Biʾr esch-shaghāla - Biʾr esch-Schaghāla

Biʾr esch-shaghāla ·بئر الشغالة
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Bir esch-Shaghala (also Bir el-Shaghala, Arabic:بئر الشغالة‎, Biʾr al-Shaghghāla, „Maid's fountain“) Is an archaeological site in the egyptian Sink ed-Dāchla northwest of the city Courage. A Roman settlement including its tombs was uncovered here by the Egyptian Antiquities Service.


Biʾr esch-Schaghāla has been at least since ancient Egyptian Late period populated,[1] even if the remains visible today on the settlement mound only emerged from the roman time come. The site is named after the spring Biʾr esch-Schaghāla. The original name of the settlement is not yet known.

For several years this site has been used by the Supreme Council of Antiquities uncovered under the direction of Maher Bashendi, the former head of the local antiquity service. The finds also include graves. The results have hardly been published so far. In 2017, five more mud brick graves from Roman times were discovered. The finds included the remains of a death mask, several ceramic vessels and inscribed shards of stone, so-called ostrakas.[2] At the beginning of 2019, the discovery of two more mud brick graves from Roman times was announced. Finds include murals of religious scenes and soldiers, ceramics, clay lamps and skeletons.[3]

getting there

The site can be reached on foot, with a motorcycle, donkey cart or car. One starts on 1 Mīdān el-Asʿāf(25 ° 29 ′ 25 ″ N.28 ° 58 ′ 43 ″ E), Arabic:ميدان الاسعاف) In Mūṭ and walks west past the Mūṭ elementary school. To the west behind the school turn into the left of the two streets in the direction of the 2 Diyāb mosque(25 ° 29 ′ 29 ″ N.28 ° 58 ′ 33 ″ E), Arabic:مسجد دياب‎, Masǧid Diyāb, from. Follow the road from the mosque in a westerly direction without branching off. After 1,300 meters from the primary school you will reach the 3 site(25 ° 29 ′ 24 ″ N.28 ° 57 ′ 54 ″ E) in the Northeast.


The site is on a sandy hill and can therefore only be explored on foot.

Tourist Attractions

The entire area is currently still being scientifically investigated, so viewing it is not yet easy. It makes sense to visit the antiquities administration in Courage to vote. For this reason, photography is not permitted.

There has been an admission price since 2019, so one can hope that the site can now be officially visited. It would be open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The admission price is LE 60 and for students LE 30. There is also a combined ticket for all archaeological sites in ed-Dāchla for LE 120 or LE 60, which is valid for one day (as of 11/2019).

With a bit of luck you can at least walk around the site. You can see the exposed houses and streets. Some of the houses still have their original plastering in the rooms, which was also painted.

One can try to have Maher Bashendi in his authority describe the most important grave to the interested visitor on the basis of photos. The rectangular grave belongs to a larger cemetery and was intended for a woman. The walls and the barrel vault were made of limestone blocks, plastered and painted in multiple colors. The representations include gods and standard processions. The subject essentially follows ancient Egyptian models, as can be seen in a similar way in Qārat el-Muzawwaqa finds.


There are restaurants in courage.


Accommodation is available in courage and in Qasr ed-Dachla.


The visit to the site can be completed with tours of Courage and connect Mūṭ el-Charāb.


Individual evidence

  1. Yamani, Sayed: Cemeteries of the late period in Dakhla oasis. In:Papyrologica Lupiensia, ISSN1591-2221, Vol.18–19 (2010), Pp. 109-140.
  2. Nevine El-Aref: New Roman tombs discovered in Egypt’s Dakhla Oasis, Message on Ahram Online dated August 23, 2017.
  3. Nevine El-Aref: Roman tombs discovered in Egypt's Dakhla Oasis, Message on Ahram Online from January 15, 2019.
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