Jomotsangkha Natural Protected Area - Area naturale protetta di Jomotsangkha

Jomotsangkha Natural Protected Area
Herd of wild Indian bison (Bos gaurus)
Jomotsangkha Natural Protected Area - Location
Area type

Jomotsangkha Natural Protected Area (former Khaling protected natural area) is an area located in the Eastern Bhutan.

To know

The park is connected by "biological corridors" with the Royal Manas National Park.

Geographical notes

It is the smallest protected area in Bhutan and is located in the district of Samdrup Jongkhar along the southern border with the state Indian of Assam.

Its elevations vary between 400 and 2,200 meters.

Flora and fauna

The park's biomes range from low-lying rainforests to permanent ice fields.

Despite its small surface, it constitutes an important habitat for elephants, gaur and other tropical wild animals. It can also contain the rare dwarf boar and the bristly rabbit known to inhabit the adjacent Khaling reserve in Assam, with which this protected area forms a transboundary reserve.

Hundreds of bird species live in the park, including four species of hornbills: red-necked hornbill, calao grigionero, great Indian calao and the tockus.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


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