Protected natural area of ​​Bumdeling - Area naturale protetta di Bumdeling

Protected natural area of ​​Bumdeling
Access bridge to the protected natural area of ​​Bumdeling
Bumdeling Protected Natural Area - Location
Area type
Foundation year

Protected natural area of ​​Bumdeling is an area located in the north of Eastern Bhutan.

To know

The park is home to 3,000 resident families, and there are several cultural and religious sites of international importance, such as Singye Dzong.

Geographical notes

It covers a large part of the district of Trashiyangtse close to the borders with China is India (Arunachal Pradesh).

The altitudes in the sanctuary range from 1,500m in the south to over 6,400m in the north. The northern parts include glaciers, snow capped, scree, pastures and lakes and glacial valleys. The central parts include ridges and valleys covered with scrub, coniferous forest and deciduous forest. The southern and lower parts consist of multiple river ridges, valleys and gorges. Most of it is covered by a deciduous forest. Flat areas were often cleared to obtain agricultural land and found villages.

Flora and fauna

Black-necked crane

Bumdeling offers shelter to around 100 mammal species, including rare species such as theTibetan bear, the musk deer, the blue ram, the snow leopard, the Bengal tiger and the red panda and black bear of theHimalaya.

This area has been identified as Important Bird and Biodiversity Area from BirdLife International because it supports over one hundred copies of black-necked crane which are in danger of extinction (it is one of the two wintering sites in the country), i wood snipes and the gray-crowned prinias.


The Bumdeling Natural Protected Area was established in 1995 to protect large areas of ecosystems in theHimalaya practically intact oriental, ranging from the warm deciduous forest to the alpine scree. In part it overlaps the former Kulong Chhu nature reserve which mainly covered alpine and subalpine habitats.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

This area contains several cultural and religious sites.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Protected natural area of ​​Bumdeling
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