From - Aus

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Out is a small place in South Namibia.


Map of Aus

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

Aus is on the B4 national road approx. 125 km east of Luderitz, to Keetmanshoop it is approx. 215 km.


Tourist Attractions

  • 1 Church of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus roman-kth. church
  • 2 Kaiser Wilhelm Monument, erected in 1913 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the throne
  • 3 Military cemetery off. At the beginning of the First World War, the German protection force stationed in Aus had to go into British captivity. In the military cemetery you can find several graves of German soldiers from October 1918, but also graves of their British guards. The cause of death of over 100 men was that Spanish flu.
  • 4 Wild horses of Garub About 20 km west of Aus there is a herd of more than 100 wild horses. They live in the vicinity of a water hole and have adapted to the conditions of the desert. The herd probably originated from those horses that were left to their own devices during the First World War. You can watch the animals in the morning and in the evening from a shelter on the roadside.







Practical advice



Web links

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