Deir el-Malāk Mīchāʾīl (Naqāda) - Deir el-Malāk Mīchāʾīl (Naqāda)

Deir el-Malāk Mīchāʾīl
دير الملاك ميخائيل البحري
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The Coptic Orthodox Northern Archangel Michael Monastery (Arabic:دير الملاك ميخائيل البحري‎, Dair al-Malāk Mīchāʾīl al-baḥrī) is the northernmost of the monasteries between Naqada and Qamūlā in Egypt. It is located about 8 km southwest of Naqada west of the Nile in the governorate Qinā. There are old cemeteries to the northeast of the monastery.

getting there

The arrival from Luxor from after Qamūlā is under Qamūlā described. You are now on the desert road from Qamūlā to Naqada. About 8 km south of Naqada one branches off 1 25 ° 52 '56 "N.32 ° 42 '10 "E from this road to the west and after about 600 meters you will reach the monastery. The monastery can already be seen from the street.

Tourist Attractions

The approximately 120 m long (east - west) and 60 m wide monastery is surrounded by a wall in the east and south. The main entrance is on the east side. On its north and west side there are gardens and fields of the monastery.

The main sights are located south of the entrance on the east wall. The first 1 Church is to the Archangel Michael(25 ° 52 '57 "N.32 ° 41 ′ 47 "E.) consecrated. It is a three-aisled church with a domed ceiling. In the central nave is the Haikal (Holy of Holies) for the Archangel Michael. In front of it there is a modern icon wall with the Last Supper and the twelve apostles. Next to the Haikal for Michael are icons for the Virgin Mary with her child and Jesus. On the walls and pillars there are other icons depicting saints and church fathers.

South of the aforementioned church is the 2 Church of St. Virgin(25 ° 52 '56 "N.32 ° 41 ′ 46 ″ E). This church also has three naves and a domed ceiling. At the east end there are three sharks for Abba (father) Abraam (right), for St. Virgin Mary and for Abba Antoni (left). The modern iconostasis shows representations from the life of Christ.

To the northeast of the entrance are graves for the priestly family.

There is a large one to the west of the monastery 1 Conference hall(25 ° 52 '57 "N.32 ° 41 '43 "E).

Churches in the monastery of Archangel Michael
Church of the Archangel Michael
Haikal in the Church of the Archangel Michael
Church of St. Virgin
Conference hall in the monastery of Archangel Michael


There are restaurants in the nearby Luxor or in Thebes West.


There is accommodation in the nearby Luxor or in Thebes West.


You can visit the monastery from north to south with a visit to the monasteries Deir eṣ-Ṣalīb and Deir Abū el-Līf in the village Ḥāgir Danfīq, Deir Mār Girgis el-Magmaʿ, Deir el-Anbā Pisentius, Deir Mār Buqṭur and Deir el-Malāk Mīchāʾīl at Qamūlā connect.

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