22 Uhr.(25° 41′ 15″ N32° 37′ 58″ O)
  • 11  Al-Sahaby Lane Restaurant & Aladin Café (مطعم حارة الصحابي, Maṭʿām Ḥārat aṣ-Ṣaḥābī), Al-Sahaby Lane, Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 5509, (0)95 225 6086, Fax: 20 (0)95 225 6086, Email: . Das Restaurant befindet sich im Norden des Nefertiti Hotels und bietet ägyptische, internationale und vegetarische Küche.Open: Daily 9 a.m.-11 p.m.(25° 42′ 5″ N32° 38′ 32″ O)
  • 12  Al-Soury Restaurant & Coffee Shop (مطعم وكافتيريا السوري, Maṭʿam wa-Kāfitīrīyā as-Sūrī, Al-Soury al-Kababgy), Corniche el-Nile (Südende des Luxortempels, unterhalb der Corniche). Tel.: 20 (0)95 235 7481, (0)95 235 7482, (0)95 237 7484, Mobile: 20 (0)100 536 7654, Fax: 20 (0)95 235 7481. Restaurant und Bar mit bis zu 500 Plätzen direkt am Nil. Angeboten werden orientalische und europäische Küche wie Suppen, Pasta, Fisch- und Fleischgerichte einschließlich Täubchen und Hühnchen, auch in einer Auflaufform, sowie Pizza, heiße Getränke, Softdrinks und Alkohol einschließlich Weine. Das Personal verfügt über keine ausreichenden Englischkenntnisse, das Angebot auf der Karte ist deutlich größer als das in der Realität gebotene, es scheitert teilweise schon am Zitronensaft. Prinzipiell für Gruppen geeignet, Gäste trifft man kaum.Geöffnet: Täglich 9–23 Uhr.(25° 41′ 48″ N32° 38′ 9″ O)
  • 13  Dean’s Bistro, El Rawda El Sherifa St., Luxor (südlich des St. Joseph Hotels, Abzweig Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid). Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 1030, Mobile: 20 (0)122 435 9856. Das Bistro ist ein einfaches Restaurant im englischen Stil mit Grill am Gastraum. Die Hauptgerichte sind Fish & Chips, Hühnchen, Beef Burger und Desserts. Dazu können Kaffee, Tee, Softdrinks und Säfte gereicht werden. WiFi free.Geöffnet: Täglich 16-22 Uhr.(25° 41′ 15″ N32° 37′ 57″ O)
  • Green Palace Restaurant, Karnak Temple St. (am Weg zum Flughafen). Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 3594, Fax: 20 (0)95 235 7061. Für 300 Personen, aber keine Partys. Mittag- und Abendessen.Restaurant und Bar, aber nur einheimische Spirituosen. À la carte, Büffet bestellbar. Restaurant ohne Flair.Geöffnet: Täglich 8–23 Uhr, Mittag um 11:30 Uhr, Abendessen um 18:00.
  • 14 The Hamees Restaurant and the Sindbad Restaurant befinden sich im Eingangsbereich des Luxor-Hotels auf der Ostseite der Karnak Temple St. (25° 41′ 54″ N32° 38′ 22″ O).
  • 15  Jamboree Restaurant, El Souk St., Midan el-Birka (an der Kreuzung zwischen neuem Basar und Sh. Sidi Mahmoud, östlich des Umm Kulthum Cafés.). Tel.: 20 (0)95 235 5827, Mobile: 20 (0)122 781 3149, (0)122 174 2574, (0)100 504 9082, Email: . Ägyptische und internationale Küche, Salatbar. Mehrere Restauranträume einschließlich der Dachterrasse.(25° 42′ 4″ N32° 38′ 33″ O)
  • 16  The Kings Head Pub & Restaurant, Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid (gegenüber Hotels Steigenberger Nile Palace und Sonesta St. George, Eingang neben der Geschäftsstelle von Magic Horizon). Tel.: 20 (0)95 228 0489, Mobile: 20 (0)106 510 2133, Fax: 20 (0)95 227 4810, Email: .The Kings Head Pub & Restaurant auf Facebook.Das Restaurant und Bar im englischen Stil im zweiten Obergeschoss bietet Cocktails, Longdrinks und heiße Getränke. Zu den Gerichten zählen Suppen, Salate, Sandwichs, warme Gerichte, Pizza, Pasta, Omeletts, Meeresfrüchte sowie indische Küche. Zur Unterhaltung gibt es Billard, Darts. Auf zwei Flachbildschirmen werden Fußball- und andere Sportevents gezeigt. WiFi free. Nach 24-jährigen Betrieb steht des Restaurant nun zum Verkauf..Open: Daily 12 noon to midnight.(25° 41′ 16″ N32° 37′ 56″ O)
  • Top-Restaurant17  The Lantern Room Restaurant (مطعم لانترن, Maṭʿam Lāntirn, The Lantern Restaurant), El Roda el Sherifa St. (östlich vom St. Joseph Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 1451, Email: .The Lantern Room Restaurant auf Facebook.Das im englischen Stil gehaltene Restaurant bietet zum Mittag Sandwichs, Omellets, Burgers und Jacket potatoes (große Pellkartoffeln). Am Abend werden ägyptische Gerichte, Fleisch, Hühnchen, vegetarische Gerichte, Fisch, Pasta, Pizza und Burger serviert. Reservierung ist empfehlenswert.Geöffnet: Täglich 12–23 Uhr.(25° 41′ 15″ N32° 37′ 58″ O)
  • Metropolitan el-Kababgy, Corniche el-Nile (gegenüber Winter Palace Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 9994, Mobile: 20 (0)100 266 6620, (0)100 797 9709. Das Restaurant ist direkt am Nil gelegen und verfügt über 250 Plätze. Es bietet internationale und ägyptische Küche wie Suppen, Salate, Pasta, Pizza, Desserts, Auflaufgerichte, Heißgetränke, Softdrinks, Säfte und Alkohol. Spezialität sind Grillgerichte (Fleisch, Fisch, Hühnchen). Es gehört wie die anderen Metropolian-Restaurants zur Edris-Gruppe. Das Restaurant ist geschlossen (Stand 2/2018)..Geöffnet: Täglich 9–1 Uhr nachts.
  • Metropolitan Bowling Club Restaurant, Corniche el-Nile (nordwestlich vom Winter Palace Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 9995, Mobile: 20 (0)100 266 6630. À-la-carte-Restaurant mit 50 Plätzen und demselben Menü wie Metropolitan el-Kababgy. Das Restaurant ist geschlossen (Stand 2/2018)..
  • 18  Metropolian Coffee & Bakery, Corniche el-Nile (in der Nähe zum Luxor-Tempel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 4825, Mobile: 20 (0)100 266 6610. À-la-carte-Restaurant mit demselben Menü wie Metropolitan el-Kababgy. Das Restaurant ist geschlossen (Stand 2/2018)..(25° 41′ 55″ N32° 38′ 14″ O)
  • Metropolitan Restaurant, Corniche el-Nile (in der Nähe des Luxor-Museums). Mobile: 20 (0)100 266 6650. Speisen- und Getränke-Angebot ähnlich der anderen Metropolian-Restaurants.
  • 19  Murphy’s Irish Bar, Restaurant and Basement Disco, El Gawazat St., Luxor (Seitenstraße rechts neben der Passstelle, gegenüber Steigenberger Nile Palace Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 227 8112. Der Pub bietet britische und indische Küche sowie Pasta.Geöffnet: Täglich 17-2 Uhr nachts.(25° 41′ 14″ N32° 37′ 57″ O)
  • 20  New Bombay Restaurant, Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid (Zwischen Isis und Sheraton Hotels). E-mail: . Das Restaurant in der zweiten Etage bietet chinesische, aber auch indische Küche.Geöffnet: Täglich 10-20:30 Uhr.(25° 41′ 3″ N32° 37′ 46″ O)
  • 21  Oasis Palace, Dr Labib Habashy St. Mobile: 20 (0)127 941 6951. Mit ägyptischer, mediterraner und britisch-amerikanischer Küche.(25° 42′ 18″ N32° 38′ 38″ O)
  • 22  Pizza Roma.It, St. Joseph Hotel St. (El-Mahdi St.) (Abzweig Khaled ibn el-Walid St.). Mobile: 20 (0)111 879 9559.Pizza Roma.It auf Facebook.Angesehenes italienisches Pizza- und Pasta-Restaurant. Wird von einer Italienerin und einem Italo-Ägypter geführt. Kein Alkohol, man darf ihn aber mitbringen.(25° 41′ 19″ N32° 38′ 5″ O)
  • 23  Snack Time, Luxor Temple St. (nördlich von McDonald’s). Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 5405, (0)95 237 5407. Das Bistro und Restaurant über vier Etagen besteht seit 2007. Angeboten werden Baguettes, Burger, Pizza, Pasta, Panini, Salate, Fleisch-, Fisch- und Hühnchengerichte, Schrimps, Kalimari, Kaffee und Milchshakes. Kindergerichte verfügbar. WLan ist frei. In der obersten Etage befindet sich das zugehörige orientalische Restaurant „The Roof“ mit einer Mischung aus ägyptischen und libanesischen Gerichten und Schischa. Es ist von 12 Uhr bis 1 Uhr nachts geöffnet. Sonntags und donnerstags gibt es orientalische Live-Musik. Gute Aussicht besteht auf den Luxor-Tempel und das Westufer.Geöffnet: Täglich 9 bis 4 Uhr nachts.(25° 41′ 55″ N32° 38′ 25″ O)
  • 24  Snobs Restaurant (مطعم سنوبس, Maṭʿam Snōbs), Al Roda Al Sharifa St., Luxor (Abzweig Khaled ibn al-Walid St. im Bereich des Sonesta St. George). Tel.: 20 (0)95 227 6156, Mobile: 20 (0)100 280 2880.Snobs Restaurant auf Facebook.Das Restaurant im Erdgeschoss bietet orientalische, britische und internationale Küche wie Suppen, Salate, Fleischgerichte, Huhn, Fisch aus dem Roten Meer, Pizza, Pasta, Kaffee, Softdrinks, Milchshakes, aber keinen Alkohol. WiFi free.Geöffnet: Täglich 15–23 Uhr.(25° 41′ 15″ N32° 38′ 1″ O)
  • Top-Restaurant25  Sofra Restaurant & Café (مطعم سفرة, Maṭʿam Sufra), Luxor, 90 Mohammed Farid St. (Stadtteil el-Manschiya, neben Oasis Hotel, etwa 600 Meter südwestlich vom Luxor-Tempel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 235 9752, Fax: 20 (0)95 235 9752, Email: . Restaurant im Haus und auf dem Hausdach mit ägyptischer Küche im historischen Ambiente. Kalte und warme Vorspeisen, Suppen, verschiedene Hauptgerichte, meist in einer Auflaufpfanne zubereitet, und Dessert. Hauptgerichte zwischen LE 40 und LE 90 (Stand 3/2016). Schischa-Pfeifen vorhanden. WLAN/Wifi frei. Eine Reservierung für den Abend ist in der Hochsaison ist sinnvoll.Geöffnet: Täglich 10–24 Uhr.(25° 41′ 42″ N32° 38′ 33″ O)
  • Soltana Restaurant (مطعم السلطانة, Maṭʿam as-Sulṭāna), Luxor, Television St. (300 m vom Television Sq. entfernt). Mobile: 20 (0)100 314 1481. Internationale Küche, Pizza, Eis.
  • 26  Sunrise Bar & Restaurant, Khaled Ibn Al Walid St. (im Bereich von Sonesta Hotel und Lotus Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)127 008 5503. (25° 41′ 15″ N32° 37′ 55″ O)
  • 27  Tutti Frutti Restaurant. Café und Snack-Bar mit Frühstücksangebot.(25° 41′ 19″ N32° 38′ 3″ O)


  • 1886 Restaurant (im Winter Palace Hotel).
  • 28  Rowing Club, Crniche el-Nile. Das Restaurant wurde 2009 eröffnet und gehört zur Edris-Gruppe. Es bietet italienische, asiatische Küche und Meeresfrüchte.(25° 41′ 46″ N32° 38′ 9″ O)


In Luxor gibt es mehrere Fischrestaurants.

  • Arous el-Bahr (مطعم عروس البحر, Maṭʿam ʿArūs al-Baḥr), Nadi el-Madina St (bei Amir Hotel).
  • El-Hoot (مطعم الحوت, Maṭʿam al-Ḥūt) (in der Nähe des Luxor International Hospital).
  • 29  Royal Fish Restaurant (مطعم رويال الاسماك, Maṭʿam Rūyāl al-asmāk), El-Nugoum St (zwischen El-Medina St. und Television St.). Mobile: 20 (0)100 126 0468. Zu den angebotenen Meeresfrüchten gehören Schrimps, Kalimari (Sepia spp., Rotes Meer), Tintenfisch, Garnelen (arabisch: ‏جمبري‎, Ǧambarī, Panaeus semisulcatus/ japonicus), Flimmernder Kaiserfisch (arabisch: ‏شعور‎, Schuʿūr, Lethrinus nebulosus), Meeräsche (arabisch: ‏بوري‎, Būrī, Liza subviridis, Sues, Mittelmeer), Juwelen-Zackenbarsch (arabisch: ‏بهار‎, Buhār, Cephalopholis miniata, Rotes Meer), Rote Meeräsche (arabisch: ‏بربوني‎, Barbūnī, Cynoglossus macrolepidotus, Alexandria), Seezunge (arabisch: ‏موسى‎, Mūsā, Faiyum), Nilbarsch (arabisch: ‏بلطي‎, Bulṭī, Tilapia nilotica, Assuan), Tunfisch (arabisch: ‏تونة‎, Tūna), Jello-Barrakuda (arabisch: ‏مكرونة‎, Makrūna, Sphyraena jello). Die Speisekarten sind zwar nur in arabisch und englisch beschriftet, an der Wand findet man eine große Tafel mit den Abbildungen der infrage kommenden Fischarten.Open: Daily 7 am to midnight.(25° 41′ 34″ N32° 38′ 15″ O)


  • Nubia National Coffee, El Souk St. Das Café, das im Stil eines einfachen Zelts gestaltet wurde, bietet Kaffee, Tee und Schischa.Open: every day.
  • 30  Umm Kulthum Café, El Souk St. (Kreuzung Sh. Sidi Mahmoud). (25° 42′ 5″ N32° 38′ 32″ O)
  • Top-Café31  Wenkie’s Italian Icecream (وينكيس أيس كريم, Wīnkīs Aīs Krīm), El Gawazat St. (östlich hinter Murphy’s). Mobile: 20 (0)128 894 7380.Wenkie’s Italian Icecream auf Facebook.Von einem deutschen Ehepaar seit Februar 2014 geführte 3-Sterne-Eisdiele, die frische lokale Zutaten wie Wasserbüffelmilch verarbeitet. Im Angebot sind sowohl Eis, Eiskaffee, Milchmixgetränke als auch Waffeln. Eine Eiskugel kostet etwa LE 3 bis LE 5 (Stand 3/2016).Geöffnet: Täglich außer donnerstags und freitags von 14 bis 20 Uhr.(25° 41′ 13″ N32° 38′ 1″ O)

Weitere Restaurants gibt es in Karnak and Gazīrat er-Ramla.



Discos gibt es im New Emilio Hotel für 45 Personen, im Gaddis Hotel und im El-Luxor Hotel. Die größte Diskothek im TuTotel für 250 Personen wird gegenwärtig nicht betrieben, weil das Hotel geschlossen wurde.

Mehrere Hotels bieten von Zeit zu Zeit Unterhaltungsabende mit Buffets an. Darunter sind natürlich 5-Sterne-Hotels wie das Steigenberger oder Sherator Luxor Resort. Derartiges wird aber durchaus in kleineren 3-Sterne-Hotels durchgeführt. Zu den Darbietungen zählen moderner und traditioneller Gesang, Bauchtanz und Folklore, teilweise auch kombiniert. Zur Folklore gehören die sog. Saiyidi-Shows mit Stocktänzen, Schlangenbeschörern und tanzenden Derwischen, die insbesondere den Tanūra-Tanz in voller Perfektion darbieten.


Hotels in the Khaled Ibn el-Walid St.

Die überwiegende Anzahl der Hotels befindet sich im Stadtzentrum mit kurzen Wegen zum Luxor-Tempel oder in der Schāriʿ Chālid ibn el-Walīd, die etwa 750 Meter südlich des Luxor-Tempels beginnt. Der Namensgeber dieser Straße, Chālid ibn el-Walīd, war ein Gefährte des Propheten Muḥammad und ein bedeutender Feldherr. Die gehobenen Hotels (4 und 5 Sterne) in dieser Straße liegen alle an deren Westseite, so dass man in einem Teil der Zimmer direkten Nilblick genießen kann. Auf der Ostseite dieser Straße befinden sich einfachere, meist 3-Sterne-Hotels.

Einige Hotels berechnen unterschiedliche Preise in der Winter- und Sommersaison. Die Preise für die Wintersaison (1. Oktober bis 30. April) sind höher als die im Sommer. Sie können nochmals über Weihnachten, Neujahr und Ostern steigen.

Weitere Unterkünfte befinden sich zudem in Karnak. Unterkünfte auf dem Westufer finden sich in den Dörfern Gazīrat el-Baʿīrāt and Gazīrat er-Ramla, Ṭōd el-Baʿīrāt sowie im Umkreis von Scheich ʿAbd el-Qurna‎.


  • Rezeiky Camp, siehe unter 2-Sterne-Hotels.


Ohne Klassifikation

  • 1  Bob Marley House Sherief Hotel, Badr St. (Abzweig Television St.). Mobile: 20 (0)100 441 6536, Email: .Bob Marley House Sherief Hotel auf Facebook.Einfaches Hotel mit 15 Zimmern, Restaurant und Dachterrasse. Alle Zimmer verfügen über zwei, drei oder vier Betten, Tisch, Ventilator, der überwiegende Teil auch über Klimaanlage. Zimmer mit Frühstück kosten EZ LE 45/76, DZ LE 76/99, Dreibett LE 99/122 mit Gemeinschafts- bzw. Innenbad, im Schlafsaal LE 30 pro Person, Vierbettzimmer LE 122 (Stand 3/2015). Kleine Küche auf Dachterrasse. Rezeption rund um die Uhr besetzt. Reichhaltiges Frühstück zeitlich unbegrenzt. Wäscheservice. Exkursionen werden angeboten. WiFi und Computer frei. Hotelbesitzerin spricht fünf Sprachen.(25° 41′ 39″ N32 ° 38 ′ 19 ″ E)
  • 2  Boomerang Hotel (فندق بوميرانج, Funduq Būmīrānǧ), Mohamed Farid St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 228 0981, Email: . Simple, family-friendly hotel founded in 2009 by an Egyptian and an Australian with a roof terrace, restaurant and café, which is geared towards the needs of backpackers. Room with a double bed or two single beds and a bathroom. Rooms from LE 65, shared accommodation from LE 45 (as of 4/2016). Free WiFi throughout the building.(25 ° 41 ′ 34 ″ N.32 ° 38 '37 "E)
  • 3  Nubian Oasis Hotel (فندق واحة النوبة, Funduq Wāḥat an-Nūba), Mohammed Farid St.. Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 2671, Mobile: 20 (0)100 696 9852, (0)100 185 6907, Email: . The hotel has 24 rooms (both single, double and triple) with an indoor bathroom and shower. The prices for bed and breakfast are LE 10–20 for single rooms, LE 20–35 for double rooms and LE 30–45 for triple rooms, depending on whether the rooms have a fan or air conditioning (as of 8/2006). The kitchen, refrigerator and washing machine can be shared. A small garden was laid out on the roof.(25 ° 41 ′ 38 ″ N.32 ° 38 '34 "E.)

1 star hotels

  • Anglo Hotel, Station Sq. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 1679, (0)95 238 2133, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 1679. 1-star hotel with 22 two-bed rooms.
  • El Moustafa Hotel, Television St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 4721, (0)95 238 6626, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 4721. 1-star hotel with 20 twin rooms.
  • Ramoza Hotel, Saad Zaghlul St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 2270, (0)95 238 1670, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 1670. 1-star hotel with 48 twin rooms.
  • Saint Mina Hotel, Cleopatra St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 6568, (0)95 237 5409, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 6568. 1-star hotel with 20 mostly two-bed rooms.
  • 4  Venus Hotel (فندق ڨينوس, Funduq Wīnūs), Youssef Hassan St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 2625, Mobile: 20 (0)122 799 3585, (0)100 139 2808, Email: .Venus Hotel auf Facebook.The simple 1-star hotel with 21 (planned 25) double and triple rooms on three floors is located in the city center northeast of the Luxor Temple opposite the Chez Omar Restaurant. Most of the rooms have an indoor bathroom, air conditioning, an additional fan, telephone and television. The hotel has a restaurant and a roof garden. The kitchen at the restaurant can also be used by guests. The prices for the low season are LE 60, 80 and 120 for single, double and triple rooms for bed and breakfast (as of 3/2013). In the main season the prices are about 20 percent higher. Free WLAN (Wifi).(25 ° 42 ′ 7 ″ N.32 ° 38 '36 "E)

2 star hotels

  • 5  Horus Hotel, Karnak Temple St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 2165, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 3447. The 2-star hotel has 30 rooms with bathroom, air conditioning, television (if desired) and laundry. The restaurant is only for breakfast. On each floor there are three rooms with a view of the Nile, two rooms with a view to the south, the rest without a window. Depending on the season, the rooms cost LE 50, 50 or 90 for single, double and triple rooms including breakfast (as of 3/2009). Payment can only be made in cash.(25 ° 41 '59 "N.32 ° 38 ′ 28 ″ E)
  • 6  Little Garden Hotel, Radwan St., junction from Television St. Tel.: 20 (0)95 227 9090, Mobile: 20 (0)106 760 6600, Fax: 20 (0)95 227 8080, Email: . Hotel with a small garden.(25 ° 41 ′ 35 ″ N.32 ° 38 '28 "E)
  • 7  Nefertiti Hotel (فندق نفرتيتي, Funduq Nefertītī), Sahabi St (Junction from Karnak St. at the police station). Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 2386, Mobile: 20 (0)100 606 1132, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 2386, Email: . The 2-star hotel has 28 rooms with bathroom and air conditioning. The prices in summer and winter are LE 60 (single), LE 90 (double) and LE 120 (three-bed room) including breakfast, but higher prices apply in the high season (as of 3/2009). Guests can use communal facilities such as a kitchen and a fridge. The hotel has a roof terrace, free safes, a billiard room, an internet café (LE 5 per hour) and a laundry. In the adjoining restaurant there is lunch and dinner.(25 ° 42 ′ 5 ″ N.32 ° 38 '32 "E.)
  • New Radwan Hotel, Abdel Moneim El Adisy St. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 5501, (0)95 238 5502, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 5501. 2-star hotel with 20 double rooms.
  • 8  New St. Catherine Hotel (فندق نيو سانت كانرين, Funduq Nyū Sānt Kātrīn), 2 St. Catherine St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 4195, Mobile: 20 (0)122 474 0836, Email: . 2-star hotel with 50 twin rooms, restaurant and night club. Rooms have air conditioning, satellite TV, refrigerator and bathroom.(25 ° 42 ′ 7 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 40 ″ E)
  • 9  Rezeiky Camp (الرزيقي كامب وفندق, ar-Ruzaikī Kāmb wa-Funduq), Karnak Temple St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 1334, Mobile: 20 (0)100 111 2990, (0)120 077 5549 (Elie), (0)122 282 7353 (Tony), Fax: 20 (0)95 238 1400, Email: . Christian-run campsite and hotel with 28 two-bed rooms, entrance in the east. The complex includes a restaurant for all meals (Egyptian cuisine), a conference hall for 70 people, a swimming pool, a parking lot and space for around 40 tents. Vehicles with a roof tent can be set up in the shade. There is a public shower for tent residents. Rooms have a balcony, indoor bathroom, some with air conditioning, otherwise fan, and two beds, some with TV. EZ and Double room cost $ 15-25 or $ 25-35, respectively, depending on the equipment B&B. A tent pitch or two people in the car cost $ 7 or $ 18 (extra), camping without breakfast (as of 3/2015). Fast WiFi free. Payment in cash (LE, €, $).(25 ° 42 ′ 40 ″ N.32 ° 38 '55 "E)


  • 10  Gaddi's Hotel (فندق قديس, Funduq Qaddīs), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid (East side of the street). Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 2838, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 2838, Email: . The 3-star hotel has 55 rooms with bathroom, TV, international telephone connection, air conditioning and balcony. The prices for bed and breakfast in winter are $ 25 (single room) and $ 35 (double room). In summer the prices are 10 $ lower (as of 3/2009). The hotel has three restaurants (Bamboo Restaurant (open buffet restaurant, menu), King Dude Restaurant (Egyptian cuisine), John & Johns (English Restaurant & Bar)), a rooftop swimming pool, hairdresser, free safes and one Laundry. Discos are organized. There is no bank. All MasterCard, Visa and AmEx are accepted. Discotheque. WiFi free.(25 ° 41 ′ 12 ″ N.32 ° 37 '54 "E)
  • 11  Mara House, Salah Al Din Al Ayoubi St. Mobile: 20 (0)102 224 3661, 353 86 893 6972 (Ireland), Email: .Mara House auf Facebook.Boutique hotel on the south-eastern outskirts, east of the railway line. Accommodation with bedroom, lounge and bathroom, which are also suitable for families. Fast free WiFi. The owner, the Irish Mara Vaughan, supports her guests with vacation and tour planning and of course with arrival and departure to the train station or airport. Details about room prices can be requested by email. Payment in cash or by credit card possible.(25 ° 41 ′ 36 ″ N.32 ° 39 ′ 4 ″ E)
  • 12  Merry Land Hotel (also Merryland Hotel), Labib Habashy St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 6903, (0)95 238 1746, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 1746, Email: . 3-star hotel with 32 twin rooms with restaurant and roof garden.(25 ° 42 ′ 20 ″ N.32 ° 38 '36 "E)
  • 13  New Emilio Hotel (فندق إميليو, Funduq Imīlyū), Youssef Hassan St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 6666, (0)95 237 1601, (0)95 237 1602, (0)95 237 3570, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 0000, Email: . The 3-star hotel, located on a busy street, has 101 rooms, in addition to double rooms, there are also three and four-bed rooms. The rooms have air conditioning, refrigerator, TV, bathroom and safe. The prices differ between summer and winter seasons, in summer they are cheaper. The main restaurant is on the ground floor and a second restaurant is on the roof. The hotel also has a rooftop swimming pool and laundry facilities. Discos are held in the basement. A folklore event is offered once a week. The use of the safe is free. From the restaurant on the roof terrace, which is open to everyone, you have an excellent view of the Temple of Luxor and the west bank. The hotel was remodeled in 2008.(25 ° 42 ′ 10 ″ N.32 ° 38 '36 "E)
  • 14  New Pola Hotel (فندق نيو بولا, Funduq Nyū Būlā), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid (East Side). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 5081, (0)95 236 5085, Mobile: 20 (0)100 700 0790, Fax: 20 (0)95 236 5085, (0)95 236 5083. The simple three-star hotel has 81 rooms with air conditioning, bathroom, TV, refrigerator and international telephone connection. Some rooms are furnished as better equipped suites. The prices for the rooms without breakfast are $ 20 for the single room, $ 35 for the double room and $ 45 for the triple room. Breakfast costs LE 10 (as of 3/2009), MasterCard, Visa and AmEx are accepted. There are two restaurants, a rooftop pool and a conference room for 200 people.(25 ° 41 ′ 27 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 1 ″ E)
  • 15  Philippe Hotel, Sh. Dr. Labib Habaschi. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 2284, (0)95 237 3604, Mobile: 20 (0)100 233 8289, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 0050, Email: . The 3-star hotel, which belongs to the Sonesta Group, is located in a quiet side street off Karnak-Temepl-Strasse north of the Luxor Temple and has 69 rooms with air conditioning, TV, bathroom and refrigerator. The former 32 simple rooms were renovated in 2005 and are now the hotel's superior rooms with new, high-quality furniture, although they only have a shower in the bathroom. Winter prices including breakfast for the 37 standard rooms are $ 30 (single room), $ 40 (double room) and $ 55 (triple room); summer prices are $ 20, $ 25 and $ 30, respectively. There are higher prices at Christmas and Easter. The surcharge for superior rooms is $ 10-15. The hotel has a main restaurant on the ground floor as well as a bar, a billiards room and a swimming pool on the roof. An internet café is planned. Visa Card and Master Card are accepted.(25 ° 42 ′ 20 ″ N.32 ° 38 '37 "E)
  • 16  Queens Valley Hotel, Youssef Hassan St. (Corner Temple Of Karnak St.). Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 1738, Mobile: 20 (0)122 842 9357, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 0085, Email: . The new, but unfinished 3-star hotel opened in December 2005 has 58 rooms, including three three-bed rooms, and is located immediately north of the New Emilio Hotel. The top four floors had not yet been completed in spring 2008 either. The spacious rooms with simple furniture have a quiet central air conditioning system, bathroom, TV, mini bar and international telephone connection. For the rooms including breakfast you pay 45 $ (single room), 50 $ (double room) and 55 $ (triple room) in winter, this also applies to Christmas and New Years (as of 8/2006). After completion, the (simple) 4-star status will be sought, of course the prices will then also rise. The hotel has a restaurant, three bars, a cute rooftop swimming pool, a massage room, and laundry facilities. Visa and Master Card are accepted.(25 ° 42 ′ 10 ″ N.32 ° 38 '36 "E)
  • 17  Royal House Hotel (فندق رويال هاوس, Funduq Rūyāl Hāus), El Mahed El Dini St. (Branch from Khaled Ibn El Walid St.). Tel.: 20 (0)95 228 0077, Fax: 20 (0)95 227 0666, Email: . 3-star hotel with 30 mostly two-bed rooms.(25 ° 41 ′ 18 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 6 ″ E)
  • 18  Shady Hotel (فندق شادي, Funduq Shādī), Television Street. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 1377, (0)95 238 1262, (0)95 237 4859, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 4859, Email: . The 3-star hotel has 50 rooms (both single, double and triple) which are equipped with bathroom, TV, air conditioning, international telephone connection and minibar. The prices for bed and breakfast in winter are € 30 (single), € 40 (double) and € 50 (triple) (as of 8/2006). In summer the rooms are 10 € cheaper. The hotel has a swimming pool in the garden, freely usable safes, a restaurant, two bars, a billiard room, a garden on the roof, a bank (open 8 am to 3 pm, Fridays 9 am to 11 am). Credit cards are not accepted.(25 ° 41 ′ 33 ″ N.32 ° 38 '24 "E)
  • 19  St. Joseph Hotel (فندق سان چوزيف, Funduq Sān Jūzīf), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid (East side of the street). Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 1707, (0)95 238 9732, (0)95 238 9736, Email: .St. Joseph Hotel auf Facebook.The 3-star hotel has 75 single to triple rooms that are equipped with bathroom, TV, telephone, minibar, air conditioning and balcony. The hotel has a restaurant, rooftop swimming pool, massage room, and laundry, but no bank. MasterCard, Visa and AmEx are accepted. Smoking is only possible on the balcony or in the smoking room. WiFi free.(25 ° 41 ′ 20 ″ N.32 ° 37 '58 "E.)
  • 20  Sun Set Hotel (Sunset Hotel), Ali ebn Ali Taleb St. Tel.: 20 (0)95 227 7542, (0)95 227 6936, (0)95 227 6939. (25 ° 41 ′ 31 ″ N.32 ° 38 '10 "E)
  • 21  Susanna Hotel (فندق سوزانا, Funduq Sūzānnā), Karnak Temple St. (south of the Emilio Hotel, north of Souq St.). Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 9915, (0)95 236 9912, Fax: 20 (0)95 236 9904, Email: . The 3-star hotel opened in June 2008. The 45 single, double and triple rooms have TV, telephone, refrigerator, separate air conditioning for each room, bathroom with tub and minibar and cost 35/45, 40/60 and 45 $ (E / D / 3) including breakfast (As of 3/2009) in the low season. The expensive rooms have a view of the Nile. Some rooms have a balcony. The windows are double-glazed and so very quiet. The use of WiFi costs LE 10 per day. The hotel has a roof terrace, swimming pool, bar and restaurant for all meals. No disco. Credit cards (Mastercard, Visa) are accepted.(25 ° 42 ′ 4 ″ N.32 ° 38 '30 "E)
  • 22  Windsor Hotel, Nefertiti St. (Labib Habashy St.). Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 2847, (0)95 238 5547, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 3447, Email: . 3-star hotel with 120 twin rooms.(25 ° 42 ′ 21 ″ N.32 ° 38 '37 "E.)


Despite their price, the upscale hotels usually do not offer free WiFi in the rooms. Free WiFi is standard in many 3-star hotels.

4 star hotels

  • 23  Club Med Bella Donna Louxor (formerly Akhetaton Village), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 4000, (0)95 238 0850, (0)95 238 0914, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 0879. This is a holiday complex with 144 two-bed rooms and is not a hotel in the strict sense of the word. The entertainers are very stressed. It has been closed since 2011..(25 ° 41 ′ 24 ″ N.32 ° 37 '56 "E.)
  • 24  Eatabe Luxor Hotel (formerly El-Luxor Hotel, Accor Mercure Etap Luxor), Corniche el-Nile (1 km north of the Luxor Temple). Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 4944, (0)95 238 0944, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 4912, (0)95 237 4944, Email: . The 4-star hotel in the north of the city center has 314 rooms and eight suites, around 70% of which have a view of the Nile. The rooms are equipped with a mini bar, TV, air conditioning and international telephone connection. For the rooms including breakfast you pay, for example, $ 106 or $ 120 for a single or double room with a view of the Nile, for similar rooms with a view of the pool $ 80 or $ 94. The prices for the suites are between $ 282 and $ 382 (as of 8/2006). There are some rooms that are designated as non-smoking rooms and some that are specially designed to meet the needs of disabled travelers. The hotel also has four restaurants, four bars, a heated swimming pool, an internet café, massage rooms, two conference rooms for 30 people, a bank, a laundry and a doctor who can be requested by telephone. The hotel has a daily disco, which is considered the most famous in Luxor.(25 ° 42 ′ 17 ″ N.32 ° 38 '34 "E.)
  • 25  Iberotel Luxor Hotel (formerly Novotel). Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 0924, (0)95 238 0925, (0)95 238 0926, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 0972, (0)95 238 1523, Email: . The 4-star hotel has 185 rooms with bathroom, minibar, international telephone connection, television and internet access via free WiFi. Some of the rooms have a view of the Nile. The rooms are grouped around an atrium. In addition to the main restaurant, it has an Italian and Chinese restaurant as well as a garden with a swimming pool. The prices for a single room are $ 98 or $ 82 and for a double room $ 135 or $ 115 for bed and breakfast, depending on whether the rooms have a view of the Nile or not (as of 8/2006). There are no price differences between the winter and summer seasons. Credit cards are accepted.(25 ° 41 ′ 40 ″ N.32 ° 38 ′ 6 ″ E)
  • 26  Lotus Hotel (فندق اللوتس, Funduq al-Lutis), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid. Tel.: 20 (0)95 235 6617, (0)95 235 6620, Fax: 20 (0)95 235 6619, Email: . The very simple 4-star hotel has 58 rooms, including 10 suites and 8 three-bed rooms. The rooms are equipped with minibar, TV and telephone (but not international). Some of the rooms have a direct view of the Nile, the others only partially. Bed and breakfast costs $ 60 or $ 50 for the one-man room, $ 95 or $ 75 for the double room and $ 130 or $ 100 for the triple room, depending on whether the room has a direct view of the Nile or not (as of 8/2006). The fee must be paid in cash. The hotel has a pool, two restaurants, a café, an Internet café and a very simple health club for massages and with the simplest fitness equipment. Bike rental.(25 ° 41 ′ 16 ″ N.32 ° 37 '54 "E)
  • The 27 Winter Pavilion Luxor, 4 stars, is part of the Sofitel Old Winter Palace Hotel, 5 stars.

5 star hotels

Steigenberger Nile Palace
Sonesta St. George
Maritime Jolie Ville
  • 28  Steigenberger Resort Achti (formerly Achti Resort Luxor, Sheraton Luxor Resort), Al Awameya, Luxor 83951. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 4544, (0)95 237 4957, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 4941, Email: . The 5-star hotel is located across the end of Khalid ibn el-Walid St., about kilometers southwest of the Luxor Temple, and has 281 twin rooms in the main building and in bungalows in the garden, two swimming pools with a children's pool, the main restaurant Karnak and two A la carte restaurants (Indian (Agra Restaurant), Italian cuisine (La Mamma)), Sukkareya Bar, pool bars, jacuzzi, volleyball court, mini-croquet and shops. The rooms have air conditioning, LCD TV, minibar and bathroom with shower and tub. WiFi free. Safes at the reception. Free shuttle bus to Luxor Temple. In addition to the classic rooms, there are 28 superior rooms, eight junior rooms and one royal and one presidential suite. Different prices for garden and Nile views. The hotel was taken over by the Steigenberger Group in summer 2018.(25 ° 40 ′ 55 ″ N.32 ° 37 '38 "E.)
  • 29  Luxor Hotel (فندق الأقصر, Funduq al-Uqṣur), Temple St., Luxor. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 0018, (0)95 238 0017, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 0018. The (future) five-star hotel is the oldest hotel in town and has 82 rooms. Some rooms have a balcony. There is also a swimming pool in the garden. The state-owned hotel is currently being renovated. In the future it will be operated by the British hotel chain Rocco Forte Collection..(25 ° 41 '52 "N.32 ° 38 '23 "E)
  • 30  Jolie Ville Kings Island Luxor (formerly Maritim Jolie Ville Kings Island Luxor), Crocodile Island. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 4855, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 4936. The 5-star hotel, located on a private island, Kings Island or Crocodile Island, is about four and a half kilometers southwest of the Luxor Temple and south of Banana Island. The bungalow complex within a large garden has 650 rooms, including comfort and deluxe rooms with a view of the garden or the Nile, as well as Jolie suites, with satellite TV, safe, refrigerator and bathroom with shower. The hotel has a banquet hall, three swimming pools with separate children's pools, one of which is an infinity pool with a waterfall, the main restaurant and an à la carte restaurant, three pool and snack bars, a business center, shops and a bank . Use of the volleyball court and the fitness center are included in the price, tennis courts, sauna and steam bath can be used for a fee, and massages can be taken advantage of. For children between four and twelve years of age, the English-speaking kids' club "Miniclub" is available in the mornings and afternoons and a playground. There is a babysitter for a fee. Free WiFi throughout the facility. Free parking spaces.(25 ° 40 ′ 0 ″ N.32 ° 37 '12 "E.)
  • 31  Pyramisa Isis Hotel (فندق إيزيس, Funduq Īzīs), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid. Tel.: 20 (0)95 237 2750, (0)95 237 0100, (0)95 237 3366, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 2923, Email: . The simple 5-star hotel has 480 rooms with a refrigerator (no minibar) and air conditioning. In addition to the main restaurant “Lotus”, there is an Italian restaurant (open for lunch and dinner) and a Chinese restaurant (only open in the evening. Meals are provided for children and vegetarians. You can surf the Internet for LE 20 in the Internet corner. To the hotel There are also two pools (one heated, the other unheated) with a pool bar, two conference rooms for a total of 250 people, a health center (but only massage) and a laundry. Only Visa credit cards are accepted. Wifi is free in the lobby.(25 ° 41 ′ 11 ″ N.32 ° 37 ′ 51 ″ E)
  • 32  Sofitel Old Winter Palace Hotel, Corniche el-Nile. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 0422, (0)95 238 0425, Fax: 20 (0)95 237 4087, Email: . Sofitel Old Winter Palace Hotel in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaSofitel Old Winter Palace Hotel im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsSofitel Old Winter Palace Hotel (Q7085427) in der Datenbank Wikidata.The 5-star hotel in the style of the 19th century has 356 rooms, various restaurants, a conference hall, a business center and a swimming pool. The most important restaurant is the "1886". The rooms in the standard and deluxe categories do not have a qualitative difference, only a difference in size. There is a large garden behind the hotel and the newest addition, the pavilion wing, is located here. There is no WLAN, an Internet connection via the telephone line is possible. Credit cards are accepted.(25 ° 41 ′ 48 ″ N.32 ° 38 '14 "E)
  • 33  Sonesta St. George Luxor (فندق سونستا سان جورج, Funduq Sūnistā Sān Jūrdj), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid. Tel.: 20 (0)95 238 2575, Fax: 20 (0)95 238 2571, (0)95 238 2941, Email: . The 5-star hotel is one of the best inner-city hotels in Luxor. It has 212 "normal" rooms, but only a small number of the rooms have a view of the Nile. Some of the rooms have a connecting door with access to the neighboring room. In addition, since January 2009 there have been 118 rooms in the “Royal Club” on 6th – 8th floor. Floors that are much better equipped (different furniture, sauna, intelligent toilet). There are price differences between the winter and summer seasons. Internet access for a fee is possible via the telephone connection, and there is WiFi in the lobby, in the pool area and in the rooms of the “Royal Club”. The hotel's facilities include a relatively small pool area with a sunbathing area on a pontoon in the Nile, three conference rooms for up to 60 people and four restaurants (main restaurant, Orinetal, Italian and Japanese restaurants), a business center with internet access, and an open-air cinema Pool area. As one of the few hotels, it has a so-called health club for massages, with a steam bath, sauna and fitness studio. There is a bank in the hotel that is open daily from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm. Credit cards are accepted.(25 ° 41 ′ 18 ″ N.32 ° 37 '55 "E)
  • 34  Steigenberger Nile Palace Luxor (formerly Le Meridien Luxor Hotel), Sh. Khaled ibn al-Walid. Tel.: 20 (0)95 236 6999, Mobile: 20 (0)122 330 7902, Fax: 20 (0)95 236 5666, Email: . The simple 5-star hotel has 304 rooms and 8 junior, 2 diplomatic and one presidential suite, each with a balcony or terrace. With breakfast, the single rooms cost 80 or 132 euros, the double rooms 90 or 143 euros and the superior rooms 200 euros, depending on whether the room has a direct view of the Nile or not (as of 3/2009). In addition to the main restaurant, the hotel has an Italian, a Lebanese and a Thai restaurant, the Arabesque Café by the pool, as well as a health club (gym, massage), a heated pool, hairdresser and laundry. The hotel is well equipped for large conferences or weddings: it has three conference and ballrooms. The largest room, the “Nile Palace”, can hold up to 1000 people. The bank in the hotel is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free WiFi in the lounge.Accepted payment methods: Visa, Master, Amex.(25 ° 41 ′ 15 ″ N.32 ° 37 '53 "E)


See below Gazīrat el-Baʿīrāt and Gazīrat er-Ramla. The settlements are on the west bank.


Luxor is next Aswan, Qinā and Hurghada Location of South Valley University, Arabic:جامعة جنوب الوادي‎, Ǧāmiʿat Ǧanūb al-Wādī. Here there are the faculties for tourism and hotels as well as for fine arts.

Scientists can access the library of the 2 Chicago House, a subsidiary of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago.


The main industry of the city is tourism. However, there are hardly any foreign employees in the hotel complexes. Foreigners tend to be entrepreneurs who often run companies in the hospitality, real estate and balloon aviation industries together with Egyptian partners.

In addition, foreign archaeological missions employ scientists, doctoral students and students in the excavations in Luxor and on the West Bank of Theban.


Egypt belongs to the subtropical climate zone. This zone is characterized by a warm and dry desert climate.

Mean highest air temperature in ° C232529353941414139352924O33.4
Mean lowest air temperature in ° C671116202324242218128O15.9
Precipitation in mm0.Σ2.6
Rainy days in the month0.Σ0.9


As a result of the attacks in Cairo and Luxor in 1997 and 2004/2005, security regulations have been greatly expanded. There are extensive road blocks for most of the sights and the monuments are guarded by police officers or soldiers.

For onward travel to the north or south of the country and to Hurghada, you have to join a convoy or take the train journey in so-called protected trains.


See the comments under Egypt.

Important hospitals

Practical advice


There are several honorary consuls or representatives in Luxor. Please note that these consuls only take care of the respective citizens of the countries mentioned.

  • The French consul Marie-Christine Gerber can be reached at (0) 100 574 1153.
  • The Italian Consul, Mr. Cav. Ladíslav Otakar Skákal, has his office in the Sheraton Hotel, Suite No. 515 and is available on tel. (0) 95 237 4544, ext. 515, fax (0) 95 237 4941 or by email [email protected] reachable.
  • The Spanish consul, Mrs. Maricel Bea Pigrau, Khaled ibn el-Walid St., behind the TuTotel, can be reached by telephone on (0) 95 227 0121, 227 2038, 228 2031 or 227 0121.
  • The British consul is Mr. Ehab Gaddis, the owner of the hotel of the same name, and can be reached every day except Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on (0) 100 500 0119.

Tourist information

There are two tourist information offices in Luxor. But you shouldn't expect too much information.

  • Since 2008 there has been the main office of the on the northwest corner of the station forecourt 5 Tourist information. It is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tel. And Fax (0) 95 237 3294. The branch in the nearby train station was closed in 2013.
  • Tourist information at the airport, Tel .: (0) 95 237 2306. It is open every day and all day.

Major tour operators

Passport office

The passport office 6 Luxor Passport is located in Khaled ibn al-Walid St. opposite the Steigenberger Nile Palace and is open every day, except on Fridays and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Antiquities authorities

  • The 8 Antiquities Authority for Coptic and Islamic Monuments(25 ° 41 ′ 11 ″ N.32 ° 38 '15 "E) is located in the south of the city in the Hay el-Feiruz district west of the International Hospital.



A 9 Post office is located on the south side of El Mahatta St. (Bahnhofstrasse) at the confluence with Luxor Temple St.


In the near vicinity

At the location of the capital of the New Kingdom there are several temples, tombs of queens, kings, members of the royal family and high officials. the majority of them are on the west bank:

Distant travel destinations

More travel destinations are in the articles about the governorates Luxor, Qinā and New valley to find.


  • Stadelmann, Rainer: Thebes. In:Helck, Wolfgang; Westendorf, Wolfhart (Ed.): Lexicon of Egyptology; Vol. 6: Stele - cypress. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1985, ISBN 978-3-447-02663-5 , Col. 465-473.
  • Timm, Stefan: al-Uqṣurēn. In:Christian Coptic Egypt in Arab times; Vol. 6: T - Z. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1992, Supplements to the Tübingen Atlas of the Middle East: Series B, Geisteswissenschaften; 41.6, ISBN 978-3-88226-561-3 , Pp. 2904-2919.
  • Haarmann, U.: al-Uḳṣur. In:Bearman, Peri J. (Ed.): The Encyclopaedia of Islam: Second Edition; Vol. 10: T - U. Suffer: Brill, 2000, ISBN 978-90-04-12761-6 , P. 795.
  • Creswell, K [eppel] A. C.: The Muslim architecture of Egypt; 1: Ikhshīds and Fātimids: A.D. 939 - 1171. Oxford: Clarendon, 1952, Pp. 153-155. Minaret at the Abū ’l-Haggāg Mosque.
  • Bloom, Jonathan M.: Five Fatimid Minarets in Upper Egypt. In:Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH), ISSN0037-9808, Vol.43,2 (1984), Pp. 162–167, doi:10.2307/989903, JSTOR989903.
  • Kriss, Rudolf; Kriss-Heinrich, Hubert: Popular belief in the area of ​​Islam; 1: Pilgrimage and veneration of saints. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1960, Pp. 96–106, figs. 56–75. Abū-’l-Haggāg and the annual ship procession held in his honor.
  • Supreme Council of Antiquities, Museums Society (Ed.): Mummification Museum Luxor. Luxor: El Alfy, 1997.

Literature on Luxor temple and Luxor Museum can be found in these articles.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kozlowski, Janusz K.: Thebes, el-tariff, prehistoric sites. In:Bard, Kathryn A. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of the Archeology of Ancient Egypt. London, New York: Routledge, 1999, ISBN 978-0-415-18589-9 , Pp. 824-826.Ginter, Boleslaw; Kozłowski, Janusz Krzysztof; Drobniewicz, Barbara: El Târif Silex Industries: A Contribution to the Development of Predynastic Cultures in Upper Egypt. Mainz: from Zabern, 1979, Archaeological publications; 26, ISBN 978-3-8053-0376-7 .
  2. Egyptian Museum Cairo, Inv. No. JE 40678.
  3. Ibn-Duqmāq, Ibrāhīm Ibn-Muḥammad: Kitāb al-Intiṣār li-wāsiṭat ʿiqd al-amṣār; al-Guzʿ 5. Būlāq: al-Maṭbaʿa al-Kubrā al-Amīrīya, 1310, P. 30 f.
  4. [Abū al-Makārim]; Evetts, B [asil] T [homas] A [lfred] (ed., Transl.); Butler, Alfred J [oshua]: The churches and monasteries of Egypt and some neighboring countries attributed to Abû Sâliḥ, the Armenian. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895, P. 284, fol. 104b f. Various reprints, e. B. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2001, ISBN 978-0-9715986-7-6 .
  5. Sauneron, Serge: Villes et légend d’Égypte (§ XXV-XXIX). In:Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale (BIFAO), ISSN0255-0962, Vol.67 (1969), Pp. 117-145, especially pp. 129-131.
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