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General view of Matera
General view of Matera
Regional capital
Minimum altitude
Maximum altitude
Telephone prefix
40 ° 28 ′ 16 ″ N 16 ° 5 ′ 49 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

The Basilicata (also formerly known as "Lucania") is a region ofSouthern Italy composed of two provinces: Potenza, to the west, and Matera to the East.


A personality forged under many influences: Greek, Roman, Norman, Byzantine, Saracen, Catholic ... A strange impression after a stay in August, this region is not used to tourists or in any case to travelers, most foreigners do not leave their vacation clubs.

Be careful, the summer months are scorching, the month of August is literally boring. The rooms are most of the time equipped with air conditioners to be able to "recover" ... If you opt for the mountainous area of ​​Basilicata, you will be cooler.


Basilicata, its name comes from the Greek "Βασίλευς" which means "king". Basilicata therefore means "Royal Region". Also the name Lucanie comes from the Greek "Λύκος" which means wolf. Lucania is therefore "The Land of Wolves"


The Vulture Alto Bradano

This subregion is located in the northern area of ​​Basilicata. You can find very characteristic small stone villages. For those who love the great outdoors, this area has a fascinating extinct volcano to visit, Mount Vulture. In this area, one can also visit 3 small Arbëreshë villages (Barile, Maschito, Ginestra), Albanian communities settled in Basilicata at the beginning of the 16th century.

The Potentino

Located in the heart of Basilicata, this subregion has as its capital, Potenza. This city is also the capital of the province of Basilicata. Crossed by the Lucanian Appenines, this area is very mountainous. There are many forests and historic towns. the famous VIA APPIA road built by the Romans is still in use.

The Materano

Land of history, located east of Basilicata, this area is quite arid and dry. Historically speaking, this area has often been invaded by powerful peoples such as the Greeks, Romans, Saracens, Normans and Byzantines. These peoples have left indelible traces on local architecture and art. Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of Christ" was shot in Matera.

The Siritide

Area forming an integral part of what was Magna Graecia, this area includes the old Greek towns of Metapontion (Metaponto), Pistoikos (Pisticci), Herakleia (Policoro), Siris (Nova Siri) and Rotunda Maris (Rotondella). These coastal towns in the south of Basilicata lead to the Ionian Sea and are between Calabria and Puglia. These beaches were awarded the Italy Cleaner Sea award.

High Pollino

This mountainous area is a national park, the famous "Parco del Pollino". Straddling Basilicata and Calabria, this park delights many visitors every year.


  • 1 Matera
  • 2 Potenza
  • 3 Melfi
  • 4 Pisticci
  • 5 Policoro
  • 6 Maratea
  • 7 Metaponto

Other destinations

  • Grassano (commenda melintensa)
  • Tursi (arabatana)
  • 1 Valsinni  – medieval village
  • Metaponto (Temple of Hera, Greek city rest)
  • Lagonegro (Old Town)
  • Lavello (Castle)
  • Venosa (Roman city remains, birthplace of the Roman poet Orace)
  • 2 Serra delle Ciavole Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Highest point at 2 127 m of Basilicata.
  • Mount Vulture : ancient volcano at the heart of which the two were formed Monticchio lakes green waters
  • Siris Old Town in Siritide
  • Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa: typical mountain villages. Activity: angel flight, zip line over 1 600 m long and in the "void" with speeds reaching 120 km / h
  • Pollino National Park
  • Materano Cave Churches Park
  • Gallipoli Cognato and the Small Lucanian Dolomites Regional Park (the valley of death in the heart of Basilicata)
  • Craco : abandoned village, filming location

To go

The possibilities of entering Italy by car are, by the Tirrenean or Adriatic coast. Basilicata is in the heart of the South, an obligatory passage to reach the far south of Italy and the Sicily.

It can also be reached by plane, at the airport of Brindisi or Bari, car rental services are there or even train station and bus connections. An airport is under construction at Pisticci in Basilicata.


By car

Many Lucanians drive in any way (with the cell phone, use of the horn, disregard of traffic lights, signs and priorities). Traffic is very difficult in Potenza between 17 h and 21 h.

It is possible to take a rental car at the airports of Bari, Forty and Brindisi.

The highways are free in Basilicata (very busy in summer). They are two-lane and connect large cities, however the bends are often tight and potholes are frequent.

Dipped headlights are compulsory during the day. Allow one hour for Matera-Policoro and two hours for Potenza-Policoro.

Parking: Most parking is free in Basilicata. In the event of a ticket, it is impossible to pay directly: you must complete a payment slip in triplicate and pay by post.

By bus

Beware of schedules. Several companies in each city. An unspeakable mess.

By train

In mountainous villages, the station is always close to the highway at the foot of the hill or the mountain, often a few kilometers from the village. You will have to opt for a bus that goes up to the village every hour. Good luck! The network is quite fast and above all very economical. It is rarely used, people prefer the bus.

By bus

Each village has its "car-zone" for all interregional destinations. Very well organized and not expensive at all, people prefer this means of transport to any other service such as the train or other.


Difficult communication for non-Italian speakers. The official language is Italian but the inhabitants speak the Lucan or Lucanian dialect. If you are a tourist, people make the effort to speak Italian despite the mistakes. Young people speak best, preferably address them.

Be careful, the inhabitants often communicate by gestures and facial expressions, each of which has a specific meaning.

English is often the medium used by tourists, address yourself to young people, few ultra-forties know how to speak it.


Pretty ceramics everywhere ... Basilicata has a large number of artisans: Aglianico del vulture, one of the best red wines in Italy. Also famous goat cheeses and provolone ...


Have a drink / Go out


Hotels, Youth hostels, Campsites, Rural lodges, Agriturismo, holiday villages, Bed & breakfast.



Stay alert while driving, know where the horn is: any road, lane is a potential danger ... The Lucanians force the passage by encroaching on roads, crossings, roundabouts ... and it works! Do not hesitate too long ... You get used to it, but better to have a few years of driving experience ...

For walks, avoid wearing large jewelry or things of great value.



Nature: even if a few inhabitants do not.

The siesta: many shops and restaurants are closed between 14 h and 17 h/18 h.



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Complete list of other articles from the region: Southern Italy
Destinations located in the region