Bregenzerwald - Bregenzerwald

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Bregenzerwald is a region in the Austrian state Vorarlberg.

Top 5 places of interest

What are the highlights in the Bregenzerwald? Here you will find the top 5 that we have compiled for you.

1. Sculpture trail “9bäume” in Langenegg

Twice nine artists from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy made sculptures of wood, the main raw material in the Bregenzerwald. Each artist devoted himself, without a plan, to a tree of his choice – a tree standing in the forest, a fallen trunk, or wood in the form of sawdust. The result is 2 times 9 special sculptures, which you can view along an idyllically situated walking path. More information:

2. Modern Architecture

The tasteful combination of old and new architecture in the Bregenzerwald surprises and attracts attention. Whether old or new, a house in the Bregenzerwald is mainly made of wood, the main raw material in the region. The new houses in the Bregenzerwald are often challenging, with an astonishing wealth of spatial and functional properties. Not only on appearance, but also on energy efficiency and sustainability. Renewable energy sources are often used for heating the house and hot water: solar cells, photovoltaic installations, geothermal energy and wood. The from ecological valuable and meaningful building materials and the conscious use of energy can be felt immediately. Sightseeing municipal buildings with modern architecture can be seen, for example, in Andelsbuch (town hall), in Bizau (association building), in Hittisau (fire brigade building and building for cultural events), in Lingenau (cheese cellar), in Schwarzenberg (renovation of Angelika Kauffmann hall and museum), in Schoppernau (cultural building with Franz-Michael-Felder museum) and in Sulzberg (town hall). More information: architektur

3. The 'Wälderbähnle' - old railway line

The 'Wälderbähnle' is a carefully maintained, more than 100-year-old railway line between Andelsbuch-Bersbuch and Bezau. This railway with its historic diesel and steam locomotives is in use on weekends between 28 May and 9 October, and also on Thursdays from 28 July to 1 September. More information:

4. Art Nouveau power station

Opened in 1908, the Kraftwerk Andelsbuch was one of the largest and most modern power plants during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Although the Kraftwerk Andelsbuch has been constantly renewed, renovated and expanded over the decades, the unmistakable individual character of the building has been preserved to this day. Guided tours are available from May to September on every Thursday at 10 a.m. (excluding holidays). More information:

5. Culinary Walking Tours

2 culinary hiking tours can be booked as a day package this summer at the Bregenzerwald Tourismus. Both hikes include a 3-course menu of regional specialties served in three different mountain hotels or restaurants.

  • The walking tour "Am Fuße der Kanisfluh" takes about 3½ hours. Costs include use of the lift €40 p.p. or €30 for holders of the 'Bregenzerwald Gäste-Card' and the 'Bregenzerwald Saison-Card'.
  • The walking tour Zur Vorsässiedlung Schönenbach takes about 3¼ hours. The costs are € 48,- p.p. or € 36,- for holders of the 'Bregenzerwald Gäste-Card' and the 'Bregenzerwald Saison-Card'.

Check it out here package incl. overnight stays from va. €147,- p.p.More information:


Cheese and kitchen

In the far west of Austria, in the federal state of Vorarlberg, lies the Bregenzerwald. When it comes to cheese and cheese culture, the inhabitants of the Bregenzerwald master their craft. And the chefs at the acclaimed inns and restaurants cook fantastically.

Agriculture still plays a major role in the Bregenzerwald. The farms are usually small – a farmer has an average of 9 cows. They go out of their way to make fantastic products. The various cheeses, yoghurts, herbs, distilled drinks, meat and bacon specialties are good examples of this. Farmers and gastronomes work closely together. On most menus you will find regional delicacies from our own soil, but also refined creative specialities.

Mountains and cheeseThe culinary highlight is the 'Bregenzerwälder Berg- & Alpkäse', a tasty hard cheese that tastes spicier the longer it has matured. This cheese is made by 18 village cheese dairies and – in the summer – by about 90 cheese dairies in the mountains. Raw milk Emmentaler, camemberts, cow, sheep and goat cheese are also among the local specialities.

KäseStrasse BregenzerwaldThe 'KäseStrasse' is not literally a street, but a collaboration of experts in very different disciplines. Members – including cheese dairies, restaurants and farmers who sell their products directly from the farm – organize activities and tastings throughout the year and introduce those interested in the secrets of cheesemaking.From mid-September to the end of October, the cheese autumn is celebrated in the Bregenzerwald. . It starts with the return of the herds to the valley and with the cheese market in Schwarzenberg in September. Cheese autumn weeks are on the agenda, with delicacies such as cheeses of different heights at the affiliated restaurants, cheese and wine tastings in different places, cheese walks, guided tours of cheese factories, music and culture in collaboration with the museums of the Bregenzerwald.

'Berggut': regional specialties in the mountain restaurantsA really tasty bread with farmer's butter and mountain cheese, a creamy 'kaiserschmarren' with eggs from happy hens, a juicy schnitzel from the Alpine pig: under the name 'Berggut', the recently selected inns and restaurants in the mountains of the Bregenzerwald regional delicacies in the spotlight. Its own map contains information about which ingredients come from farms and producers in the region – or even from their own garden. Such as milk, butter and mountain cheese, for example, in different stages of ripeness and from different Alps. Fresh goat's cheese, meat from the Alpine boar, and bread and eggs from the smaller farms. Fruit, berries, lettuce and herbs.

Peat restaurants in Krumbach In 2009 Krumbach made its peatlands accessible. That was the reason for four gastronomes in Krumbach to do something around the theme 'Moor' (peat). They call themselves 'Moorwirte' (peat restaurants) and offer guided tours, cooking courses and peat days under that name. All year round, their menus feature at least one peat-related dish. In addition, there is a seasonal peat drink that surprises with scents and flavors from the peat. Highlights in the peat restaurants' annual program are the spring and fall peat weeks, which take place from April 24 to May 2 and from October 15 to 26.

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Culinary tips

In the Bregenzerwald you will find acclaimed inns and restaurants that serve regional delicacies from home.

NEW: Culinary walking tours

2 culinary hiking tours can be booked as a day package this summer at the Bregenzerwald Tourismus. Both hikes include a 3-course menu of regional specialties served in three different mountain hotels or restaurants.

The walking tour "Am Fuße der Kanisfluh" takes about 3½ hours. Costs include use of the lift €40 p.p. or €30 for holders of the 'Bregenzerwald Gäste-Card' and the 'Bregenzerwald Saison-Card'.

The walking tour Zur Vorsässiedlung Schönenbach takes about 3¼ hours. The costs are € 48,- p.p. or € 36,- for holders of the 'Bregenzerwald Gäste-Card' and the 'Bregenzerwald Saison-Card'. More information:

Peat Restaurants in Krumbach

Krumbach made its peatlands accessible in 2009. That was the reason for four gastronomes in Krumbach to do something around the theme 'Moor' (peat). They call themselves 'Moorwirte'(peat restaurants) and offer guided tours, cooking courses and peat days under that name. Throughout the year there is at least one dish on their menus that has something to do with peat. In addition, there is a seasonal peat drink, which surprises with scents and flavors from the peat area. Highlights of the annual program of the peat restaurants are the peat days from June to September. On certain days you will get to know the peat area during a walk, enjoy a 2-course peat menu with peat aperitif and a lecture. The peat days' literary theme is crime - from "The Murder in the Bog" to "The Hound of the Baskervilles." Participation costs €35 per person. More information:

Cooking with Karin Kaufmann

Regional and seasonal specialties prepared according to old recipes with modern adaptations – that is the theme of the new series of cooking courses from Karin Kaufmann. She has transformed the typical and lovingly renovated Gasthaus Engel in Egg in the Bregenzerwald into a cooking school for her cooking courses. Several courses are scheduled per month. The participation costs including enjoying the homemade 4-course dinner (incl. wine) are from € 99 per person. More information: Fraukaufmann

'MundArt' - awarded with chef's hats

'MundArt' has two meanings in the Bregenzerwald: The first meaning refers to the special dialects spoken here. The second meaning of 'MundArt' refers to creativity in the kitchen, with a great emphasis on contemporary refined, regional specialities. Eight hotels and restaurants from the Bregenzerwald have chosen "Mund Art" as their motto. All eight companies are family-run from the Bregenzerwald – some of them for generations – and have been awarded by gourmet guides. Excellent cuisine and an attractive ambiance – that's what they have in common. Here you can eat, how could it be otherwise, in the cozy 'Bregenzerwälder Stube' or in a modern, atmospheric restaurant.

The 'MundArt' from the Bregenzerwald is spoken and cooked by the following companies: - Gasthof Adler and the Romantikhotel Hirschen in Schwarzenberg- Gasthaus Gams and hotel Post in Bezau- Gasthof Krone and hotel Das Schiff in Hittisau- Restaurant Schulhus in Krumbach - Hotel Krone in AuMore information:

Berggut mountain hotels and restaurants

A really tasty bread with farm butter and mountain cheese, a creamy "kaiserschmarren" with eggs from happy chickens, a tender schnitzel from the Alpine pig and the fruity sundae with ice cream from the farm: under the name 'Berggut' Selected inns and restaurants in the mountains of the Bregenzerwald put the spotlight on tasty and high-quality products from the region. Its own map contains information about which ingredients come from farms and producers in the region – or even from their own garden. Such as milk, butter and mountain cheese, for example, in different stages of ripeness and from different Alps. Fresh goat's cheese, meat from the Alpine boar, and bread and eggs from the smaller farms. Fruit, berries, lettuce and herbs.

In the summer of 2011, the mountain hotels and restaurants offer regional delicacies for the first time as well theme weeks according to the seasons:

• Wild garlic week (May 30 – June 5, 2011)

• Asparagus week with fresh herbs (20 – 26 June 2011)

• Berry Week (18 – 24 July 2011)

• Cheese week (8 – 14 August 2011)

• Mushroom and Pumpkin Week (September 5 – 11, 2011)

• Game and slaughter week (26 September – 2 October 2011)


- Almhotel Hochhäderich in Hittisau,

- Mountain restaurant Simma in Mellau,

- Panorama restaurant Bergbahnen Diedamskopf Au-Schoppernau,

- Panoramagasthof Elsenalpstube, Damülser cable cars, Uga-Express,

- Hiking hut Hochalpe,

Secret Tips

Meet the life-size cast iron figures by British artist Antony Gormley on various walking tours.Horizon Field by Antony Gormley: the offer in the weekly program

Au-Schoppernau Tourismus:

Information tour to Antony Gormley's art project

- Dates: every week on Wednesday from June 2 to October 9, 2011

- Registration: until 5 p.m. on the previous day at the Tourismusbüro Au 43 (0)5515 2288

Warth-Schröcken Tourism:

Guided Walking Tour to Antony Gormley's Art Project

- Dates: every week on Monday from early July to mid-September 2011

- Registration: until 5 pm on the previous day at the Tourismusbüro Warth 43 (0)5583 3515- Costs: free for guests from Warth-Schröcken; for guests from outside the participation costs € 10,- per person.Which walking tour is walked depends on the weather (will be announced at the last minute)

Variant 1 (running time approx. 3 hours): At the foot of the WiddersteinStart on the Hochtannberg Pass towards the Hochalp Pass, with a trip to the Höfergrat – back to the Hochalp Pass, past the Hochalpsee and to the Widderstein Hut. Here you can have something to eat during a pleasant break and enjoy the magnificent view. Then descent to the Hochtannberg Pass. During this walking tour 7 figures of Gormley can be admired.

Variant 2 (running time approx. 3 hours): At the foot of the KarhornStart at the Hochtannbergpass and continue via the Salobersattel to the Saloberkopf. From here, the entire HORIZON FIELD is visible – from the Kanisfluh to the Albona. The hike then leads to the Hochalp Hut for a cozy rest and meal break. Then along the mountain plateau of the Hochalpe to the Spitziger Stein, where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the other side, the Hochtannbergpass (Höfergrat and Höferspitze, Hochalppass, Widderstein, Gemstelpass, Tschirggen,…). To Warth, take the Steffisalp Express or simply follow the road – with the option of a rest and meal break at the Punschhütte – to Warth.

Bezau and Mellau Tourism:

'Sunrise walking tour to Gormley' optional with Alpine breakfast

- Dates: weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays from May 30 to September 29, 2011 Duration: 4-5 hours, travel time up: approx. 1.5 hours

- Costs: guided walking tour: € 5.00 per adult, Alpine breakfast: € 8.00

- Meeting point: approx. 3.30 am at the Tourismusbüro Mellau (hiking tour on Thursday) resp. village square Bezau (hiking tour on Tuesday) – drive up to Alpengasthof Edelweiß in Au with your own car (please carpool)

- Registration: until 5 p.m. on the previous day at the Tourismusbüro Mellau 43 (0)5518 2203 resp. Tourismusbüro Bezau 43 (0)5514 2295

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Artistic: the Bregenzerwald / Vorarlberg

In the far west of Austria, in the state of Vorarlberg, lies the Bregenzerwald. Traditional, classic and modern - for a rural region, the Bregenzerwald has a surprisingly unprovincial events agenda. The surrounding nature always plays along in its own way.

Schubertiade Schwarzenberg

The most prominent event series in the cultural calendar of the Bregenzerwald is the internationally renowned Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg. The rural atmosphere of the Bregenzerwald harmonizes in a unique way with the music of Schubert and his contemporaries. In the context of the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg, approximately 70 events will take place this year from June 18 to 27 and from August 27 to September 12, including chamber concerts, song evenings, piano concerts, orchestral concerts, lectures and master classes. In the Angelika-Kauffmann hall, which offers a fantastic view of the meadows and mountains of the Bregenzerwald through the windows, excellent artists and ensembles will once again be the guest of this year. Schubertiade guests can choose from a variety of activities compiled by Bregenzerwald Tourismus. arrangements. They include accommodation and with 3 concert tickets of your choice per person.

Gifted Women

In the Bregenzerwald, two special women are the center of attention. The exhibition 'Wahlverwandte', which can be seen from 12 June to 26 October in the Angelika-Kauffmann-Museum in Schwarzenberg, is about the life and work of Baroque painter Angelika Kauffmann. The Frauenmuseum in Hittisau, Austria's only women's museum, is home to engaged in the work of cartoon artist, graphic artist and multi-award-winning children's book illustrator Susi Weigel (1914 - 1990). Together with Mira Lobe she mainly created classic children's books. The exhibition 'Ich bin ich' can be seen from 16 May to 26 October.

Fair handicraft

Parallel to modern architecture, a self-contained, design-oriented craft community developed in the Bregenzerwald, producing works of interest in Austria as well as in other countries. About 100 of the most innovative craftsmen from the Bregenzerwald – from furniture makers to textile designers – have united in the 'Werkraum Bregenzerwald' partnership. This common platform organizes exhibitions, competitions and lectures. A selection of the participants' works can be seen in the depot of the studio in Schwarzenberg. The depot is open from April to October on Thursdays from 5 pm to 7:30 pm, during the Schubertiade daily from 5 pm to 7:30 pm and on request.

Wood sculptures

The sculpture walk is new in Langenegg. Twice nine artists from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy made sculptures of wood, the main raw material in the Bregenzerwald. Each artist devoted himself, without a plan, to a tree of his choice – a tree standing in the forest, a fallen trunk, or wood in the form of sawdust. The result is 2 times 9 sculptures, which visitors can view along an idyllically situated sculpture walkway.

Cultural highlights – link tips:


The successful, absolutely daring combination of tradition and modern times is clearly visible in the architecture and crafts in the Bregenzerwald.

The two disciplines are closely intertwined and symbolize what the inhabitants of the Bregenzerwald are absolutely good at: creating artistic, beautiful and special things, which are at the same time well thought-out and meaningful. This interaction is visible and noticeable in many places. Many hotels, guest houses and farms combine old with new or have been built completely new and with sensitivity in recent years. The new, light-flooded wellness areas with a view of nature are particularly beautiful.

Special hotels and holiday homes

The following hotels and holiday homes are distinguished by a special atmosphere or special specialization:

The 4-star superior Hotel Gams in Bezau focuses on romance and 'time for two'. The hotel was extensively renovated in 2009. In addition to the existing 'Blütenschloss', there are now 4 'Top-of-Suites' and a new 'Blütenkokon' with 28 comfortable suites. The Da Vinci-Spa now covers a generous 2000 m².

The 4-star Hotel-Gasthof Krone in Hittisau in the village square, in 2007 and 2010, in collaboration with craftsmen from the "Werkraum Bregenzerwald", modernized the reception, a room in the restaurant and all rooms. For this exemplary collaboration with the craftsmen, the hotel received several architecture and innovation awards.

The 4-star Hotel Krone in Au was gradually modernized in recent years in the style of modern Vorarlberg wood architecture. A few years ago, the hotel was expanded with the 'Sky Spa' with a beautiful view of the mountain world. In the autumn of 2009 many rooms, the reception, part of the restaurant and the bar were given a new look.

• You can experience what it is like to stay in a 500-year-old 'Walserhaus' in Haus Hochberg in Schröcken. The lovingly renovated house (without meals) can accommodate 15 people and is a combination of luxury and hut romance.

Ferienhof Schweizer, a farmhouse in Schwarzenberg has a beautiful wooden shingle facade. The holiday homes with their wooden floors, the simple yet elegant wooden furniture and the well-coordinated colors are chic and could definitely come from a living and interior design

More information about architecture in the Bregenzerwald

Museums and Exhibitions

The various museums in the Bregenzerwald give you a special insight into the regional culture, traditions and crafts.

Frauenmuseum in Hittisau

The Frauenmuseum in Hittisau is Austria's only women's museum. The museum makes the cultural products and the living environment of women visible. The theme of this year's summer exhibition (June 10 to October 26) is 'FESTE. KÄMPFE. 100 Jahre Frauentag' (PARTY. FIGHT. 100 years of Women's Day). Photos, posters, banners, film documents, badges and newspaper reports document the eventful history of Women's Day in Austria and Vorarlberg. The exhibition is a collaboration with the 'Johanna Dohnal Archiv' and the 'Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde'. More information: Frauenmuseum

Angelika Kauffmann Museum

The Angelika Kauffmann Museum in Schwarzenberg is a historic building from the 16th century with modern exhibition rooms. The annually changing exhibitions are devoted in different perspectives to the work of the well-known Baroque painter Angelika Kauffmann, who was closely associated with Schwarzenberg as far as her family was concerned. From 11 June to 26 October, the theme is 'Liebende', in which the exhibition illustrates the spirit of the Rococo, which plays its game with love, with a large number of amor figures, beauties and nymphs.

More information: or

Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg

You can see in the "Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg" how the very valuable costumes of the women from the Bregenzerwald are made. The building – a former industrial building of the Gasthaus Krone with a new glass facade that is more than three storeys high – is also architecturally extraordinary. Opening hours: May to OctoberTuesday 10am - 12pm and Friday 10am - 12pm, 2pm - 4pm and on request.More information: Juppenwerkstatt

Crafts and the "Werkraum Bregenzerwald"

The close and productive collaboration between architecture and crafts has a long tradition in the Bregenzerwald. In parallel with the new architecture, an independent, design-oriented craft scene has developed in the Bregenzerwald – and the products of these craftsmen are very popular both at home and abroad. About 100 of the most innovative craftsmen - from furniture makers to textile designers - have united in the "Werkraum Bregenzerwald". As a common platform, Werkraum organizes exhibitions, competitions/competitions and lectures, and is engaged in research and development. Under the direction of the well-known Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, its own Werkraum building is currently being built in Andelsbuch. A selection of the craftsmen's work is on display until the Werkraum building is opened in the Werkraum depot in Schwarzenberg. The depot is open from April to October on Thursdays from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM. And during the Schubertiade daily from 5 pm to 7:30 pm and on request.

More information: work area

Art in the mountains of Vorarlberg: Horizon Field by Antony Gormley

The well-known British sculptor Antony Gormley has realized his first landscape project in the Alps in the high mountains of Vorarlberg – in collaboration with the Kunsthaus Bregenz. Horizon Field is also the largest landscape project in Austria to date. The project started in August 2010 and will be accessible until April 2012. 'Horizon Field' includes 100 life-size cast iron figures, which form a horizontal line at an altitude of 2039 meters. Some figures stand along the hiking trails and near the mountain stations, the other figures can only be seen from certain points but cannot be reached. In the Bregenzerwald, the figures of Antony Gormley can be found in the hiking area on the Diedamskopf in Au-Schoppernau (accessible by the Diedamskopf cable car), in the hiking area at Warth-Schröcken (accessible by the Steffisalpbahn) as well as on the Kanisfluh and on the Widderstein. Some places (Au-Schoppernau, Warth-Schröcken and Mellau) offer guided "Horizon Field" walking tours once or twice a week.

More information about Horizon Field: and

Festivals and events

The cultural program is full of musical highlights. All festivals and events that are closely linked to nature.

Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg, July/August/SeptemberThe internationally renowned Schubertiade Schwarzenberg is the most prominent event series of the cultural program in the Bregenzerwald. The rural atmosphere in the Bregenzerwald fits perfectly with the music of Schubert and his contemporaries. Around 70 events take place as part of the Schubertiade Schwarzenberg, such as chamber concerts, song evenings, piano concerts, lectures and master classes. The Angelika-Kauffmann hall, whose windows offer a wonderful view over the fields and mountains of the Bregenzerwald, will once again host outstanding soloists and ensembles this year.

More information:

To the Bregenzer Festspiele, July/August

Want to stay in the middle of nature and still enjoy urban culture treats? This combination is absolutely no problem in the Bregenzerwald. The drive from the Bregenzerwald to Bregenz takes 15 minutes to approximately 1 hour. In 2011, the Bregenzer Festspiele staged the opera 'André Chénier' by Umberto Giordano at the 'Seebühne'. The program also includes special opera pieces, concerts, theater and the 'Kunst aus der Zeit' series. Don't want to miss this? Then view it here arrangement.

More information: or

Bezau Beatz – Jazz and blues sounds in Bezau, July/AugustThe village square has always been a meeting place for relaxation and entertainment. Bezau breathes new life into this tradition, but with modern music. Jazz and pop concerts can be heard every Tuesday from 9 p.m. – regardless of the weather. The venue is the village square – where you can also eat and drink.

More information:

The great 'Mund-Werk 2011'The “Bregenzerwälder Bezirksmusikfest” will take place in Schoppernau from 7 to 10 July, this time under the motto “Mund-Werk”. While during the day folk music groups from all over Austria and Bavaria can be heard, in the evening it is the turn of the DJs. The band HMBC ("holstuonarmusigbigbandclub") will also be present at the opening concert on Thursday: with the hit "Vo Mello bis ge Schoppornou", these young musicians from the Bregenzerwald in 2010 in Austria and neighboring countries attracted a lot of attention. The highlight is the big festive procession on Sunday, when around 2000 musicians and people in traditional costumes walk through the village on flower-decorated floats and horse and carriage.

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Lifestyle in general

Sophisticated: the Bregenzerwald / Vorarlberg

In the far west of Austria, in the state of Vorarlberg, lies the Bregenzerwald. Close to Lake Constance, with Germany, Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein as neighbours.

About 30,000 people live in the Bregenzerwald, spread over 22 villages. The Bregenzerwalders are self-confident, independent people, who are proud of their roots and open to innovation. The successful and often also daring combination of traditional and modern is clearly visible in the architecture and craftsmanship. The two disciplines are closely intertwined and symbolize what the inhabitants of the Bregenzerwald are particularly good at: creating artistic, beautiful and pleasant things, which are at the same time thoughtful and meaningful.

Sophisticated and modern

The tasteful combination of old and new architecture in the Bregenzerwald surprises and attracts attention. Whether old or new, a house in the Bregenzerwald is mainly made of wood. The traditional 'Bregenzerwälder' house – usually a farm – consists of one piece: the stable and the usually two-storey house are under the same roof. Most striking are the carved facades, which give the houses extra elegance.

The new houses in the Bregenzerwald have fewer curls but are often challenging, with an astonishing wealth of spatial and functional properties. Not only on appearance, but also on energy efficiency and sustainability. Renewable energy sources are often used for heating the house and the hot water supply: solar cells, photovoltaic installations, geothermal heat and wood. For example, the valuable and sensible building materials from an ecological point of view and the conscious use of energy are very pleasantly felt in the indoor climate. Modern houses and hotels can be found in every village. Many hotels combine old with new. The new wellness oases with a view of nature are very beautiful, for example.

Inviting and inspiring

The landscapes of the Bregenzerwald are a treat for the eye – and for the soul. Een schitterende combinatie van zachte heuvels, weidse vlaktes, romantische rivierdalen en indrukwekkende bergtoppen. Ideaal voor wie graag beweegt en van de natuur geniet. Vooral de boeren zorgen voor het behoud en het onderhoud van het cultuurlandschap. Het in drie opeenvolgende periodes begrazen van de weiden is typerend voor het Bregenzerwald. De boeren trekken in het voorjaar vanuit het dal met hun koeien naar de middelhoge weiden, in de zomer naar de hoge weiden en daarna via de middelhoge weiden weer terug naar het dal.

Weldadig en ontspannend

Een aantal hotels in het Bregenzerwald heeft zich gespecialiseerd in het verwennen van hun gasten met weldadige behandelingen voor lichaam, geest en ziel. Ook natuurlijke geneesmiddelen en schoonheidsproducten hebben al een lange traditie. In twee fabrieken worden hoogwaardige cosmetica gemaakt van diverse grondstoffen. Ingo Metzler, de innovatieve boer uit Egg, ontdekte opnieuw dat melkwei vanouds een natuurlijk geneesmiddel is. Wei ontstaat bij het kaasmaken en bevat geen vet of eiwit, maar wel allerlei voedingsstoffen en vitamines. Met deze wei produceert Ingo Metzler verfijnde lichaamsverzorgingsproducten en weidrankjes.Paardenmelk werkt verzachtend bij huidziekten zoals constitutioneel eczeem en bij maagdarmproblemen. De familie Steurer uit Hittisau verwerkt de melk van hun paarden tot eersteklas natuurlijke cosmetica en biedt ook paardenmelk aan voor drinkkuren, eventueel ingevroren of gevriesdroogd.

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De Bregenzerwalders houden er een bijzondere lifestyle op na. Bij alles wat zij doen staat de regio en de natuur in het middelpunt.Onderscheiden hotels in het Bregenzerwald

De volgende hotels in het Bregenzerwald zijn met verschillende prijzen onderscheiden:

• Het 4-sterren superior Hotel Sonne Lifestyle Resort in Mellau kreeg in 2009 de Vorarlbergse houtbouwprijs in de categorie ‘gemengde bouwwijze’. De zorgvuldige renovatie van het authentieke gedeelte en de natuurlijke stijl van de nieuwbouw kregen in het juryrapport een bijzondere vermelding.

• GEO SAISON verkoos het 4-sterren superior Hotel Post in Bezau tot het beste wellness-hotel van Europa en prees de luxueuze eenvoud ervan. In 2009 werd het hotel gemoderniseerd. Architect Oskar Leo Kaufmann, de broer van hotelmanager Susanne Kaufmann, ontwierp nieuwe kamers, een nieuw restaurant, een royaal zonneterras en een ruime buitensauna.

Cosmetica uit de natuurNatuurlijke geneesmiddelen en schoonheidsmiddelen hebben hier een lange traditie. Ingo Metzler uit Egg en Susanne Kaufmann van Hotel Post in Bezau richten zich op een combinatie van oude wetenschappen en moderne inzichten. The innovatieve boer Ingo Metzler heeft een oud, natuurlijk geneesmiddel herontdekt: wei. Dat ontstaat bij het maken van kaas, heeft geen vet en eiwitten, en bevat talrijke voedingsstoffen en vitamines. Ingo Metzler maakt van de wei fijne lichaamsverzorgingsproducten en drankenpoeders die ook online besteld kunnen worden.

Ook Susanne Kaufmann heeft een eigen cosmeticalijn ontwikkeld. Een fris uiterlijk, en kruiden, oliën en essences uit de natuur van het Bregenzerwald zijn bepalend voor haar producten. De producten worden gebruikt in Hotel Post in Bezau en in de Susanne Kaufmann Day-Spa in Berlijn. Te koop zijn de producten in het Bregenzerwald en in de online-shop.

Hippe klompen van vakman Devich in BezauHet is al lang geleden dat klompen alleen maar in de stal of werkplaats gedragen werden. Dankzij het lichte wilgenhout is de moderne klomp een alledaagse schoen en een hip item geworden. En met verschillende kleuren, dierenvacht of leder krijgt de moderne klomp een individueel karakter – er werden zelfs al klompen voor bruiloften besteld. Vooral onder de jongeren neemt de populariteit van de moderne klomp toe. Ze zijn namelijk ook geschikt voor

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