Juan Fernández Archipelago - Archipiélago Juan Fernández

Juan Fernández, PN (Alejandro Selkirk)

The Juan Fernández archipelago is a group of islands part of the territory of chili located in the South Pacific more than 670 km from the continent. It is made up of the islands Robinson crusoe (formerly known as More to Earth), Alexander Selkirk (More Outside), the islet Santa Clara and smaller islets. They are famous for the novel Robinson Crusoe. It is an exotic destination with difficult access.


Between 1704 and 1709, Robinson Crusoe Island was home to the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, a character who inspired the novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. The visitor is instructed to see the cave where Selkirk supposedly lived. This was the reason for the renaming of the two main islands (Más a Tierra and Más Afuera) in 1966.

In any case, note that the action of Defoe's novel was not based on the actual location of Selkirk's adventures, whose shipwreck and solitude would have taken place on another island, located near the mouth of the Orinoco.

In 1935 the three main islands of the archipelago were declared the Juan Fernández Archipelago National Park with an area of ​​approximately 9,967 hectares, and declared in 1977 Worldwide biosphere reserve by UNESCO.

Robinson Crusoe the only populated center was known in geography texts as Más a Tierra

To get

By sea, anyway the plane reaches the other end of the island

By plane, and boat approach to Cumberland Bay


It is the preferred way.


Cumberland Bay.

What to do

  • Climb the Yunque (910 m)
  • Snorkeling or diving in its warm waters.
  • Pomer "perol" of lobster in boat
  • Eat lobster

What else

Hummingbird by Juan Fernández.

An excursion to National Park with a unique flora, including Sophora fernandeziana.

Activism, which prevents the introduction of plants from the continent. Consult the CONAF post[1]


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