Southern namibia - Südnamibia

Map of southern Namibia

South Namibia includes the two southern regions Karas and Hardap of Namibia. This part of the country is even more sparsely populated than the north, it is characterized by the two deserts Namib and Kalahari


Kolmannskuppe ghost town in the restricted diamond area

The Namib Desert stretches along the entire coastline of Namibia, but is much more pronounced in the southern part of the country than in the north. Major tourist destinations in this desert are

Further inland follows the Large edge step(Great Escarpment)that separates the coastal area from the inland. This includes the Naukluft Mountains, the Rantberg and the Tiras Mountains. Behind it extends the Kalahari, a huge sand basin, which as steppe or desert until far after Botswana reaches in.


Rivier, dry river valley in the Namib
  • 1 OutWebsite of this institutionFrom the encyclopedia WikipediaFrom in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsFrom (Q777558) in the Wikidata database
  • 2 MarientalMariental in the encyclopedia WikipediaMariental in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMariental (Q876166) in the Wikidata database, Capital of the Hardap region
  • 3 KeetmanshoopWebsite of this institutionKeetmanshoop in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKeetmanshoop in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKeetmanshoop (Q160884) in the Wikidata database, Capital of the Karas region
  • 4 LuderitzWebsite of this institutionLüderitz in the encyclopedia WikipediaLüderitz in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLüderitz (Q159325) in the Wikidata database
  • 5 OranjemundOranjemund in the encyclopedia WikipediaOranjemund in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryOranjemund (Q1404518) in the Wikidata database

Other goals

  • the 1 Quiver Tree ForestQuiver tree forest in the encyclopedia WikipediaQuiver Tree Forest in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryQuiver Tree Forest (Q440667) in the Wikidata database and the Giants' playground near Keetmanshoop
  • the 2 Sesriem CanyonSesriem Canyon in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSesriem Canyon in the Wikimedia Commons media directorySesriem Canyon (Q390412) in the Wikidata database on the course of the Tsauchab east of the Namib-Naukluft Park
  • the 3 Naute reservoirNaute reservoir in the encyclopedia WikipediaNaute reservoir in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNaute reservoir (Q1972075) in the Wikidata database and the one around him Naute Game Park


The Namib

Wreck of Eduard Bohlen who was stranded on September 5, 1909

The Namib is said to be around 80 million years old, making it the oldest desert on earth. The word means a place where there is nothing, but that may only be true from the perspective of the indigenous people living there. Rock carvings and petroglyphs show that this was by no means always the case, and there are numerous living things that have had enough time to adapt to this inhospitable climate.

On the one hand, the Namib was created by the Benguela stream, a cold ocean current that comes from the South Atlantic and brings plenty of food and oxygen to the fish that live off the coast of Namibia. The cold water cools the layers of air above, the humidity in it condenses into fog, which is only carried a few kilometers inland by the winds and dissolves again in the early hours of the morning. As a result, there is almost never any significant rainfall in the interior of the country, which is Namib - like the Atacama in Chile - one Coastal desert.

Nevertheless, there are occasional green spots in the Namib as well. The cause is usually one Rivier, a river valley that is dry on the surface, but there are still water veins in the subsurface. This little wet is enough Desert elephants to survive. Even more extreme survivors are those only about 2 cm tall Mist Drinker Beetle and the Welwitschiaeven if this plant always looks as if it is drying up. On the coast, however, the fog was the undoing of many seafarers in earlier times. This is testified by the wreckage of the Eduard Bohlen. She ran aground in the 1909 Conception Bay (23 ° 59 ′ 43 ″ S14 ° 27 '26 "E) in thick fog. The dangers of the Skeleton Coast continue into the southern part of the coast.

In the meantime, practically the entire coastline of the Namib has been declared a national park, it begins in the north on the border to Angola with the Skeleton coast, continues over the Dorob National Park in the cities Walvis Bay and Swakopmund via the Namib-Naukluft area to the restricted diamond area Luderitz and Oranjemund on the border with South Africa.

In the Sesriem Canyon


getting there


Tourist Attractions

Wild horses in the Namib near Garub







Web links

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