Ṭārif - Ṭārif

Eṭ-Ṭārif ·الطارف
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Et tariff (Arabic:الطارف‎, aṭ-ārif) is a village on the Nile west side of Luxor North of Thebes West. The new village of Neu-Tarif (Arabic:الطارف الجديدة‎, aṭ-Ṭārif al-Ǧadīda) was created in which the former residents of esch-Sheikh ʿAbd el-Qurna were relocated. In the area of ​​the village there are three so-called Ṣaff tombs of the Antef kings from the 11th dynasty.


Eṭ-Ṭārif is the northeasternmost settlement on the Theban west bank. An asphalt road and an irrigation canal criss-cross the village on its south-eastern flank. There is only a narrow strip of land built on the southeastern side. The fields extend behind it.

To the west of the village is the cemetery of Sheikh ʿAbd el-Qurna.

getting there

One arrives about 3 miles from the ferry dock on the west bank 1 crossing(25 ° 43 '23 "N.32 ° 36 '18 "E) South from Qurnat Muraʿī. In a north-westerly direction follow the road into Valley of the Kings above Drāʿ Abū en-Nagā, but does not branch off into Königsgräbertal, but continues straight ahead. A taxi is available for the journey Gazīrat el-Baʿīrāt or Gazīrat er-Ramla at. From here, there are also microbuses in the direction of the el-tariff.

Tourist Attractions

Pharaonic monuments

In the area of ​​today's village there are three pillar tombs of kings of the 11th ancient Egyptian dynasty, namely the 1 Ṣaff Dawaba(25 ° 44 ′ 17 ″ N.32 ° 37 '53 "E), Arabic:صف دوبة, Of King Antef I., the 2 Ṣaff el-Qiṣāṣīya, ‏صف القصاصية, Of King Antef II and that 3 Ṣaff el-Baqar, ‏صف البقر, Of King Antef III. They are similar in structure.

The graves are in the middle of the village et-Tarif and difficult to find. Ask locals by giving the Arabic name.

However, only the Ṣaff Dawaba in the northwest of the village is visible. At the end of a large courtyard is the rock grave, at the front of which there is a row of pillars.

Courtyard of the Saff tomb Dawaba
Pillar front of the tomb
Pillar front of the tomb

The other two graves have not completely disappeared, but houses have been built over them. And so the graves live largely on as location information. The pillar graves are now used as private cellars. If you are lucky enough to be invited by such a family, you shouldn't forget your flashlight.

Mosques in the village

El Qurna village cemetery

The 5 graveyard(25 ° 44 ′ 7 ″ N.32 ° 37 '45 "E) of the village of Sheikh ʿAbd el-Qurna is located at the western end of eṭ-Ṭārif opposite the mortuary temple of Seti ’I.


There is a small restaurant in the area of Sheikh ʿAbd el-Qurna about 100 meters east of the Ramesseums, more in Gazīrat el-Baʿīrāt and Gazīrat er-Ramla as in Luxor.


The closest hotels can be found in the area of Sheikh ʿAbd el-Qurna. There is also accommodation in Gazīrat el-Baʿīrāt and Gazīrat er-Ramla, Ṭōd el-Baʿīrāt, Luxor as Karnak.


From here excursions are possible to all places in the West bank on, these are in particular the Mortuary temple Seti ’I., Drāʿ Abū en-Nagā, the Carter's house, the Valley of the Kings and Deir el-Baḥrī.


  • Arnold, Dieter: Graves of the Old and Middle Kingdom in El-Tarif. Mainz: from Zabern, 1976, Archaeological publications; 17th, ISBN 978-3-8053-0046-9 .
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