Ghost city - Città fantasma

Craco old, ghost town in Basilicata
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Ghost city is a term derived from the phrase in the English language Ghost Town, which defines an abandoned city.

The causes of depopulation can be social, such as the failure of the local economy and / or the exodus of the population to economically more favorable areas, or resulting from wars or natural disasters. The term is also used in a pejorative sense, speaking of areas where the current population is considerably smaller than it was in the past. It can also be used to describe partial ghost towns, such as Tonopah, in Nevada, or uninhabited neighborhoods, such as Love Canal. There are also tourist ghost towns, which have significant economic income thanks to tourism, such as Oatman, in Arizona, or numerous sites in Egypt, but which cannot survive without tourism itself. In any case, a real ghost town is totally abandoned, like Bodie, in California, is Craco, in Basilicata, often a destination for tourists or film sets.

A ghost town can also be an archaeological site where little or nothing remains above the surface, such as Babylon. Some ghost towns are reborn in the form of living cities, such as Alexandria of Egypt. Often a ghost town has an important artistic and architectural value, such as Vijayanagara in India or Changan in China. There are ghost towns in almost every major state and region.

Some ghost towns are tourist attractions, especially those that preserve buildings and architecture of some importance. Often, however, we are faced with overdeveloped ghost towns, located in places that are difficult to reach, dangerous or illegal to visit.

bandiera Argentina

The 1990s saw many towns become ghost towns as rail services ceased and local products were replaced by large quantities of imported cheap goods. Some ghost towns near towns (including Villa Epecuén) offer tourist attractions, especially on weekends.

bandiera Brazil

In the Amazon rainforest, Fordlândia.

bandiera Cambodia

There Bokor health resort was abandoned in the 1940s, due to local uprisings led by Khmer Issarak during the Indochina War. Phnom Penh was a ghost town between 1975 and the 1979.

bandiera Canada

In theOntario northern and central Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador and in Quebec.

bandiera Croatia

Duecastelli or Dvigrad.

bandiera Finland

Some villages near the Russian border and in Lapland they are currently abandoned.

bandiera Germany

Etzweiler, in northwestern Germany, abandoned in the 1990s to make way for a coal mine.

bandiera Japan


Hashima was a Japanese mining town from 1887 to 1974, located on the homonymous island, abandoned when the coal mines were closed.

bandiera Greece

Vathia in the south of Peloponnese, it was a stop for the Crusaders who embarked for the Middle East.

bandiera Guyana

Jonestown, became a ghost town after the mass suicide of the People's Temple community living there.

bandiera Italy

Flag of Abruzzo.svgAbruzzo

Piola Valley in the Province of Teramo

Some mountain hamlets of the municipalities of Rocca Santa Maria, Safe Torricella, Cortino is Castellana Valley: Martese, Greenhouse, Tavolero, Piola Valley, Altovia, Pezzata Valley, Laturo, River, etc. as well as the medieval village of Ancient Pharaoh, the fraction Cascignoli houses of the municipality of Bisenti is Frunti in the Municipality of Teramo.

Piola Valley, on Monti della Laga, has been abandoned since 1977.

Abandoned village of Morino Vecchio

Spur, abandoned by its inhabitants who moved from the sixties to the new Borgo Sperone a Joy of the Marsi. Morino Vecchio, in the municipality of Morino is Old fracture, in the municipality of Scanno they were abandoned by the few survivors of the 1915 earthquake. Even the medieval village of Sunrises Vecchia was abandoned after the earthquake of Marsica.

An example of good maintenance is the village of Calascio Vecchio, destroyed by the earthquake of 1706, on which the famous Rocca di Calascio rests, set of numerous films including The Name of The rose is Ladyhawke.

Gessopalena. The town was destroyed with dynamite charges on 1 January 1944 by the Nazis, being the town on the Gustav Line. Today it is transformed into an archaeological site.

Goodnight Old of Montebello sul Sangro for a landslide that damaged the town in the nineteenth century. Between Fraine is Roccaspinalveti the remains of the old centers are visible, which have fallen into disrepair due to landslides.

Split Stone, part of the fraction of Roccacaramanico in the municipality of Sant'Eufemia a Maiella and the village of Salle Vecchia, in the municipality of Salle.

Pescosansonesco Vecchio, abandoned in the Thirties following a landslide, it preserves the remains of the ancient village as well as the fortifications, overlooking a cliff. The new town was built a short distance away, in a safer position.

Flag of Basilicata.svgBasilicata


Craco it was abandoned in 1963 due to a landslide that destroyed it and still remains as it was when it was abandoned. This evacuation gave the village a certain charm that attracted some directors, who chose Craco to shoot scenes for their films. Furthermore, according to fans of the paranormal, Craco would be haunted by arcane presences, in which strange noises, echoes of voices, screams and mysterious luminous shapes resound in the houses.

Campomaggiore Vecchia, a small town where the houses were arranged in a checkerboard pattern and each inhabitant had a piece of land to cultivate. It was abandoned in 1885 due to a landslide.

The village of Alianello Vecchio, part of the Municipality of Aliano, was abandoned after the 1980 Irpinia earthquake and its population moved to the new nucleus of Alianello Nuovo.

Even the old town of Roscigno, due to landslides, it has been abandoned for some years while the new city is a few kilometers away.

Flag of Calabria.svgCalabria

Africo and the village of Casalinuovo fraction of Africo, were abandoned in 1951-1953 due to the flood and rebuilt at sea level with the name of New Africo, in the district "Le querce" of the municipality of Bianco.

Laino Castello it was abandoned in the early 1980s. The village has been abandoned and forgotten by the institutions for about 20 years, but now it is the object of recovery and redevelopment that they would like to make a village-hotel.

Of Panduri - town located on a hill in the municipality of Careri -, destroyed by an earthquake in 1570, the ancient walls of the convent remain; from its destruction the new country arose, Careri. Panduri sees its hill fill up every summer with faithful who gather to pray in suffrage for the dead of the terrible earthquake and for the Madonna of Panduri, a reproduction of which is carried in procession.

Horseman (fraction of Cerzeto), has been uninhabited since 7 March 2005 following a landslide that destroyed part of the houses.

Pentedattilo, part of the municipality of Melito di Porto Salvo.

Roghudi abandoned in the seventies following floods and rebuilt in an area included in the municipality of Melito Porto Salvo.

Cirella Vecchia - Behind the present town (Cirella), perched on a promontory is the old town. It was abandoned in 1806 as it was bombed by the French fleet during the Calabrian insurrection.

Flag of Campania.svgCampania

Roscigno Vecchia, San Severino di Centola is Romagnano al Monte. "Tocco Vecchio" in the municipality of Touch Caudio; also the old parts of Apex and of Conza della Campania is Melito Irpino in Irpinia, abandoned following earthquakes.

Rione Terra of Pozzuoli that in 1970 after a strong shock of bradyseism the municipality evacuated the entire district, the seismic event damaged and made most of the historic buildings unusable.

In San Pietro Finally heavily bombed during the Second World War and subsequently evacuated, consigning it to history in a state of ruin. The current center was rebuilt further downstream in the 1950s.

Emilia Romagna

Durres in the municipality of Molinella. The village, which in the Middle Ages had a moderate importance, began to decline due to the swamping of the area due to the continuous routes of the Idice and the Quaderna in the mid-eighteenth century. Prada in the municipality of Grizzana Morandi: most of the buildings are uninhabited and / or in ruins as well as the churches, the cemetery and the manor houses. In province of Parma the uninhabited village of Bozzi (municipality of Bedonia) and the village of Varviaro (municipality of Santa Maria del Taro), now covered by dense vegetation. Vosina, fraction of Bar of, depopulated since the 1950s.

Flag of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.svgFriuli Venezia Giulia

Palcoda, part of the municipality of Tramonti di Sotto. Cja Ronc, inhabited until the end of nineteenth century, is located on top of a hill overlooking the hamlet of Campeis, in the municipality of Pinzano al Tagliamento. Pozzis, the first inhabited center that the Arzino stream meets after the source, in the municipality of Verzegnis. The country was definitively depopulated in the early sixties, due to emigration.

Flag of Lazio.svgLazio

- the church of San Bonaventura Monterano

Tolfaccia, close to Allumiere, Monterano, an abandoned fiefdom following the sacking of the French army in the 18th century.

In the territory of Cistern of Latina, the remains of the medieval city of Nymph, which overlook the lake of the same name. Abandoned in the 16th century, at the beginning of the 20th century it was transformed into an exotic garden by the Caetani.

Civita di Bagnoregio, a small town (birthplace of San Bonaventura) which has become depopulated due to the fragility and isolation of the tufaceous ridge on which it stands. The place has recently discovered an important tourist popularity and has been a candidate to become UNESCO World Heritage Site.

On the border between Lazio is Tuscany, instead, there are the remains of the city of Castro. Castro was the capital of the homonymous duchy governed by the Farnese who built important public buildings, palaces and churches in Castro. In 1649 the duchy was conquered by the papal troops who razed the city to the ground.

On the banks of the lake of Bolsena there are three countries (Bisenzio, San Lorenzo alle Grotte is Borghetto) abandoned in the eighteenth century, when the rising level of the lake made the places where they stood swampy and unlivable.

Bisenzio, on the western shore, was an important Etruscan city that contended for Volsinii the dominion of the region, as evidenced by the numerous necropolises discovered. In medieval times it was a castle and later passed to the Farnese. The suggestive promontory on which it stood, today in the territory of Capodimonte, preserves important remains from the Etruscan, Roman and medieval times.

San Lorenzo alle Grotte or simply San Lorenzo in other sources was founded by the survivors of the Etruscan-Roman city of Shot destroyed by the Lombards and so named for the caves dug at the base of the hill on which it stood. The failure of the reclamation projects and the continuous landslides of the hill on which it stood, prompted Pope Clement XIV to transfer the population to the new center of San Lorenzo Nuovo built a short distance on the via Cassia.

Borghetto it developed as a stopover center for travelers to the via Francigena and for the presence of mills. The Duchess Gerolama Orsini built a country residence there. Its population was decimated by malaria and in the 18th century it was joined with Caves of Castro.

Other ghost towns in Lazio are Mount Follettoso, near Roccagiovine, Fontefredda, near Fiamignano, Cartore near Borgorose and Rocchettine in Sabina, in the territory of Rocchette in the municipality of Towers in Sabina.

Flag of Liguria.svgLiguria

the old village of Balestrino

Of ghost villages in Liguria we remember: the old village of Balestrino, abandoned in 1963 due to a hydrological instability. The charm of the ghost town has brought a fair amount of hiking tourism to the area, and it was also the film set for the film Inkheart - The legend of the ink heart.

The village of Lavazzuoli, part of the municipality of Valbrevenna in Scrivia valley, abandoned in the sixties and recently recovered; Canate, part of the municipality of Davagna, Walnuts, part of the municipality of Montoggio and Assereto, part of the municipality of Box, Beverone Spice fraction with about 20 inhabitants is a retirement home; the town is located in the Val di Vara. We also remember the huge hamlet "Cravarezza", a Ligurian goblet, abandoned in the early sixties following the closure of an important mine and the isolation from the main localities. Currently the only building still used is a small chapel, while numerous ruins still remain, including a tavern and part of the mine itself.

Luni it was an important Roman city, a bishop's seat, until it was abandoned by its inhabitants due to its poor defensibility from barbarian raids. Today it is an archaeological site.

Finally, it can be remembered Bussana Vecchia (IM), partially destroyed by the earthquake of 1887 and then completely evacuated. Remained abandoned until the mid-twentieth century, some of the less ruined buildings were then occupied by a community of artists.

Flag of Lombardy.svgLombardy

  • Consonno, a small fraction of the municipality of Olginate, in province of Lecco.
  • There is also a country without any road links and reachable only through dirt roads and mule tracks: it is Savogno and is located in Valchiavenna. Inevitably, the fate of the village was fulfilled in the mid-fifties, when civilization and progress isolated this mountain village which is still very well preserved today, offering interesting ideas to lovers ofhiking; however, it should be noted that the village is inhabited in the summer.
  • Also noteworthy is the village of I sing, located on the hills between Under the Mt., Carvico is Pontida, in the province of Bergamo. The ancient district, inhabited until the 1950s, today lies in a state of total abandonment and decay, despite attempts to recover and the construction of some new buildings in the 2000s.
  • The village of Case Nuove di Lombard sum (VA), close to the Malpensa airfield. In the early 2000s, due to the expansion of the airport several areas of the municipalities of Lonate Pozzolo, Ferno and Somma Lombardo became uninhabitable due to problems related to the noise generated by the aircraft in transit. Some neighborhoods were progressively relocated. The hamlet of Case Nuove was contextually almost completely abandoned by the residents. Same fate for some districts of Ferno and Lonate Pozzolo.

Flag of Molise.svgMolise

The abandoned village of Rocchetta Alta, in Molise

There are many villages Molise, completely or partially abandoned due to post-war emigration onwards. The best known is Rocchetta Alta, part of the municipality of Rocchetta a Volturno of which it was the main nucleus before the depopulation. The village, which is located at the foot of the Monti della Meta, is completely abandoned and the buildings are badly in ruins, with collapsed attics and torn doors. Due to recent collapses and the growth of vegetation, the village can no longer be visited easily.

Flag of Piedmont.svgPiedmont

Erbareti, an uninhabited hamlet of Varallo

In val Borbera, inPiedmontese Apennines, there are seven villages abandoned during the sixties. They are all located in the upper valley except one, they are:

Other ghost towns in the region are:

Flag of Apulia.svgPuglia

St. Nicholas Funnels, on Lake Varano, was an important base for seaplanes during and after the First World War (Idroscalo "Ivo Monti"). Built around a pre-existing Benedictine, the base was made up of several civil and military buildings, all abandoned today.

The mining village of Montecatini near San Giovanni Rotondo (Contrada Quadrone) was abandoned in 1973 following the closure of the bauxite mine, inaugurated during Fascism, and considered one of the most important in Europe for its grandeur, but not for its quality. The few remaining buildings are now abandoned, with the exception of a couple, which have recently been converted into a hotel-restaurant.

On the Monti Dauni, the Fossi district, in the municipality of Accadia, was abandoned following an earthquake in 1930.

In Salento the hamlet is located Monteruga of the municipality of Vigils, an inhabited center abandoned during the eighties.

It is also abandoned Roca Nuova, a hamlet of Melendugno, from the second half of the 19th century.

Flag of Sardinia.svgSardinia

Another testimony of a ghost village is located in Naracauli near Piscinas (Arbus) is Ingurtosu (Arbus). In the 1950s it was a thriving village that housed miners from the nearby lead, zinc and silver mines; once the economic system based on mining collapsed, the country was abandoned. Today you can still see the remains of the houses and mining offices.

Other abandoned countries are Gairo ed Osini, inOgliastra, following some floods that caused landslides in the area and that convinced the inhabitants to rebuild the inhabited centers in other areas (Gairo higher up, Osini about 2 km). Sulcis-Iglesiente we remember the small center of Tratalias that between the eighties and the nineties was abandoned and rebuilt on Mount Nigali, which is located north-east of the Old Town, about 30 meters above the sea level to escape the destructive infiltration of the artificial lake of Monte PranuTo date the old village has been largely demolished, but an area around the cathedral of Santa Maria di Monserrato it is being restored and renovated.

On the island ofAsinara is presents the country of Cala d'Oliva which no longer has stationary residents since the establishment of the prison and subsequently of Asinara National Park, and currently hosts only seasonal workers, forest rangers, and tourists.

TO Bonorva the village of Rebeccu it has depopulated over the centuries, coming to count only one registered resident in 2010.

Also interesting is the case of Santa Chiara del Tirso, near Ula Tirso (OR); it is a village that housed the employees of the Sardinian electricity company, about 450 people, employed in the nearby Santa Chiara dam. At the end of the 1980s, with the disposal of the hydroelectric plant of the old dam, the small town was abandoned.

Flag of Sicily.svgSicily

Joyful Guard it is an abandoned village in 1783, due to an earthquake. The countries of Poggioreale, Gibellina, Salaparuta is Montevago they were abandoned after the 1968 Belice earthquake and rebuilt elsewhere. The Schisina villages were built in the 1950s on the Peloritani mountains.

Another partially abandoned village is Castanea which, following various landslides that occurred between the 19th and 20th centuries, forced the population to rebuild the village in a new location further upstream. Only a few ruins remain of the village. A little above rises an inhabited district.

Flag of Tuscany.svgTuscany

The inhabited area of Rocca San Silvestro, in the municipality of Campiglia Marittima is a medieval ghost village founded in the 10th-11th century by the Della Gherardesca family and died together with the copper and silver lead mines that surround it, whose exploitation began in the Etruscan era. The village can now be visited as part of the "San Silvestro mining park". In the province of Lucca, in the municipality of Bagni di Lucca, there is the Località Bugnano, a town of about 50 houses, completely abandoned also due to its position, which is difficult to reach by car.

A special type of ghost town is Factories of Careggine, an inhabited area cleared in the twentieth century due to a dam whose basin submerged the village still intact. Until the last century, with a variable frequency between 4 and 6 years, the reservoir was emptied to inspect the dam and the town resurfaced, attracting tourists and old residents to live a unique experience in the world. This "miracle" is no longer in planning thanks to the help of probes and modern monitoring systems. Another ghost town is Col di Favilla, in the municipality of Stazzema which saw the population decrease drastically towards the sixties of 1900 following the construction of an alternative road that has definitively isolated the town from commercial traffic once an obligatory stop for those who wanted to cross this stretch of the high Versilia.

In the municipality of Zeros, rises the ghost town of Formentara, an ancient pasture for shepherds who brought their cattle to high altitudes in the summer.

Toiano, located in an area of ​​considerable scenic interest, between the soft green Pisan hills and the sandy gullies that border the crags of the area around Volterra.

In the municipality of Rapolano Terme, the phantom fraction of Poggio Santa Cecilia, located on the top of a hill.

In theTuscan archipelago, you find thePianosa Island, completely abandoned as a town and inhabited only by ministerial, ecclesiastical and tourist personnel during the summer.

Up Casentino, the hamlet of Serelli near Vallucciole (Stay) completely destroyed by a landslide in 1993. What remains are a railing placed on a wall, the only survivor of the landslide, and an economic kitchen, the only vigilante of a forgotten country. Also in Casentino, in the area known as Vallesanta, near Rimbocchi, there are some uninhabited centers, such as Siregiolo and Montesilvestre.

The country of Bivignano in the municipality of Arezzo, an old agricultural village near Palazzo del Pero which preserves a very beautiful church and the remains of a castle and Calbi, a village on the slopes of Mount Lignano abandoned for many decades. Between Palazzo del Pero and Castiglion Fiorentino, along the valley of the San Chimento stream, there are other uninhabited villages and districts (in particular Galloro and Cecani).

Finally Castelnuovo dei Sabbioni in the municipality of Cavriglia in the province of Arezzo was a vital center linked to the lignite mines. Today only the evidence of abandonment remains: the village was in fact evacuated in the 1970s because it was at risk of collapse.

Also worth mentioning is the village of Castiglioncello, near the resort Moraduccio. It was gradually abandoned starting from the eighteenth century, when instead of the ancient road that ran along the Apennine ridge, a road in the valley floor, which is still used today, began to be used. The inhabitants remained increasingly isolated and thus decided to leave the country.

Cavagliano, a hilly fraction of Meadow, was abandoned after World War II, despite its relative proximity to the city center, when the inhabitants ceased agricultural and pastoral activities in the area to work mainly in the textile industries of the capital. Currently the small village is reduced to a group of ruins, including the church]].

Valibona, once an agricultural and pastoral village of the Municipality of Calenzano placed on the Učka and the scene of a famous episode of the Resistance in January 1944, it was abandoned by the inhabitants immediately after the end of the Second World War both for the damage caused by the battle (the republicans burned and damaged several houses in retaliation against the inhabitants who had given refuge to the partisans ) and due to the decline of economic activities in the area and the difficult roads (still today it can only be reached through unpaved and rather uncomfortable paths). After decades of absolute abandonment, the small village has regained some life with the inauguration of a small museum-memorial dedicated to the battle of which the village was the scene, located in a restored house.

Another place still abandoned is Cooker, a small village of railway originlocated in the municipality of Vicchio.

Flag of Trentino-South Tyrol.svgTrentino Alto Adige

The Curon bell tower

Curòn Venosta, submerged village abandoned in 1950 to make room for Resia Lake (the town no longer exists as it was demolished, but the bell tower was left in memory of it), an artificial basin for the production of electricity. The town was rebuilt not far away.

Flag of Umbria.svgUmbria

Umbrian is a currently abandoned fortress located in the municipality of Ferentillo (TRThe fortress was built on the north side of Mount S. Angelo in 890 after the invasions by the Saracens in UmbriaThe fortress was therefore in a dominant position and difficult to attack, being in an area without road connections with the Valnerina and economic attractions after the Second World War there was a progressive depopulation and since 1950 it has been completely abandoned.

Burst is an uninhabited fraction of the municipality of Acquasparta (TR), located at about 640 m a.s.l. The remains of the town are located along the provincial road 418 that connects Acquasparta to Spoleto, on Martani mountains, about 15 km from the capital. According to the data of the municipality, only 8 people live in the houses surrounding the ancient village.The name derives from the Latin scopulus, due to its dominant position on the plain below. Around the year 1000 it enters the Terre Arnolfe and its fate will follow. In 1750 25 families still lived there, but the town was abandoned around 1950 following damage caused by a series of earthquakes. Its ghostly aspect and its suggestive position of isolation on a spur of rock overlooking the ditch of the Matassa, make it a characteristic destination in the context of the trekking route of the Martani mountains. Near the village there is also a refuge where it is possible to stay overnight.

Sensati, a hamlet in the municipality of Spoleto abandoned for at least fifty years, is located near the small hamlet of Cese, 7 inhabitants.

Catinelli, another fraction of the municipality of Spoleto, near Pompagnano and Montebibico, where only one family lives.

Flag of Veneto.svgVeneto

In the municipality of Gosaldo remember the settlement of California, so called from the name of the inn-hotel around which it was built and which attracted many tourists during the summer season. In turn this name was a reference to the American state of California, by analogy between the gold rush and the mercury mining activities that made up the country's economy. California was badly hit by the 1966 flood and abandoned. Today only a few ruins remain of California and the ancient city site has been recaptured from the woods. It is accessed via a pedestrian bridge or by fording the stream in dry periods.

bandiera Kiribati

Paris, located on the island of Kiritimati, has been completely abandoned.

bandiera Namibia

Kolmanskop it was founded by the Germans in the early twentieth century and today is abandoned and overrun by sand.

bandiera Norway

Pyramiden it was a colony Russian of miners in the archipelago of Svalbard. It was abandoned in the late 1990s by its owners and is now a ghost town. There are no restrictions on visiting Pyramiden, but most of the buildings are now sealed. However, without a permit, visitors cannot enter any of the buildings, even if the doors are open. Pyramiden can be reached by boat or snowmobile. Guided tours are possible (in Russian, Norwegian and English).

bandiera Montserrat

The capital Plymouth (Montserrat) it was abandoned due to the eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano which caused the evacuation of the inhabitants.

bandiera Czech Republic

Doupov it was a Czechoslovakian city originally inhabited by a German population which was expelled after the Second World War. In 1967 the science fiction film was shot there Konec srpna v hotelu Ozon.

bandiera Russia

Many villages in Siberia have been abandoned: Ušakovskoe, onWrangel Island.

bandiera Spain


Ochate is a village located in Condado de Treviño, abandoned around 1920-1930, due to the emigration of its inhabitants to other nearby cities. It cannot be reached by car and is only accessible on foot. The village is almost reduced to a ruin, only a few houses, a tower of the ancient church of San Miguel and a medieval necropolis are still in good condition. Ochate has achieved some fame for alleged paranormal phenomena, related to UFOs, as a photograph depicts an unidentified object flying in the vicinity of the village, although the reliability of the document is questionable.

bandiera United States of America

A corner of a street in the ghost town of Bodie, in California

There are a lot of ghost towns in the Great Plains (Great Plains) Americans, whose rural areas lost a third of their population in 1920. Only in Kansas there are more than 6000 abandoned settlements. Additionally, ghost towns are common in areas where minerals were previously mined, or factories were present, usually for cotton weaving: Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming (the settlement of Cambria) is California in United States of the west, e West Virginia in the eastern USA, but they also exist in some southern states, such as Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia is Florida. When the resources that had created an employment boom in these cities ran out, the businesses ceased to exist, and the populations moved to more productive areas. Sometimes a ghost town consists of many old abandoned buildings (like Bodie, in California), while at other times it is simply formed by structures or foundations of buildings that no longer exist (such as Graysonia, in Arkansas).

Some ghost towns struggle to die like Orla (Texas), which with two inhabitants also has a functioning post office.

Old settlements of miners who have lost a large part of their population at some point in their history, such as Central City, Aspen, Cripple Creek is Crested Butte in Colorado, Virginia City is Marysville in Montana, Tombstone in Arizona, Deadwood in South Dakota or Park City in Utah they are often included in the category, although nowadays they are active cities and towns.

Also worth mentioning is the town of Centralia In Pennsylvania, whose tragic events inspired the cinematic version of the imaginary Silent Hill, in the film based on the video game of the same name.

A recent attempt to declare California an "Official Ghost Town" failed when supporters of the city of Calico, in Southern California, and those in the city of Bodie, nella California settentrionale, non riuscirono a trovare un accordo su quale delle loro città preferite fosse la più meritevole.

bandiera Svezia

Sjöstad, in Närke.

bandiera Turkey

Kayaköy venne abbandonato dai greci dopo la guerra greco-turca e oggi viene utilizzato come museo all'aperto.

bandiera Ucraina

Pripjat' e dozzine di insediamenti minori nel nord dell'Ucraina (come ad esempio Kopachi) furono abbandonati dopo il disastro di Černobyl'.


Poiché questi siti sono per lo più abbandonati, le loro condizioni sono in rapido deterioramento. Le strade sono spesso non mantenute. Ponti e strutture, se in cattive condizioni, potrebbero non essere in grado di sopportare il tuo peso. Le assi del pavimento degli edifici abbandonati possono essere marce e pronte a rompersi; gli edifici possono essere prossimi al crollo del tetto. I siti possono anche essere contaminati da qualsiasi cosa, dai vetri rotti all'amianto.

Se un sito è stato abbandonato a causa di un disastro ambientale provocato dall'uomo, potrebbe ancora essere fortemente contaminato. Černobyl' is Fukushima sono ottimi esempi, con zone con alti livelli di contaminazione radioattiva.

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