Lower Egypt - Basso Egitto

Lower Egypt

Lower Egypt it is the region that occupies the last stretch of the course of the Nile and its delta, as well as the entire Egyptian Mediterranean coast.

To know

Lower Egypt was represented by papyrus.


It was in the period ofEgypt proto-dynastic (3250 BC) which united several tribes in a single kingdom. The same thing happened in the south with the constitution of the kingdom of Upper Egypt. The unification of Upper and Lower Egypt is attributed to Narmer.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Abu Sir Bana (in Egyptian For Usir, in Greek Busiris) - Andites and Osiris are its main deities.
  • Awsim (in Egyptian Sekhem, in Greek Letopolis) - Horus is its main deity.
  • Banha (in Egyptian Kem ur (km wr), in Greek Athston) - Kem is its main deity.
  • Damanhur (in Egyptian Dmnhr, in Greek Hermopolis Parva) - Horus and Thoth are its main deities.
  • Faqua (in Egyptian For Soped (pr spdw), in Greek Facusa) - Horus is its main deity.
  • Giza (in Egyptian Men nefer, in GreekMemphis) - Ptah is its main deity. Its Egyptian name means "Stable is beauty".
  • Cairo (in Egyptian Iunu, in Greek Heliopolis) - Ra is its main deity.
  • Kom el-Hin (in Egyptian Imu, in Greek Momemphis / Apis) - Amenti is his main deity.
  • Mit Ghamr (in Egyptian Taremu, in Greek Leontopolis) - Shu and Tefnet are its main deities.
  • Sa el-Hagar (in Egyptian Sau (Zau), in Greek Sais) - Neith is its main deity.
  • Sakha (in Egyptian Khasut or Khaset, in Greek Xois) - Amon-Ra is its main deity.
  • Samannud (in Egyptian Djebnetjer, in Greek Sebennytos) - Onuris is its main deity.
  • A lot (in Egyptian Seka, in Greek Prosophis)
  • Tell el-Askhutan (in Egyptian For Atum, in Greek Patamos) - Atum is its main deity.
  • Tell el-Balamun (in Egyptian Sma-Behdet, in Greek Diospolis Inferior) - Horus is its main deity.
  • Tell el-Farain (in Egyptian Immet, in Greek Buto) - Uto is its main deity.
  • Zagazig (in Egyptian For Bast, in Greek Bubasti) - Bast is his main deity.
  • site of Kôm el-Ghoraf (in Egyptian For Heneb, in Greek Metelis) - Osiris is his main deity.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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