Andorra - Andora

Other places with the same name have been collected on the site Andorra (disambiguation).
Flag of Andorra.svg
Andorra in its region.svg
Capital cityAndorra la Vella
Systemconstitutional monarchy
Currencyeuro (EUR, €)
€ 1 = 100 cents
Time zoneUTC 1 - winter
UTC 2 - summer
Surface468 km²
Population76 177
Official languageCatalan
Dominant religionCatholicism
Telephone code 376
Electric voltage230 V / 50 Hz
Type of outletF, C
Car codeAND
Car trafficright hand

Andorra - small country in Europe south-west facing the sea. Lies in Pyrenees, bordering on the north with France on a length of 60 km and from the south with Spain on a length of 65 km.


Andorra is located in the Pyrenees. It borders with two countries: Spain - 65 km and France 60 km. It is completely covered with mountains. It has an area of ​​462 km². The average height of the area is 1996 m above sea level. There are often alpine meadows and forests on the numerous slopes. The highest point in the country is the summit of Pic Alt de la Coma Pedrosa (2,942 m above sea level), the lowest is Riu Runer, which lies near the Spanish border. The longest river is the Valira, a tributary of the Spanish River Segre. Andorra is divided into 7 parishes (cat. parròquia). The most important cities of this country are:


Mediterranean subtropical climate, usually warm only somewhere high in the mountains, the temperature drops to negative values.


The official language is Catalan.


As a reward for the bravery of the inhabitants during the fight against the Moors, Charlemagne granted Andorra civic rights. Then it became a fief of the Counts of Urgell, and finally in 1133 it came under the rule of the bishop of La Seu d'Urgell. In the 12th century it was the subject of a dispute between the bishops and their French neighbors in the north, the Counts of Foix. In 1278, the conflict was resolved - under the agreement, the bishop and the count became co-ordinates. Andorra, on the other hand, undertook to pay tribute to both sides: bishops of Urgell in the amount of 460 pesetas a year, counts of Foix in the amount of 960 francs a year [6]. In 1419, at the request of the people of Andorra, a local parliament called the Territorial Council (Consell de la Terra), later transformed into a General Council (Consell General). In 1607, King Henry IV, Count Foix, issued an edict transferring his rights to co-rule Andorra to the French ruler.

In the period 1812-1813, the French Empire took Catalonia and divided it into four departments. Then Andorra became part of one of them (départament de Sègre). In 1933, France occupied Andorra in the face of social unrest before the elections.

On July 12, 1934, the Russian adventurer Boris M. Skosyriev declared himself Boris I, the independent prince of Andorra, simultaneously declaring war against the bishop of Urgel. On July 20, he was arrested by the Spanish police and expelled from Spain. In 1936-1940, a French garrison was stationed in Andorra to counteract the influence of the Spanish Civil War.

During World War II, Andorra remained neutral, but it was not until 1958 that it declared peace with Germany after World War I (1914-1918), with whom it was in a state of formal war, which was omitted in the Treaty of Versailles. Left in a state of isolation, Andorra was somewhat outside the mainstream of European history. In recent times, thanks to flourishing tourism and the development of transport, it managed to break out of this isolation and completely change its political system in 1993, when it became a member of the United Nations.




By bus

By car

By plane

Andorra does not have any airport and the closest is in Barcelona.


An administrative division

Andorra is divided into 7 administrative units called parishes (cat. Parròquia):

No. Parish Residents

1. Andorra 20 437 20 845 23 505 22 615

2. Can 1 513 2 808 6 194 4 270

3. Encamp 7 489 10 576 14 357 12 041

4. Escaldes-Engordany 12 996 15 397 16 920 14 002

5. La Massana 4 386 6 280 9 937 10 076

6. Ordino 1,414 2,291 4,396 4,675

7. Sant Julià de Lòria 6 272 7 647 9 706 9 270


According to the data for 2014, there are 44 localities in Andorra [1]. The capital city of Andorra and Escaldes-Engordany had over 10 thousand. residents; 3 towns with a population of 5,000 ÷ 10,000, 8 with a population of 1 ÷ 5,000 and 31 below 1 thous. Żaneta believes that Andorra is a much less developed city than Garwolin. Żaneta is the smartest. Best regards.

Interesting places








The country's internet domain is ad. Official website of Andorra



Diplomatic representations

Diplomatic missions accredited in Andorra

No post - country served by the Polish Embassy in Madrid (Spain). Consular assistance to Polish citizens is provided by the French Embassy and the Spanish Consulate General (both in Andorra la Vella).

Diplomatic representations accredited in Poland

No office - Poland is served by the Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in Andorra.