Craco - Craco

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Craco is a city of Basilicata.

To know

Geographical notes

Craco rises in the hilly area that precedes theLucanian Apennines, halfway between the mountains and the sea, in the central-western part of the province. The territory is varied, with a predominance of gullies, deep furrows dug in a clay soil by the descent into the valley of the rainwater. The neighboring municipalities are Pisticci (20 km), Montalbano Jonico is Stigliano (25 km), San Mauro Forte (27 km), Ferrandina (33 km). It is 58 km from Matera and 104 km from the regional capital Power.


Ruins of Craco

Craco as a city dates back to at least 1060, when the land was owned by Archbishop Arnaldo, bishop of Tricarico. An earlier Greek settlement existed around 540 AD. under the name of "Montedoro". At its peak in 1561, the population of the old City di Craco was close to 2,600 people. The period from 1892 to 1922 was characterized by high emigration due to poor agricultural conditions.

There were several earthquakes and a series of landslides between 1959 and 1972. The old town was abandoned in 1963 due to landslide damage, thus becoming a ghost city, and the inhabitants moved downstream in the hamlet of Craco Peschiera. Today Craco is used as location for the filming of various film productions. Despite this forced exodus, Craco remained intact. In 2010, the village entered the list of monuments to be protected drawn up by the World Monuments Fund.

The municipality, in the implementation of a recovery plan for the village, has established, since the spring of 2011, a guided tour, along a route made safe, which allows you to travel along the main street of the town, up to the one that remains of the old main square, which collapsed following the landslide. In December 2012, a new itinerary was inaugurated, which allows you to enter the core of the ghost town. In 2013, the historic center registered an influx of around 5,000 visitors.

How to orient yourself

How to get

A street of Craco

By plane

  • Airport of Bari (120 km away)
  • Airport of Naples (250 km away)

By car

Highway A2Salerno-Reggio Calabria: Exit Sicignano, take direction Power, continue for the SS407 Basentana in the direction Metaponto. From the road, Craco is just west of SS103 or SS176.

On the train

The nearest station is Metaponto, connected with the main railway junctions.

How to get around

Within the city you can move only on foot.

By car

  • 1 parking area.

What see

The visit to the village costs € 10 per person and also includes the emotional museum.

The mother church

Events and parties

What to do

Interior of abandoned building

Numerous tourists go up to Craco to see the ruins of the ghost town and to venture through the alleys and surroundings. The clayey and barren soil coexists with the marly one: on a spur of marl calcified by time stands the tower, which for the Crachesi is the "castle". Secular olive trees mixed with ancient cypresses are on the side of the town towards the Scalo.

Stroll the streets and look into the houses, which have remained as they were, but are slowly deteriorating.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Craco was abandoned in 1963. The closest place is Pisticci.


How to keep in touch

Keep informed

  • 2 Pro loco of Craco.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Craco
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Craco
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Craco
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