Feldkirch - Feldkirch

Schattenburg Castle
Coat of arms
Feldkirch - Coat of arms
Federated state
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Austria
Institutional website

Feldkirch is a city ofAustria.

To know

The splendid medieval town was mentioned for the first time in 1218, after Count Hugo von Montfort had the "Schattenburg" built, a castle that is still an important landmark for Feldkirch today. Other places in the city are interesting from a historical point of view, for example the late Gothic cathedral of St. Nikolaus. Feldkirch is currently the seat of a Catholic Diocese. Writer James Joyce visited Feldkirch in 1932 to meet his friend Eugene Jolas. A pedestrian walkway in the city bears his name, and one dedicated to the famous writer is present at the train station. In recent years Feldkirch has become famous for its ice hockey team. They won the European Cup in 1997/1998 with stars of the caliber of Gustafsson and Rundqvist.

Geographical notes

The historic town of Feldkirch is located in the federal state of Vorarlberg, at the western end of Austria at a point where the borders of Liechtenstein is Switzerland They merge.

How to orient yourself

How to get

On the train

  • 1 Feldkirch central station (Feldkirch Hauptbahnhof), Bahnhofstraße 40-42, @. Simple icon time.svg06:30-23:30. On the website of the ÖBB, the Austrian Federal Railways there is a search engine called Scotty which will allow you to search all the timetables of trains in transit or going to Feldkirch.

How to get around

By public transport

  • 2 Stadtbus, Herrengasse 14 (near the tourist office), 43 5522 83951, fax: 43 5522 73973, @. Ecb copyright.svgSingle ticket: € 1.30 (€ 1 reduced); daily: € 2.40; weekly: € 8; monthly: € 20; single night ticket: € 5 (reduced € 4). Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 07: 30-18: 00, Sa 09: 00-12: 00. City bus lines cover a large part of the city and nearby locations. You can download from here all information in German; A map of the public transport network can be downloaded on official site of the municipality.


What see

Schattenburg Castle
Cathedral of S. Nicola
Churer Tor
Wasserturm at the Ill river
Ruins of the casetello di Toster
  • 1 Schattenburg, Burggasse 1, 43 5522 71982, fax: 43 5522 71982-10, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 6 (adults), € 4.50 (reduced), € 2.50 (children aged 6 to 11). Simple icon time.svgJanuary-March from Tue to Fri: 13: 30-16: 00, Sat-Sun and holidays: 11: 00-16: 00; April October from Mon to Fri: 09: 00-12: 00, 13: 30-17: 00, holidays: 10: 00-17: 00; November-December only holidays and weekends: 11: 00-16: 00. 13th century castle on the hill east of the city; is the main attraction of the city. It is impossible to visit Feldkirch without visiting this famous and historic monument of medieval Austrian architecture. The Count of Montfort once lived here and today it is used as a museum. At the end of the tour inside the castle it is possible to stop in the adjoining restaurant to enjoy a lunch immersed in the pleasant atmosphere of the Austrian hills.
  • 2 St. Nicholas Cathedral (Dom St. Nikolaus), Domplatz 6. Also dating from the 13th century, the church was destroyed several times by fires and rebuilt in the Gothic style in 1478. The Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Feldkirch is considered to be the finest example of Gothic art in all of Vorarlberg.
  • City walls. Although some of them were destroyed during the 19th century, much of the city walls and towers are still well preserved and are one of the key attractions of the itineraries through the medieval Feldkirch.
    • 3 Churer Tor. Built in 1491, it is one of the most important defensive towers in the city. Locals also call it Salztor (Salt Tower) since this tower has served in the last two centuries as a warehouse for the conservation of salt imported from abroad.
    • 4 Katzenturm, Hirschgraben (Opposite tourist office). The Katzenturm o Tower of cats it was built in 1507 with defensive functions to be integrated into the pre-existing wall system. The cats of the name refer to the cannons, so named for their shape, which were positioned on the top of the tower. From the 17th century the tower was converted into a city bell tower and from the 19th century it houses the largest bell in Vorarlberg. Today the bell is rung on Friday at 3pm, the time and day when Christ is traditionally believed to have died and on great occasions.
    • 5 Diebsturm, Hirschgraben 18. The Diebsturm o Tower of the Thieves it dates back to the 15th century and served as a prison. The part of the walls that connected it to the others was demolished a few decades ago.
    • 6 Pulverturm, Mühletorplatz. La Torre delle Polveri, this is its name in Italian, was the deposit of gunpowder and dates back to the 15th century. Today it is used as a venue for gatherings and meetings of local associations.
    • 7 Mühletor (Mill Tower), Mühletorplatz (next to the powder tower).
    • 8 Wasserturm, Montfortgasse 17. The water tower served as a gateway to the Ill River which flows through Feldkirch. It too is used as a venue for events and gatherings.
  • 9 Conservatory (Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium), Reichenfeldgasse 9, 43 5522 71110, @. The former Jesuit college is now the city conservatory. Sherlok Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also lived here for some time.
  • 10 Ruins of Toster Castle (Ruine Tosters), Tostner Burgweg. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svg24h. The castle was built here in 1260 for the Count of Montfort who abandoned it in 1616 when his second residence in Feldkirch, the castle of Schattenburg, had already been in operation for a long time. The ruins we see today are part of the defensive system of the fortress and constitute a unique attraction for lovers of hiking.
  • 11 Church of San Cornelio (Alte Pfarrkirche St. Corneli) (near Tosters Castle). Unlike the cathedral, this church of lesser importance can be traced back to the Romanesque style of the twelfth century even if many of the archaeological finds suggest an even earlier foundation. Near the north wall of the adjoining cemetery there is a millenary tree, the oldest in the state, now well protected, which boasts a circumference of 5 meters.
  • 12 Johanniterkirche, Marktgasse 1, @. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgTue-Fri 10: 00-12: 00, 15: 00-18: 00; Sat 10: 00-14: 00. This 13th century church is now used as a museum area and occasionally serves to host local exhibitions.
  • Kunst Palais Liechtenstein, Schlossergasse 8 (next to the tourist information office), @. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 16: 00-19: 00, Sat-Sun 10: 00-13: 00. The palace hosts exhibitions of modern art almost all year round.
  • 13 Kunst.Vorarlberg, Bahnhofstraße 6 (Villa Claudia), 43 680 246 77 05, @. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgFri 16: 00-18: 00; Sat 15: 00-18: 00; Sun 10: 00-12: 00, 15: 00-18: 00. The Kunst.Vorarlberg association is based in this former aristocratic villa and is used today for exhibitions by local artists from all over the region.

Events and parties

  • 3 poolbar-Festival, Altes Hallenbad im Reichenfeldpark (next to the conservatory), 43 5522 73467, @. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry (except during big concerts). Simple icon time.svgJuly August. For six weeks a year, from July to August Feldkirch hosts numerous concerts with performances of all kinds and music and songs from the most diverse European and international musical genres.

An internet competition is held annually for design and fashion, the winners of which are awarded during this summer festival.

What to do

Stupa at the Letzehof Buddhist Monastery
Public swimming pool
  • 1 Letzehof Buddhist Monastery (Buddhistisches Kloster Letzehof), Im Buchholz 26, Frastanz (Stadtbus 7, or on foot from Liechtensteiner Straße and Duxgasse), 43 5522 706 111, @. Ecb copyright.svgvoluntary offer, lessons € 10. This Buddhist monastery was founded here in 1982 by Geshe Rabten Rinpotsche on the site of an old dairy. Anyone who wants to can come here and meet Tibetan, Mongolian and European monks and spend time in meditation, listen to lectures on Buddhist theology and philosophy or simply take time out for personal reflection. Here it is also possible to book a room for stays longer than a day and participate in the retreats offered by the monks. Next to the monastery there is a small library always managed by Buddhist monks.
  • 2 Felsenau swimming pool, Fellengattner Straße, Frastanz (Stadtbus 7/73), 43 5522 72221. Ecb copyright.svg€ 4.20 (adults), € 3.30 (seniors), € 3.10 (young people), € 2 (children 6-15), free for children under 6 years old.. Simple icon time.svgMay-September 09: 00-20: 00 (depending on weather conditions). Built in 1903, this municipal swimming pool is the oldest still functioning in Vorarlberg.
  • Excursions. The area around Feldkirche is well suited for hiking and climbing. Local tourist offices have adequate contacts with local amateur associations and specific maps. Almost all major hiking destinations can be reached by public city buses.


Frastanz Brewery
  • 1 Frastanz Brewery (Brauerei Frastanz), Bahnhofstraße 22, Frastanz, 43 5522 51701-0, fax: 43 5522 51701-11, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 09: 00-12: 00, 14: 00-18: 00; Sat 09: 00-13: 00. The typical local beer has been produced here since time immemorial. Guided tours in German are available on request and of course you can buy some fine Austrian beer.
  • 2 Illpark shopping center, Leonhardsplatz 4.
  • 3 Marktgasse (Market Street). The Marktgasse is a typical street of all the medieval towns of the German area with its arches, its old shops and its cobbled streets. Here you can find shops since the Middle Ages, naturally adapted to our times, but with the charm of the ancient Central European shopping streets.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Rauch Café-Bar
  • 1 Braugaststätte Rösslepark, Rösslepark 1 (Next to the Schattenburg castle), 43 5522 765 43, @. Simple icon time.svg09:00-01:00. Excellent restaurant with typical Austrian and Bavarian dishes. In summer you can sit in a pleasant outdoor garden.
  • 2 Gasthaus Stern Bangs, Sternenweg 1, 43 5522 74312. Simple icon time.svgWed-Sun 10: 00-24: 00.
  • 3 New TomCat, Leonhardsplatz 4, 43 5522 719 98, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 07: 00-24: 00, Sat 08: 00-24: 00; Sun 2 pm-7pm. Restaurant loved by vegetarians because of its menu with a wide choice of innovative dishes of the European tradition based on vegetables.
  • 4 Schlosswirtschaft Schattenburg, Burggasse 1 (In the Schattenburg castle), 43 5522 72444, fax: 43 5522 72444-18, @. Simple icon time.svgSept-Jun from Tue to Sat 11: 00-14: 00, 15: 00-22: 00, Sun and holidays 11: 00-14: 00, 15: 00-21: 00, In summer also open on Mondays. The best known and most renowned restaurant in the city, directly in the castle of the counts of Montfort, offers traditional dishes from the region.
  • 5 Verona Two, Schmiedgasse 4 (near St. Nikolaus Cathedral), 43 5522 81790. Ecb copyright.svgabout € 10. Very pleasant Italian restaurant with a good offer of pasta dishes. They also serve pizzas in the evening.

Where stay

Hotel Garni Post

Average prices


How to keep in touch


Basilika Rankweil
  • Rankweil —Small Austrian town with its typical basilica and Roman villa, just 10 km from Feldkirch.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Feldkirch
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Feldkirch
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).