Sossusvlei - Sossusvlei

The Sossusvlei is a landscape in Namibia.

Dune in the Sossusvlei


Location map of Namibia
Sand slope in the Namib-Naukluft-Park

The red dune landscape around the Sossusvlei is one of the main attractions of Namibia. It belongs to the Namib-Naukluft-Park and is located approx. 300 km southwest of the capital Windhoek.


The red sand of the Namib originally from the Kalahari. From there the Orange River washes it into the Atlantic. The Benguela Current distributes it along the coast of Namibia, from where it is driven inland by the wind. At the Atlantic the sand is still yellow, on its way inland the grains are covered by a thin layer of iron oxide, which gives it its red color. The iron granules can be seen by driving a magnet through the sand.

At the height of Sesriem the flows Tsauchab into the desert and cut through the dunes. It forms a clay pan that only fills with water every 5-10 years. However, the river never reaches the Atlantic, at the latest it seeps into the Sossusvlei.

Flora and fauna

Dead acacia on the way to the dunes
  • Springbok: In masses, like everywhere in Namibia
  • Oryx antelopes: You have adapted to the desert here. Caution: Oryx antelopes do not flee like most other animals. If you get too close to them, they could attack. The extremely sharp horns make them extremely dangerous.


getting there

View from the dune Big mama to Sossusvlei

By car

You can get to Sossusvlei via Sesriem. Sesriem can only be reached via gravel roads. Here is the entrance to the national park. The distance to the vlei is approx. 60 km from here. The route has now been paved after the road dust had damaged the vegetation from the heavy traffic. The maximum permissible speed on this route is 60 km / h. Five kilometers before the actual Vlei is a parking lot for single-axle cars, only four-wheel drive vehicles can drive the last stretch, which consists of very soft sand. Driving in your own four-wheel drive vehicle is possible, and inexperienced drivers can easily get stuck in some places. In this case, deflating the tires is the only sensible rescue measure (there is no towing service here.) The less heroic four-wheel drive drivers and everyone else have the option of using a shuttle service for a fee, provided they do not walk want. The deep sand and the extremely high temperatures - except in the dead of winter - make getting around on foot a daring undertaking. When using the shuttle bus, make sure that you are also taken to Sossusvlei and not just to Deadvlei. Some shuttle buses only go there.

The gate opens at sunrise and closes at sunset.

Directly behind the gate, within the restricted area, there is a campsite and a little further the state-owned Sossus Dune Lodge. From there it is also possible to drive to the Vlei before sunrise.

By plane

The Sossusvlei Lodge has a landing strip (1200 m gravel), as does the Sossusvlei Mountain Lodge, Kulala and the Namib Naukluft Lodge.

Fees / permits

The course of the Tsauchab river ends here

A fee has to be paid at the national park entrance.


The lodges in the area offer guided tours to Sossusvlei if you don't want to use your own car.

Tourist Attractions


The Sossusvlei forms the end point of the Tsauchab: the river, which only carries water after rainfall, ends here in a depression framed by dunes.

Sand lizard on a dune (Big Mama)

Dead Vlei

Dead Vlei was the end point of the Tsauchab before it had deposited so much clay here that it looked for another route and now ends in Sossusvlei. Due to the lack of water, the trees here died, hence the name of the valley. (In a few thousand years, Sossusvlei will not be spared the same fate.) You can only get here on foot, but the visit is definitely worth it and anyone who has seen Dead Vlei will no longer be enthusiastic about Sossusvlei.

Hidden Vlei

Dune 45

Perhaps the most famous dune is 45 km beyond the gate (hence the name). A short spur road leads to a parking lot at their base. It is particularly popular at sunrise. Although it is only 120 meters high (the highest dunes in the area are over 300 meters high), the climb is quite strenuous.

Elim dune

A dune shortly after the entrance to the national park. It is the dune that is furthest inland. A nice excursion if you don't have much time in the evening.

Big mama

The dunes around Big Mama and Big Daddy (also Crazy Dune) are among the tallest in the world. They are happy to climb because you have a beautiful view of the end of the Tsauchab river in the salt pan. You need good shoes, a good hour and enough water.

Sesriem Canyon

In the Sesriem Canyon

Canyon des Tsauchab outside the national park.


  • Sossus-on-foot. Guided walks through Sossusvlei and Dead Vlei. With explanations of flora and fauna, stories from the life of the Bushmen and survival tips for the desert. We recommend!
  • Flight over the desert. In the vicinity of the Sossusvlei Lodge you can take off from a gravel runway with single-engine aircraft for a scenic flight over the desert. Those who can afford it should definitely do so. The huge sand dunes, which literally reach the horizon, are even more impressive from the air than from the ground. If you are in a hurry and have the necessary change, you can book charter flights to and from Swakopmund from this airfield.
  • Hiking in the Naukluft Mountains


The Sossusvlei Lodge offers an excellent dinner buffet for N $ 160 (as of Nov. 2006). You sit on a spacious terrace with a view of the lodge's waterhole, which is about 100 m away, which is illuminated at night and where springboks and oryx antelopes meet. If you like, you can eat your way through half of Africa's animal world: zebra, oryx, springbok, kudu, crocodile, ostrich ... Vegetarians can stick to the salad buffet or have a large selection of vegetables cooked fresh. The choice of desserts is also considerable.


Hotels and hostels

Inside the national park
  • Sossus Dune Lodge. Those who live here are allowed to drive in the park 1 hour before sunrise and come back 1 hour after sunset. This is particularly beneficial for photographers who want to use the best possible light.
Right at the entrance to the national park

There are a number of lodges in the near and far vicinity of Sesriem, but the travel time to Sossusvlei can double:

  • Sossusvlei Mountain Lodge
  • Kulala Desert Lodge


State campsite at the entrance to the national park.


The greatest risk is likely to be in the extreme heat: drinking a lot and good sun protection are essential here.




Web links

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