Calabria - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Calabre — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Caccuri nordest.JPG
Regional capital
39 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ N 16 ° 30 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site

The Calabria is a region ofItaly.



The 5 provinces:


  • Catanzaro
  • Cosenza
  • Croton
  • Gerace
  • Reggio di Calabria
  • Rossano
  • Scilla
  • Stilo
  • Tropea
  • Vibo valentia

Other destinations

Southern Aspromonte
  • Calabria National Park
  • Pollino National Park
  • Aspromonte National Park
  • The Massif de la Sila
  • Sibari
  • Locri
  • The Castella
  • Capo Rizzuto Marine Reserve
  • The Costa Viola

To go

By plane

  • 1 Lamezia Terme Airport (IATA : SUF, ICAO: LICA, Aeroporto Internazionale di Lamezia Terme) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (10 km southwest of Lamezia Terme, in the province of Catanzaro)
  • 2 Reggio Calabria Airport (IATA : REG, ICAO: LICR, Aeroporto di Reggio Calabria, Aeroporto Tito Minniti) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element in Ravagnese (km south of Reggio Calabria)


On a boat

By train

A main line connects the north of the country to Calabria. It is widely used in summer by those from the South who have gone to Rome or Milan to study and work there, so at this season it is sometimes difficult to find a seat there.

By car

A single motorway serves the entire region, it is theA3 who links Naples and Salerno at Reggio di Calabria south of the Peninsula. This route is free of charge when crossing the Basilicata and Calabria, which explains the poor condition of the road which can become formidable for the mechanics of the cars and the service areas which are more distant from each other. Watch out for very tight turns (which is saying a lot ...) in the reliefs. The only compensation: very close interchanges make it possible to find a service station if the gauge arrives on the reserve and even a stall where to eat when the stomach begins to growl.

The state of national and secondary roads varies depending on the axes taken but often poor inland.

Beware of Calabrians who have the annoying tendency to crush the mushroom once on the road. Do not show them your dissatisfaction because they are sometimes sensitive and could get you in trouble.

By bike

Cycling to visit the region is possible, but you should be careful on the roads, the locals are known for their very sporty driving.



Buratta, tender fresh sheep's cheese stuffed with a soft butter ball, Amarelli liquorice in Rossano, Bergamot, Olive oil, Ceramics.


Have a drink / Go out


  • Hotel Residence Gandhi S. Maria del cedro Corso del Tirreno, 205 - 87020 Santa Maria Del Cedro (CS) Fax 39 0985 42270 [1].



In this part of southern Italy, thefts are very frequent and it is advisable not to take your eyes off your personal belongings as well as your nomadic multimedia equipment. Do not leave anything in sight inside your vehicle, because rental cars and those registered abroad are immediately spotted, prefer to park your vehicle at night in the garage of the hotel where you sleep. Remember to make photocopies of official documents (passport, identity card, driving license, etc.) and record the number of your means of payment separately (bank card and checks, etc.) in order to facilitate their declaration to the authorities. in the event of theft or loss.

Do not try to strike up a conversation about the local mafia, few people risk their lives in order to expose those of organizations.





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Complete list of other articles from the region: Southern Italy
Destinations located in the region