Vorarlberg - Vorarlberg

Lech - view
Vorarlberg - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Vorarlberg - Coat of arms
Vorarlberg - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Vorarlberg is one of the federal states (Bundesland) ofAustria.

To know

Geographical notes

Vorarlberg is particularly mountainous. The highest mountain is Piz Buin (3,312 m) along the border with Switzerland. Other important mountains are: Drusenfluh (2,830 m), Glatthorn (2,134 m), Rote Wand (2,704 m) and Schesaplana (2,964 m)

The main pass that affects the state is the Arlberg Pass (1,793 m).


The first settlements of Vorarlberg date back to 500 BC. when by the Celtic tribe of Brigiani. In 15 A.D. the territory was invaded by the Romans. In 260 A.D. there were the first raids by the Alemanians who settled permanently in 450 AD. In the fourteenth century the local lordship of the counts of Monfort submitted to the Habsburgs, who were engaged in an attempt to expand their territories towards present-day Switzerland and southern Germany. In the Napoleonic era the fragmented territories of the border area between Switzerland, Austria and Germany were unified, some Swiss cantons were founded and Vorarlberg remained in Austria. From 1806 to 1814, Vorarlberg belonged to Germany. After the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy there was a referendum for the annexation to Switzerland. Despite the favorable result, the annexation did not take place due to the hesitations of the Swiss parliament which did not want to compromise relations with the newborn Austrian state and, in part, call into question the balance existing between the cantons by annexing a Catholic and speaking canton. German.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

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How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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