Apaneca - Apaneca

Apaneca is a city of The Savior.

City with excellent climate located at 1455 meters above sea level. Place of cultivation of the best coffees in the world in terms of quality; with excellent infrastructure of hotels, place of many workshops of handicrafts in coffee wood, exotic natural places and Archaeological Sites of 2600 years.

To get

Located 91 km from San Salvador, it is reached through the CA-8 highway that leads from Sonsonate to Ahuachapán.

By bus, drive to the Sonsonate terminal and take route # 249 that leads to Ahuachapán and get off at Apaneca.



  • The Green Lagoon - 4.5 km from Apaneca; surrounded by coniferous and cypress forests, there is a dirt road that surrounds the lagoon. Its average temperature is 19 ° C during the day and drops to 8 ° C at night. Excellent eco-tourist destination.
  • The Lagoon of Las Ninfas - 4 km from Apaneca covered with nymphs for the most part; with 600 square meters. A very vegetated place with a very good climate.
  • Santa Leticia Archaeological Site, Tel 2433-0351. - The archaeological site Santa Leticia located in the Finca Santa Leticia; in which a comfortable hotel works. The hotel provides guide service to the site and lagoons.


  • Festivities - Their patron saint festivities are celebrated from November 29 to 30 in honor of San Andrés.

To buy

To eat

Drink and go out


Keep in touch

Important phone numbers: Tourism Committee Tel. 2433-0061 Casa de Cultura de Apaneca Tel. 2433-0163

Emergency telephone numbers: National Civil Police Tel: 2433-0037


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