Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bośnia i Hercegowina

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg
Europe location BHG.png
Capital citySarajevo
Currencytransfer / exchange brand (BAM)
Time zone 1:00
Surface51,129 km²
Population3 507 017
Official languageBosnian, Croatian, Serbian (standardized forms of Serbo-Croatian)
Dominant religionIslam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism
Telephone code 387
Electric voltage220V / 50Hz
Socket typeEuropean
Car codeBIH
Car trafficright hand
Bosnia and Herzegovina CIA map PL.png

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian and Croatian: Bosna and Hercegovina, Serbian: Bosna and Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина) - a federal state in south-eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula, formed after the collapse of Yugoslavia.


It is bordered to the north and south-west by Croatia, until Serbia and Montenegro from the east. It consists of two administrative units: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska.


In general, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a mountainous country. There are numerous lakes, caverns and gorges here.

The Federation has access to a strip of the Adriatic Sea, which is several kilometers long, which also divides Croatia into two parts. It is a city located in this band Neum.

fauna and Flora



Culture and art


The country's political situation is complicated. In the north and south there are the territories of Republika Srpska, and the "proper" Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina stretches through the central part. The state is governed collectively by the prime ministers and presidents of both entities, and the independent High Representative, representing the United Nations, watches over them.



The society is divided into three main ethnic and religious groups: Bosniaks (mostly Muslim), Serbs (Orthodoxy) and Croats (Catholicism). Relations between the various groups remain tense.


Rarely on the streets, but we can meet a lot of Muslims who pray in the streets, shops or in the subway


Travel time selection

There doesn't seem to be a bad time to go to Bosnia. Yes, it is rather hot in the summer and there are certainly more tourists (mainly around Mostar and Medjugorje), so whoever does not like such sensations should decide on the low season. In winter, you can go skiing here.


Polish citizens are exempt from the visa requirement when crossing the border and staying for up to 90 days. There is a formal requirement to present at the border funds in the amount of EUR 50 for each day of stay, however, this obligation is often not enforced by border authorities.

Polish citizens may cross the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the basis of a passport or ID card.

Customs regulations

Currency exchange

The official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the mark (konvertibilna brand, KM), the exchange rate of which is fixed against the euro at a constant level (EUR 1 = BAM 1.95).



Phrase book


By plane

By train

By car

Bosnian landscapes make it great to drive around this country. Winding mountain roads provide many impressions. There are also fewer minefields and it is safer to stop on the side of the road to take a photo.

Traffic does not differ much from our realities - drivers are perhaps more emotional. The country has virtually no highways (except for a short stretch around Sarajevo), but the quality of the main roads is good and continues to improve - many sections are under renovation. Overtaking can often make your heart beat faster. The police often lurk in places where the limit drops to 20-30 km / h, so you have to be very careful.

Speed ​​Limits:

  • 50 km / h in built-up areas
  • 80 km / h outside built-up areas
  • 130 km / h on highways

A "green card" is required. An international driving license is not required.

Fuel prices are approximately within the same limits as in Poland (EUR 0.83 per liter of diesel).

A short section of the motorway between Bosanski Bród and Sarajevo is tolled at the gates - EUR 1. However, construction continues.

Note about electronic maps, currently neither Automapa Europa nor Google Maps contain detailed road maps of this country, so it is worth checking if your map is detailed enough, it is worth having a traditional map.

By bus

Access Warsaw - Sarajevo

By ship

Border crossings

With Croatia:

  • Bosanska Gradiška
  • Bosanski Brod
  • Brčko
  • Gorica
  • Kamensko
  • Lika Petrovo Selo

With Montenegro:

  • Metaljka
  • Šula - Vitina
  • Meštrovac
  • Šćepan Polje - Hum
  • Krstac
  • Bituljica
  • Vranieenovići - Deleuša
  • Ilijino Brdo - Klobuk
  • Nudo - Aranđelovo
  • Sitnica - Zupci

With Serbia:

  • Zvornik
  • Sremska Rača - Rača
  • Badovinci - Popovi
  • Trbušnica - Šepak
  • Ljubovija - Bratunac
  • Bajina Bašta - Skelani
  • Kotroman - Vardište
  • Uvac

An administrative division

Administrative divisions of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina has two main components, which are Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - with the capital in Sarajevo and Republika Srpska (Republika Srpska) - with its capital in Banja Luka. It is situated in the common area of ​​both these parts Brczko Districtunder international control.

Besides, the country is administratively divided into 10 cantons. The administrative division of Bosnia and Herzegovina is relatively complicated, and it took shape at the end of the civil war (which lasted in 1992–1995) and after its end (from 1995 to 2000).

Under the Washington Agreement and the Dayton Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of three components:

   Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (blue) of Republika Srpska (red) Brcko District (yellow)

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been divided into 10 cantons (Serb. Kanton, Bosnian cantons, Croatian županije) as the highest level unit. The cantons are divided into 79 municipalities (Bosnian općine), constituting the unit of the lowest territorial division level. The Serbian Republic is a unitary state, divided into 7 regions and 63 municipalities.


According to data for 2008, there were over 40 cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The capital city of Sarajevo and the city of Banja Luka had from 100,000 to 500,000. inhabitants, 4 cities with a population of 50-100 thousand, 3 cities with a population of 25-50 thousand, 12 cities with a population of 10-25 thousand. and the rest of the cities below 10,000 residents.

Interesting places



Coming from the north, it seems natural to go in the following two directions:


The official language status covers three standardized varieties of Serbo-Croatian: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. You can communicate in Russian.


As everywhere in the Balkans, wine and rakija seems to be the natural choice. Besides, you can get interested in sweets accommodation.


It is worth a try:

  • burek - stuffed dough filled with meat, cheese, vegetables or fruit.
  • ćevapcici (czewapi) - local kebab


They are cheaper than in surrounding countries. It is easy to find a hostel in Sarajevo and Mostar. If you are looking for private accommodation, look for the inscription Sobe / Apartmaniwhich proves that the owner rents out rooms. It is not recommended to spend the night in the wild due to mines and misfires.

How to pay

The currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the transfer mark.



Bosnia is a safe country when it comes to crime. Other issues in Bosnia should simply be approached with sense, that is, avoid engaging in discussions about ethnic feuds and not going to areas (mostly borderlands) where there is a high risk of hitting duds or mines.




The area code is 387.

Polish mobile networks catch the reach of local operators. You can also get a local SIM card.


Internet cafes are available in the cities - just look around carefully. The country domain is .ba.


In tourist places (e.g. Mostar, Neum) the postal staff speak English and money can be exchanged there. Ordinary parcels usually go to Poland for over 2 weeks.

Tourist information

Diplomatic representations

Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Sarajevo

ul. Višnjik 20, 71,000 Sarajevo

Phone: 387 33 290 500

Fax: 387 33 290 519

Web page:

Secretariat: [email protected]

Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Warsaw

ul. Umanska 10

00-789 Warsaw

Phone: 48 22 856 99 35

Fax: 48 22 848 15 21

E-mail: [email protected]

This website uses content from the website: Bosnia and Herzegovina published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0