Red monastery - Rotes Kloster

Red monastery ·الدير الأحمر
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The Red monastery (Arabic:الدير الأحمر‎, ad-Dair al-aḥmar) or that Monastery of St. Pischoi (Pschoi) (Deir Anba Bischoi, Arabic:دير الأنبا بيشوي‎, Dair al-Anbā Bīschōi, spoken: Dēr il-Amba Bīschōi) is located west of Sōhāg in Middle Egypt in the governorate Sōhāg. It is one of the most important monasteries Central Egypt.


getting there

In the street

The journey can be from Sōhāg can be done out with a taxi.


Tourist Attractions

The Red monastery. Admission is free.


Visitors can take part in the fairs.


Gender segregation prevails in Coptic churches. Women go to mass in the right (southern) part, men or their families accompanied by men in the left part of the church (s).




Accommodation options exist in Sōhāg, Asyūṭ or Luxor.


A visit to the Red Monastery can be combined with that of the White Monastery connect.


  • Bolman, Elizabeth S. (Ed.): Red Monastery church: beauty and asceticism in upper Egypt. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2016, ISBN 978-0-300-21230-3 .

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