Biebrza National Park - Biebrzański Park Narodowy

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The Biebrza backwaters near Brzostów

Biebrza National Park - a national park established in September 1993 on the Biebrza River. It is located in north-eastern Poland, in Podlaskie Voivodeship, 30 km east of Łomża and 58 km north of Białystok. The park covers an area of ​​592.2 km², which makes it the largest in the country. Despite its size, it is the least visited one of all in Poland (58,040 people in 2019).

Fort and observation tower at the Rudzki Canal


It covers the Biebrza valley from the estuary of Niedźwiedzica to the Biebrza and ending at the estuary of the Biebrza to the Narew. Almost the entire Biebrza run is located within the park (approx. 155 km). The protection of this area was initiated in the interwar years by creating two reserves: Red Marsh (existing until today with changed borders) and Grzędy.

The Biebrza canoeing trip


Tsar's Road in Goniądz

In 1989, thanks to the efforts of the Biebrza Society, the Biebrza Landscape Park was established. Four years later it is transformed into a national park. In 1995, the BNP was recognized as a wetland protected area of ​​the Ramsar Convention. In 2020, there is a fire caused by droughts and burning grasses. As a result, 5.3 thousand people are burned. hectares of fields and meadows.


Manor house in Dobarz

By plane

There are no airports in the vicinity of the park. The nearest one is located in Szymany, near Olsztyn (Olsztyn-Mazury Airport), about 150 km from the village of Osowiec, and the second is located in Modlin near Warsaw (Warsaw-Modlin Airport) and is located about 195 km south-west of the park. Equally close to Szymany is Brest Airport and it is located on the premises Belarus.

By car

The national road 64 (Łomża - Jeżewo Stare) runs along the southern border of the park, and nearby Goniądz the national road 65 runs (Goldap - Białystok - Bobrowniki). The region can also be reached by provincial road 668 and 670.


Rafting on the Biebrza River is organized in the Biebrza National Park. The Green Velo bicycle trail runs through the park.

The tourist attractions also include:

  • Swamp of the Benches
  • The Red Marsh strict protection area
  • Uroczysko Grzędy
  • Tsarist Road
  • Goniądz - the market square
  • Museum of the Leipzig Easter Egg and Tradition
  • Osowiec Fortress located in the area of ​​Osowiec-Twierdza
  • Strękowa Mountain on the Narew River near Wizna

Nearest neighborhood


  • Dwór Dobarz - address: 19-104 Dobarz 8/9, phone no. 48 857 492 667
  • House "Pod Klonem" - address: 19-104 Giełczyn 6, phone no. 48 604 111 860
  • Łosinek - address: 19-124 Dolistowo Stare 58, phone no. 48 601 072 417
  • Łosiowy Kąt - address: 19-110 Wólka Piaseczna 22, phone: 48 604 194 391
  • Bartlowizna - address: Goniądz, ul. Nadbiebrzańska 32, phone: 48 85 738 06 30
  • Słoneczna Dolina - address: Goniądz, ul. Dolistowska 9, tel 48 512 573 479
  • Biebrzańska Kraina - address: 18-420 Pluty 6, tel. 48 608 835 815
  • Grzędy Forester's Lodge - address: 19-206 Grzędy 2, phone: 48 85 749 55 99
  • Biebrzańska forester's lodge - address: 19-104 Budy 11, tel. 48 604 134 535

tourist information

Tourist Information Point in Goniądz - Stary Rynek 23, 19-110 - tel. 48 85 738 00 21

Tourist Information Point in Tykocin - Ul. Złota 2, 16-080 - phone: 48 85 718 72 32

Tourist Information Point of Biebrza National Park - Osowiec-Twierdza 8a, 19-110 - tel. 48 85 738 30 35