Belarus - Belorusio

Belarus (BY)Flag
Location of Belarus in its region.
Area207 595 km²
Population9 457 500
CurrencyBelarusian ruble (BYR)
Electricity 220V / 50Hz
Tel. pre-code 375
Horizon UTC 3

Belarus, or Belarus, (beloruse Белару́сь), is a country in Eastern Europe. It has limits with (sketch) Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine.


Administrative regions ("oblast") of Belarus
Brest region
Homel region
Grodno region
Mahilova region
Minsk region
Vitebsk region


Minsk (the capital)BrestHomelHrodnaNesvizhSharkovshchinaVitebskMogilev

Esperanto cities

Other destinations



Belarus is a relatively small country, slightly smaller than the United Kingdom. The terrain is generally flat with a few rolling hills. About 40% of the country is covered by forests. There are also many lakes and ponds and four main rivers: the Neman, the Dnipro, and the Berezina.


Ethnic groups


Belarus' climate is continental. Winters are cold and snowy, and summers are arid.


Entry requirements

Since February 2017, entry into the Republic of Belarus is allowed without the need for a visa, provided that one enters Belarusian territory only from Minsk Airport and also leaves only from Minsk International Airport. Entry without a visa is only allowed for 5 days, including the day of arrival and departure (e.g. if you arrive on a Monday at 9:00, you must leave on a Friday by 23:59). This visa-free entry option applies to citizens of 80 countries (all EU countries, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom). A valid passport, health insurance recognized in Belarus are required (it is advisable to obtain it upon arrival at the airport before passport check; it costs a few euros) and a minimum of 125 euros in cash. Fill out the migration card in duplicate on the plane or before the passport check on arrival. No need to register at the immigration office in a 5-day visa-free regime.

In Belarus it is allowed only by private invitation or by participating in an organized trip. The passport must have a minimum deadline of 3 months after the expected end of the trip. The entry visa (issued only in exceptional cases) can be obtained from any diplomatic mission of Belarus by filling in a form, which must be accompanied by passport photos, together with the documentation related to the hotel reservation and the possession of medical insurance recognized by the local authorities.

Tourist groups must add a letter from the tourism company confirming the itinerary and include a copy of the confirmation from an authorized Belarusian tourism company, indicating the visa reference number.

Private individuals, on the other hand, must attach the document in relation to the hotel reservation, which will be made exclusively by an authorized Belarusian tourism company with the indication of the “reference number” for the visa.

To obtain a business travel visa, you will also need an official invitation from an organization authorized for this type of travel. The invitation, which is usually sent by fax, must indicate the full name, nationality, passport number of the guest and also indicate the arrival / departure dates of Belarus and the cities to be visited.

Those who hold a visa for another CIS country and intend to cross the territory of Belarus to reach their destination must obtain a transit visa.

Once in Belarus, every foreign visitor must register at the OVIR (Visa and Permit Office) if their stay is longer than 48 hours. If you are staying in a hotel, check-in is done by the staff. However, it is not possible to perform the procedure individually and the mediation of the hotel is in fact essential, so ask if the chosen accommodation completes the registration or not.

Enire avie

Location of the airport in relation to the city
Shuttle No. 300 to the airport

Minsk National Airport, 40 km from Minsk, is the country's main airport and where most airlines operate. Among these, they are:

* Alitalia & mdash; with three flights a week (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) on the Milan-Minsk route;
* Belavia & mdash; with three flights a week in summer (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), while in periods of less tourist influx, only two weekly connections are guaranteed, on the Rome-Minsk route.
* Baltic Air & mdash; flies from Milan 'Thoughtless
Frequent flights operate from Helsinki, Moscow, Vienna, Rigo and others European capitals.
The airport can be reached by bus on the Minsktrans express line No. 300 at a cost of 4 Belarusian rubles and a duration of one hour. There are also other bus services from the city center to the airport.
The airport offers a taxi system, which at a cost of about 40 Belarusian rubles allows you to reach the airport after about 45-50 minutes.

Get on the train

Enter the bus

Enter on foot

To be transported

To be transported on foot

Public transport

Transport by train

Transport by bus

Transport by car


  • Complex of the Castle of Mir - city in the list of UNESCO, in the Hrodna region.
  • Belavezhski National Park - Also known as Belavezhskaya Pushcha, the park is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is located on the border with Poland, not far from the town of Brěst. In the wake of President Alexander Lukashenko inside the park, the agreement was signed in 1991, which established the "CIS", the Commonwealth of Independent States, which arose from the ashes of the Soviet Union.
  • Pripyatsky National Park



Languages ​​spoken




Traditional foods

Vegetarianism and veganism



To live

Esperanto housing








Local Esperantists

Esperanto meetings


Visit further


External links

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