Farmhouse - Boerenhol

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Farmhouse is a community of about 70 inhabitants that Groede belongs and in between Groede and Breskens in lies. There is still one active farm with a mini campsite. The other houses are mainly small old workers' houses that have become holiday homes.


The hamlet dates from 1252 and is one of the oldest places around Groede. The active farm is first written about in 1750. The Eckebus family lived on the farm at the time. A Lutheran family with roots in Salszburg. After that, several other families lived there. The farm has been owned by the current family since 1917. The other houses were built later, according to a ribbon development.

Originally the hamlet was called Boere'nol. Nol means increase. Boerenhol is located on a sandy ridge, an elevation. The name refers to the farmers who went to live on an elevation to protect against the seawater. Nol also returns to the nearby Nolletjesdijk, an old seawall. The inhabitants themselves used to call it the Straatweg. In the meantime, this name has fallen into oblivion.


Travel around

To look at

The place name sign is regularly photographed. Boerenhol is also known for stealing the board. According to the ANWB, it is the most stolen nameplate in the Netherlands. Since they improved the suspension, the stealing is not that bad.

  •    western nameplate.
  •    Eastern nameplate.

To do

  • The cycling route 'Groede in 1000 jaar' is 37 km and also passes through Boerenhol.
  • 't Ommetje Boerenhof is a walking route through Boerenhol of about 5 km. It starts and ends at the Boerenhof mini camping site.
  • Visit Groede and Breskens

To buy


Going out

stay overnight

  •    Mini campsite BoerenhofProvincialeweg 29, 4503 GD Groede (Farmhouse),  31 117 38 16 71, e-mail: . The mini campsite has 25 camping pitches with electricity, some with water and drainage. The heated sanitary facilities have family showers and a baby room. Tourist information is available. For children there are playground facilities. From €19.00 incl 4 amp electricity.


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