The North - Bắc Bộ

The North is a geographical area Vietnam, in some Western languages ​​called Tonkin. This area is located in the northernmost region of Vietnam's territory, bordered by China to the north, and to the west by China Laos and the East borders the East Sea. It starts from latitude 23°23' North to 8°27' North with a length of 1,650 km.


The topography of the North is diverse and complex. Includes hills, plains, coasts and continental shelves. Has a long history of topographic and geological development, strong weathering. There is a lower surface, flowing in the direction of Northwest - Southeast, which is shown through the direction of flow of large rivers. The large delta area is located in the Red River basin, with an area of ​​14.8 thousand km² and equal to 4.5% of the country's area. The delta is triangular in shape, the top is Viet Tri City and the bottom edge is the east coast. This is the second largest delta in Vietnam (after Mekong Delta area of ​​40,000 km²) accreted by the Red River and Thai Binh River. Most of the delta's surface has fairly flat terrain, with an elevation of 0.4 - 12m above sea level.


The North has four distinct seasons, with a relatively cold winter (temperatures can drop below 15 °C/59 °F in Hanoi), a hot and humid summer, and a warm spring and autumn (October). -December). In the Northwest, however, both extremes are amplified, with occasional snow in the winter and temperatures reaching 40 °C (104 °F) in the summer.



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