Sakteng protected natural area - Area naturale protetta di Sakteng

Sakteng protected natural area
Korean magpie
Sakteng Protected Natural Area - Location
Area type
Foundation year

Sakteng protected natural area is an area located in the Eastern Bhutan.

To know

This protected area is home to the nomadic Brokpa people.

Geographical notes

It is mostly located in the district of Trashigang and just over the border of the district of Samdrup Jongkhar.

Flora and fauna

The sanctuary represents the easternmost temperate ecosystems and landscapes of Bhutan, and is part of the subalpine coniferous forests ecoregion ofHimalaya Oriental. It protects several endemic species including the Himalayan pine and the black-rumped magpie. It is densely wooded with mixed conifers and rhododendrons.

Sakteng was created in part to protect the migoi, a sort of yetis whose existence has not been scientifically confirmed, but in which the local population firmly believes. It is believed that i migoi live in the northern part of the area.

The fauna includes mammals including rare species such as: snow leopard, red panda, Himalayan black bear, muntjac deer, Himalayan fox, Irrawaddy squirrel, macaque of Assam. Among the birds present are: bloody pheasant, have it Tibetan, woodpecker, the hoopoe and many others.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


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