Sōhāg - Sōhāg

Sōhāg ·سوهاج
Nāṣir City ·مدينة ناصر
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The central egyptian city Sohag, also Sauhaj, Sohaj, Sawhag, Sawhaj, Arabic:سوهاج‎, Sūhāǧ / Sauhāǧ (Cairo dialect: Sohǟg), is the capital of the eponymous Governorates and was originally laid out on the west bank. After the revolution of 1952, she was with the Nāṣir City (Nasr City, Nasser City) expanded on the east bank. The city offers itself as a starting point for the sights in the vicinity of the city. In the future there will be an archaeological museum in the city.



City map of Sōhāg

To the 19th century there was only one village here, which because of the monasteries in the neighborhood (Red monastery, White monastery) was a little better known. Still, it was in the shadow of other cities like Achmīm on the east bank and Girgā in the south on the west bank. In 1960 the capital of the governorate was relocated from Girgā to Sōhāg and the governorate was renamed accordingly, which started an upswing in importance.[1]

In 1928 the city already had 20,760 inhabitants.[2] In 1976 there were 102,000 inhabitants, 170,000 in 1996 and an estimated 201,000 in 2012.[3]

Whether at the place of today's city already in Pharaonic times was a settlement cannot be said with certainty. Mummy labels from Roman times have been found here, which mention the village of Bompaê / Tmoupaei, which led to the assumption that Sōhāg and Bompaê could be identical.[4] In Coptic times, at the time of the monastery ruler Schenute (around 348 to 466), a monastic community of the White Monastery was certainly settled here.

After the revolution of 1952, the city was around the district Nasir City (Arabic:مدينة ناصر‎, Madīnat Nāṣir) expanded on the east bank. Today, the government administration, the security service, the university, the university hospital and the stadium are located here. There are also two important companies here: the beverage company Pepsi Cola and the cosmetics company Nile for Oil & Soap.


The two halves of the city on the west and east banks are through the 1 Sōhāg or Achmīm Bridge(26 ° 33 ′ 31 ″ N.31 ° 42 ′ 9 ″ E), Arabic:كوبري أخميم‎, Kūbrī Achmīm, connected with each other. The quayside on the west bank is called El Gumhorīya St. (شارع الجمهورية‎, Shāriʿ al-Ǧumhūrīya, „Street of the Republic"), The part south of the bridge is also called Corniche el-Nile - there are a number of banks here, the northern part is also named after Muḥammad ʿAlī - this is also where the El Safa Hotel is located.

If you walk 400 meters south from the bridge, you will find the square 2 Midan el-Corniche(26 ° 33 '17 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 1 ″ E), ‏ميدان الكورنيش‎, Mīdān al-Kūrnish,. Two parallel streets run from this square to the west-northwest, the northern one is called eth-Thaqāfa St. (El Sakāfa St.,شارع الثقافة‎, Shāriʿ ath-thaqāfa, „Culture street“), The more southern Būr Said St. (شارع بور سعيد‎, Shāriū Būr Saʿīd). Both flow into the after about 600 meters 3 Opera Square(26 ° 33 '22 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 43 ″ E), ‏ميدان أوبرا‎, Mīdān Ōbira,, which is also a cultural place,ميدان الثقافة‎, Mīdān ath-Thaqāfa, called. From here you can reach one after about 120 meters Railway crossing. If you branch off to the left (southeast) behind the underpass, you will reach the after another 120 meters 4 Mīdān Urūba(26 ° 33 '14 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 41 ″ E), ‏ميدان أوروبا‎, Europa Square. If you continue straight ahead, you are at that Bahnhofstrasse (El Maḥaṭṭa St.,شارع المحطة‎, Shāriʿ al-Maḥa .a), which leads past the train station and onto the 5 Mīdān el-ʿĀrif(26 ° 32 '52 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 6 ″ E) south of the mosque of the same name. The bus station is 400 meters further south. There are a few hotels and small restaurants in the area of ​​the train station.

To the west of Bahnhofsstraße is the bazaar area, the covered streets are called as usual Sūq Qaiṣarīya (‏سوق قيصرية‎).

The Achmīm Bridge leads to Nasr City. If one drives further east, one leaves Nasr City and reaches Achmīm. If you branch off to the north (left) just after the bridge, you will reach the die El Gamaʿa St. (‏شارع الجامعة‎, Shāriʿ al-ʿāmiʿa, „Universitätsstrasse“), In which the university and the university hospital are located.

North of the Achmīm Bridge there are two islands in the river, the larger and uninhabited one Karaman Island and the ez-zahur island. On the 6 ez-zahur island(26 ° 33 '53 "N.31 ° 42 '14 "E), ‏جزيرة الزهور‎, Ǧazīrat az-Zuhūr, „Flower island“There are some chalets.

getting there

By plane

West bank of the city, looking south
Gazīrat ez-Zuhūr

The is located 25 kilometers south of the city 1 Sohag International AirportSohag International Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSohag International Airport (Q4115512) in the Wikidata database(IATA: HMB). It was inaugurated on May 25, 2010. There are scheduled flights from EgyptAir to and from Cairo. EgyptAir flies between Cairo and Sōhāg on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. The 70-minute flight departs Cairo at 7:00 a.m. and the return flight at 4:20 p.m. The ticket for a single flight costs between 64 and 83 euros.

By car

Sōhāg is on the trunk road from Cairo to Aswan. A parallel street on the east bank connects the city with Asyūṭ. There are bridges over the Nile in both cities. There are also connections via desert motorways on the east and west banks. From Sōhāg there is also an asphalt road to Hurghada.

By bus

Long-distance buses operate from Cairo, el-Minyā, Alexandria, Sue, Hurghada, Dumyāṭ and Port Said to Sōhāg, but not from Luxor. The 2 Bus station(26 ° 32 '43 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 8 ″ E) is located about 400 meters south of the el-ʿArīf mosque.

Buses to Cairo leave Sohag at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 14:30, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30 , 23:00, 23:30 and 00:00.

If you want to travel from Luxor, you first have to take the bus to Qinā drive. There is a taxi station north of the Qinā bus station, from which you can take a service taxi to Sohāg. The route leads along the east bank and also happens Achmīm.

The station for service taxis to the north is north of the station in the area of ​​Būr Said St. The station for the taxis to the south is in the area of ​​the bus station approx. 400 meters south of the el-ʿArīf mosque.

By train

Sōhāg has a train station on the route CairoAswan. The 3 Sōhāg Station(26 ° 33 '5 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 56 ″ E) is located on the west side of the track system. There is one about 500 meters northwest of the train station 4 Railway crossing(26 ° 33 '18 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 40 ″ E).

While you usually do not have any problems choosing the train when traveling from the north, in Luxor you will only issue tickets for the so-called "protected trains".

The departure times given below are for guidance only.

From Cairo trains run as follows (train numbers in brackets): 0:30 (1902), 1:15 (934), 7:00 (980), 10:10 (158), 11:00 (982), 13:15 (160 ), 14:05 (970), 15:45 (990), 16:00 (164), 18:45 (988), 20:45 (976), 21:00 (886), 22:00 (996) , 22:10 (868) and 23:00 (992). Trains from Sohag to Cairo leave at 1:00 (1903), 1:15 (971), 2:35 (997), 3:15 (989), 5:00 (991), 7:10 (869), 9 : 50 (159), 11:15 (157), 13:15 (981), 14:55 (983), 16:00 (935), 19:10 (993), 20:50 (163), 22: 10 (887) and 23:50 (977). The travel time is about 6 to 7 hours.

From Luxor Trains run as follows (train numbers in brackets): 09:15 (981), 20:55 (1903) and 23:10 (997). Trains from Sohag to Luxor leave at 1:15 (988), 3:25 (886), 3:40 (976), 4:10 (2000), 4:25 (996), 5:20 (2002), 6 : 30 (1902), 7:20 (934), 13:30 (866), 14:20 (980), 18:30 (982) and 19:45 (986). The fares are LE 41 (1st class) or LE 26 (2nd class). The travel time is a good three hours.


There are plenty of taxis in Sōhāg. If you stay on one side, it costs around LE 2–2.50, if you want to go to the other bank from LE 3, according to Achmīm LE 10.2016: Caution, individual tourists must expect to be shadowed by the tourist police around the clock. This requires a scedule the day before with a plan and the exact time. The hotels approved for foreign tourists are guarded by the police. If you want to go out unannounced, you will be held back until an officer on duty has been found. Arrival and departure for certain means of transport only with a police escort (not for rental cars).

Tourist Attractions

Compared to its neighboring city Achmīm, Sōhāg has very few sights. These are some important mosques and churches. Sohag works well for trips in the closer neighborhood.


7  El-ʿĀrif Mosque (مسجد العارف بالله, Masǧid al-ʿĀrif bi-Allah). El-ʿĀrif Mosque in the Wikipedia encyclopediaEl ʿĀrif Mosque in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryEl ʿĀrif Mosque (Q12069050) in the Wikidata database.The mosque is located in the north of the square of the same name. The el-ʿArīf Mosque dates back to the 8th century of the Islamic calendar (14th century), the current structure was built around 1995. There are two minarets at the corners of the facade, and the roof is crowned by a dome. In the interior of the five-aisled mosque, the bases of the walls and pillars were clad with rose granite. The ceiling is painted ornamentally, in the middle there is an elongated light dome. The southeast half is illuminated with chandeliers. At the end there is the prayer niche (mihrab) with simple ornaments and to the right of it the wooden pulpit (minbar).(26 ° 32 '54 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 5 ″ E)
Facade of the El-ʿĀrif Mosque
Inside the mosque
Light dome of the mosque
Mihrab and minbar of the mosque
8  El Farschūṭī Mosque (جامع الفرشوطي, Ǧāmiʿ al-Farschūṭī). The mosque, also known as el--Atīq (the old mosque), is located about 350 meters southwest of the el-ʿĀrif mosque. The most striking sign of the mosque is its 53 meter high minaret in the southeast corner. The minaret has galleries with railings on four floors. The mosque is a modern, bright new building. It is divided into five naves by columns and pillars. In the middle it has a dome of light, at the lower edge of which there is a Qur'anic sura. The bases are painted yellow and white with green ribbons. On the southeast side is the very colored prayer niche and to the right of it the wooden pulpit.(26 ° 32 '48 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 57 ″ E)
Facade of the el-Farschūṭī mosque
Inside the mosque
Light dome of the mosque
Mihrab and minbar of the mosque

Historical inscription stones from earlier buildings were built into the masonry on the east, south and west sides; on the south-east side there is a decree of the penultimate Mamluk sultan el-Ghūrī (1441–1516) from 1506 (911 AH).


There are two important churches in the city, but they were not built until the 20th century: the Church of St. Virgin and that of St. George.

9  Church of St. Virgin (كنيسة السيدة العذراء, Kanīsat as-Saiyida al-ʿAdhrāʾ). The church is located in the north of the bazaar (Sūq Qaiṣarīya) and was built in the 20th century. It has five aisles. At the ends of the three central aisles are the halos for St. Georg (left), St. Virgin and the Archangel Michael. All hot spots are closed off with a wooden icon wall on which there are wooden icons, one to the left and one to the right of the entrance: St. Virgin and christ. Above are the representations of the Last Supper with the crosses. The representation in the central nave is framed with a fish and a pigeon and that in the neighboring ships with an angel and a dove. There are galleries above the aisles and in the entrance area. There are paintings of saints and scenes from the life of Christ on the walls.(26 ° 32 '58 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 57 ″ E)
Church of St. Virgin
Inside the church
Icon of St. Virgo with her child
10  Church of St. George (كنيسة مارجرجس, Kanīsat Mār Girgis). The church is located 300 meters north of the opera (Mīdān Obira) or cultural square (Mīdān eth-Thaqāfa). It is the cathedral of the Coptic Catholic Diocese of Sohag and was built in the 20th century.(26 ° 33 '30 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 43 ″ E)
11  Church of the Archangel Michael (كنيسة الملاك ميخائيل, Kanīsat al-Malāk Michāʾīl). The church is located on Bahnhofsstraße (El-Maḥaṭṭa St.), but on the east side of the tracks.(26 ° 33 '11 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 51 ″ E)


Church of St. George
Sohag National Museum
ʿAlī-ibn-Abī-Talib Mosque
Monument to Rifāʿa Rāfiʿ eṭ-Ṭahṭāwī
12  Sohag National Museum (متحف سوهاج القومي, Matḥaf Sōhāǧ al-Qaumī, Sohag National Museum), El Gamaa St., Nasr City, شارع الجامعة ، مدينة ناصر ، سوهاج (West side of the street, immediately north of the El Nile Hotel). National Museum Sohag in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSohag National Museum (Q56115644) in the Wikidata databaseSohag National Museum on Facebook.The museum in the form of a mastaba, a bank grave, as it is known from the Old Kingdom as the grave superstructure of the elites, was under construction with several interruptions since 1993 and was opened in August 2018. A total of 78 million Egyptian pounds was spent building the museum. The museum consists of floors. The library, restoration laboratories and a cafeteria are located on the ground floor. In the main exhibition hall on the upper floor, 945 objects are exhibited, almost exclusively from various archaeological sites in the Sōhāg governorate and from different times. Some of the pieces from the Islamic era were provided by the Museeum for Islamic Art and the Textile Museum, both in Cairo.[5].Open: Daily 8 am–4pm.Price: LE 60, for foreign students LE 30 (as of 11/2019).(26 ° 33 ′ 41 ″ N.31 ° 42 '23 "E)

Nāṣir City

Of course, the young part of the city doesn't have that much to offer yet. In el-Gama'a St. there are, in addition to the aforementioned museum, the 13 ʿAlī-ibn-Abī-Talib Mosque(26 ° 33 '45 "N.31 ° 42 '23 "E), ‏مسجد علي بن أبي طالب, On the west side and that 14 Monument to Rifāʿa Rāfiʿ eṭ-Ṭahṭāwī(26 ° 33 '48 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 27 ″ E) on the east side in the area of ​​the university. The Egyptian scholar eṭ-Ṭahṭāwī, ‏رفاعة رافع الطهطاوي, (1801–1873) worked as an author, teacher, translator, Egyptologist and representative of the Nahda movement, which sought to modernize Islam. His hometown Ṭahṭā is also in the governorate Sōhāg.


  • Sohag Amusement City, Asyut Sohag Road. Tel.: 20 (0)93 232 2384.


Every year before the fasting month of Ramadan, the Mūlid des el-ʿArif committed. El-ʿArif is the city's patron, and the city's largest mosque was built in his honor. It is reported of el-ʿArif that he Murad Bey (1750–1801) on his curse after the lost battles at the Giza pyramids and at Sidmant before the French troops under Napoleon Bonaparte had hidden. Claiming that Murad Bey was the only survivor of the Muhammad Ali massacre on the citadel in Cairo cannot be right, because this did not take place until March 1, 1811.

April 10th, Governorate National Day, is remembered of the bloody defensive battle against the French occupying forces near Giheina. Here, in 1799, the advance of the French troops was finally stopped.


To the west of Bahnhofstrasse is the Sōhāg bazaar area. How to get the name Sūq Qaiṣarīya can be seen, it is partially covered.

Every Monday at 6 a.m. the Sūq el-Itnein, an animal market, on the road to Girgā.


There are restaurants in the mid-range hotels. The restaurant in Al Safa Touristic Hotel is considered the best.

  • Goha’s Koshary, Opera Sq., El Saha El Shaabeya. Tel.: 20 (0)93 232 7500.
  • Akher Saa’s Koshary, El Mahatta St.. Tel.: 20 (0)93 234 3748. On the west side of the road not far from Mīdān Uruba.
  • Akher Saa’s Koshary, El Makhbaz El Aally St. Tel.: 20 (0)93 234 4039.
  • Prince Adham (Boat restaurant), Corniche el-Nil, Nasr City. Mobile: 20 (0)122 775 5113.

There is almost no alcohol.



  • 1  Abou el-Wafa Hotel (فندق أبو الوفا, Funduq Abū al-Wafā), El Mahatta St. (East side of the tracks). Tel.: 20 (0)93 231 6333, Mobile: 20 (0)122 392 4884. The highly recommended hotel has 34 rooms with prices of LE 58 (single), LE 81 (double), LE 110 (three-bed room) including breakfast (as of 3/2008). The rooms have shower, TV, telephone, refrigerator and air conditioning. The reception is on the fifth floor. The restaurant can also be used for lunch and dinner.(26 ° 33 '4 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 0 ″ E)
  • 3  El Andalus Hotel (فندق الأندلس, Funduq al-Andalus), El Mahatta St.. Tel.: 20 (0)93 233 4328, (0)93 233 6578, Fax: 20 (0)93 233 6578. The hotel to the west of the train tracks has 40 very simple rooms with a refrigerator, air conditioning and a fan. Simple but inexpensive.(26 ° 33 '3 "N.31 ° 41 ′ 56 ″ E)
  • Sara Plaza Hotel (Sarah Plaza Hotel), Mahatta St. (south of the train station halfway to the el-'Arif mosque). Tel.: 20 (0)93 234 1320. The hotel is similar to the Abou el-Wafa Hotel, the reception is also on the fifth floor.


  • 4  Al Safa Touristic Hotel (فندق الصفا, Funduq aṣ-Ṣafā), 15, El Gomhouria St. Tel.: 20 (0)93 230 7701, (0)93 230 7702, Fax: 20 (0)93 230 7704, Email: . The unclassified hotel (around 3 stars) has 80 mostly twin rooms on seven floors and is (so far) the best hotel on site. There is a lobby on the ground floor and the restaurant on the second floor. There is a terrace behind the hotel on the Nile. The rooms are spacious, have satellite TV and a balcony with a view of the Nile. The single room costs LE 150, the double room LE 250. Breakfast, lunch and dinner cost LE 15, LE 45 or LE 40 plus 12% tax and 10% service (as of 2/2010). No alcohol.(26 ° 33 ′ 41 ″ N.31 ° 41 ′ 54 ″ E)
  • Merit Amoun Hotel, Nasr City (next to the stadium). Tel.: 20 (0)93 460 1985, (0)93 460 2329, Fax: 20 (0)93 460 3222. Unclassified hotel (around 3 stars) with 30 mostly two-bed rooms.

There are also other accommodations in Kauthar.


There are several private hospitals and most of them treat all diseases.


In 2010 you could move around the city and its surroundings on your own. But you cannot rule out the fact that you will have to travel in the company of police officers.

While there are no longer any police officers posted in front of the hotels, there are some churches. In these cases there may be problems with taking photos.


2  Sohag University (جامعة سوهاج, Ǧāmiʿat Sōhāǧ), El Gamaa St., Nasr City. Tel.: 20 (0)93 457 0000, Fax: 20 (0)93 460 2597, Email: . Sohag University in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSohag University (Q3699328) in the Wikidata database.The university has faculties for education, natural and engineering sciences, humanities and economics, agriculture, medicine and veterinary medicine.(26 ° 33 '53 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 28 ″ E)

Practical advice

Tourist information

The 3 Tourist information (Egypt Tourist Authority) is located in Nasr City on the west side of El Gamaa St., 450 meters north of the museum, Tel. And Fax: (0) 93 460 4453. It is open daily except Fridays from 9 am to 3 pm, Saturdays 10 am - 1 p.m. open. There is currently no staff member who speaks English.

There is also a department for tourism in the government building, but it is of little importance for tourists.

Tourist Police

The tourist police are located in the train station. The police themselves are in Nasr City.


There are several banks in the Corniche El-Nil.

North of the Midan el-Corniche is the 1 Bank of Alexandria(26 ° 33 ′ 19 ″ N.31 ° 42 ′ 0 ″ E).

Further south are the 2 National Bank for Development(26 ° 32 '54 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 9 ″ E), Arabic:البنك الوطني للتنمية, And the 3 Banque du Caire(26 ° 32 '57 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 8 ″ E) . The National Bank of Egypt is located immediately to the west behind the National Bank for Development. The banks have ATMs, the National Bank of Egypt machines also accept Maestro.

Passport office

The passport is located at the southern exit of the city. Tel. (0) 93 232 3764.

Antiquities authorities

The local one 4 Antiquities Authority(26 ° 32 '41 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 15 ″ E) is located on a side street of the Corniche el-Nil at the National Bank of Egypt. The Director of Antiquities is Zein el-ʿĀbidīn,زين العابدين, Mobile: (0) 100 194 0348. But it is extremely difficult to get permits. It's best to bring them with you from the Supreme Authority for Antiquities in Cairo.


On the Corniche (west side of the Nile) there is a 5 Post and Telegraph Office(26 ° 32 '55 "N.31 ° 42 ′ 8 ″ E). It is located south of the Banque du Caire.



These are on the west side of the Nile white and the Red monastery. The city is further to the south Girgā with major mosques and the temples of Abydos.

In Achmīm on the east bank are the remains of the temple of Ramses ’II with the statue of Meritamun. There are other important churches, monasteries and mosques in Achmīm and the surrounding area. In the future, other archaeological sites such as those of el-Hawawish be made accessible to tourists.

For more information, see the article on the Sōhāg Governorate.


  • Verbeeck, Bénédicte: Sohag. In:Helck, Wolfgang; Westendorf, Wolfhart (Ed.): Lexicon of Egyptology; Vol. 5: Building a pyramid - stone vessels. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1984, ISBN 978-3-447-02489-1 , Col. 1052-1054.

Individual evidence

  1. Law, Gwillim: Administrative subdivisions of countries: a comprehensive world reference, 1900 through 1998. Jefferson, NC [et al.]: McFarland, 1999, ISBN 978-0-7864-0729-3 , P. 114.
  2. Baedeker, Karl: Egypt and the Sûdan: Handbook for Travelers. Leipzig: Baedeker, 1928 (8th edition), P. 221.
  3. World Gazetteer: Sohag (Archived version of December 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive archive.is)
  4. See, among others: Spiegelberg, Wilhelm: Egyptian and Greek proper names from mummy labels from the Roman Empire. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1901, Demotic studies; 1, P. 66 f. - Quaegebeur, J. in: Boswinkel, Ernst; Pestman, P.W. (Ed.): Textes grecs, démotiques et bilingues (P. L. Bat. 19). Suffer: Brill, 1978, ISBN 978-90-04-05772-2 , P. 162, group IV.
  5. Nevine El-Aref: Sohag National Museum set to open, Message in Al-Ahram Weekly August 9, 2018.
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