Beromünster - Beromünster

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Beromünster is a municipality in the canton Lucerne.


The municipality of Beromünster was officially called Münster LU until 1934; in earlier times the name Münster in Aargau was also in use. The story was primarily influenced by the collegiate monastery, which was founded in 1036 and still exists today. A school was founded by the monastery in 1226. The first dated book in Switzerland was also printed here in 1470. It was always the main place of the so-called Michelsamt, which was dissolved in 1798. Since then, Beromünster has been part of the Sursee office.

Most of them, however, will be familiar with Beromüster because of the state broadcaster Beromünster that was established in 1937.

On September 1, 2004, the old Beromünster community merged with Schwarzenbach LU to form a new Beromünster community.

getting there

By plane or helicopter

The small Lucerne-Beromünster airfield is located on the main road between Beromünster and Neudorf. With the resident entrepreneurs [e.g. ROTAIR helicopter] it's so easy to get to the region.

In the street

The A2 motorway (Basel-Lucerne-Gotthard) passes Beromünster some distance away. The next exits are Sursee (10 km) and Sempach (12 km). The main road number 23 (Sursee-Reinach-Aarau) leads through Beromünster, there is also a direct connection road from Lucerne via Rothenburg.

Train bus

Unfortunately, there has been no direct train connection since 1991, but there are three bus lines which all come from one train station to Beromüster.

  • Of Lucerne the route leads to Rickenbach via Beromünster.
  • Of Sursee (Olten-Lucerne) the bus route leads via Schenkon to Beromünster, this is the fastest route from Basel and Bern.
  • Of Beinwil am See, where there is a connection to the Seetalbahn (luzern-Lenzburg) to Beromünster.


Tourist Attractions

  • The stains, the town center as it was rebuilt after the fire of 1764.
  • The church belonging to the collegiate monastery St. Michael with her rich Church treasure. The current church dates from the 17th century, but was rebuilt in 1775 and given baroque elements. The renaissance style church stalls are from 1610. The additions to the church, the Cloister, the St. Gallus Chapel and Chapter house are worth seeing.
  • Castle Museum. In the castle museum there is a. a replica of the first Swiss book press.Open: only from May to October, on the first Sunday of each month from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • House to the Dolder. The Haus zum Dolder is a residential museum and includes, among other things, a historic doctor's practice, as well as a lot of baroque handicrafts from the Beromünster area.
  • Parish Church of St. Stephan. With their stained glass by Heinrich Tschopp.
  • The former Office building now houses the Hotel Hirschen.


  • The Ascension Day has been taking place since 1506 Driveway ride instead of.
  • Between Beromünster and Neudorf there is a small airfield with a grass runway, which is mainly used by parachutists. Tandem jumps are also possible, you can find out more from the operator [Paraclub Beromünster]. From this small regional airport, helicopter flights are also offered [ROTAIR Helicopter].
  • There are several well-marked hiking trails in the area.
  • On the Blosenberg, where the Blossenberg Tower is. At 217 meters, the transmission tower is the second tallest structure in Switzerland.







Practical advice


  • To the Seetal, with Hallwil Castle, Hallwiler and Baldeggersee.


Web links

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