Osini - Osini

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Osini is a center of the Sardinia, in the province of Nuoro.

To know

Geographical notes

Osini is located in Ogliastra and borders on Cardedu, Gairo, Jerzu, Lanusei, Loceri, Tertenia, Ulassai is Ussassai.


The area was already inhabited in the Neolithic and Nuragic times due to the presence in the territory of some domus de janas and several nuraghi.

It was also a center in Roman times, due to the presence of some ruins with archaeological finds.

In the Middle Ages it belonged to the Giudicato of Cagliari and was part of the curatoria of Coraso. The villa was protected by a castle, probably built by the judges of Cagliari. At the fall of the Giudicato (1259) it passed for a short time under the Giudicato of Arborea. In 1324, it was conquered by the Aragonese. In 1363 Osini, together with other villas of Ogliastra, was incorporated by the King of Aragon Pietro IV the ceremonious in the county of Quirra, given as a fief to Berengario Carroz; it was a county villa until 1603, when the county was transformed into a marquisate, a fief of the Centelles. The town was redeemed by the Osorio de la Cueva, who succeeded the Centelles, in 1839 with the suppression of the feudal system wanted by the Savoy.

Osini is commonly divided into New and Old because the current town was born after November 1951 following a flood that destroyed the old town.

Little remains of this center if not the seventeenth-century church dedicated to Santa Susanna the rectory and some houses including some renovated in recent years. In the old town we can find the fountain located in Piazza Chiesa and the cemetery that flanked it. For two days a year the old town comes back to life, the houses are set up as in ancient times and the church opens its doors to exhibitions and various activities.

The new town is located about 1 km away from the old one. Osini Nuovo includes the Town Hall and the church dedicated to St. Joseph, the nursery schools. The new town is almost completely made up of apartments, this is due to the need to provide housing to the population as quickly as possible after the flood.

Glimpse of Osini Vecchio

How to orient yourself

The current inhabited area is characterized by wide streets and recent buildings; half a kilometer north, along the provincial road, lies the old abandoned center.

There are three exclaves of the municipality:

  • A strip of land located between the hills of Pelau and the valley of the Rio Quirra (localities "Bidd'e monti", "Riu Marculentu" and "Sa Tuvuda"), which is wooded upstream and cultivated with vineyards downstream.
  • A small strip of land between the municipalities of Jerzu and Gairo, on the southern side of Mount Tricoli, mainly cultivated with olive groves
  • In the territory of Quirra, on the right side of the homonymous river, sparsely inhabited and cultivated, with a predominance of scrub and scrub-forest.

Tovuda Villamonti

Tuvuda or "Sa Tuvuda" is the toponym of a locality located in the municipal area.

The locality of "Tuvuda" or "Tovuda" is indicated in a map of the Piedmontese state of 1753 of the Royal Academy of Sciences, the so-called map known as the "Piedmontese Engineers Charter" Le Rouge (1753), as a country still inhabited then , in correspondence with the current locality of "Bidda 'e Monti" (countryside of Osini, the part bordering the jurisdictions of Cardedu and Tertenia). The oral tradition of Gairo still recalls a town called "Bidda Tuvuda" (today it would be written Villa Tovuda "), while the oral tradition of Osini calls it Bidda e Monti (Villamonti) a term reported in the IGM map 1: 25.000. hagiographic present on the site "Sa Tuvuda" in the locality of "Bidda è Monti" is Gilia which could indicate that the village church was dedicated to Santa Cecilia. Another hagiographic term adjacent to the previous one is Marcus which suggests the existence of a second church of the town, probably in the countryside, dedicated to San Marco. In the vicinity of the locality of "Sa Tuvuda" there was the castle called "Casteddu de sa Rosa". The stream that crosses the locality "Sa Tovuda" is called "Riu Marculentu" perhaps transcribed as "Arculentu" term that could perhaps have indicated the town in the Middle Ages when it belonged to the Giudicato of Cagliari in the Curatoria of Quirra-Colostrai. rta can lead to consider its survival as possible at least until 1771, the year of the establishment of the municipalities with the law issued by the Piedmontese sovereign Carlo Emanuele III, therefore "Bidda e Monti", "Villamonti", could be the name attributed to "Tuvuda "as common, which had an ephemeral duration. In the second volume of Casalis Angius on page 646 we speak of a series of lost Ogliastra villages mentioned by Father Aleo: Tenìa, Marinitu, Galana, Vindonia, Arnissa, Ittona, Galli and others. Casalis Angius (1833) does not mention Bidda and Monti among the Osini jumps, which suggests that Osini later came into possession of a part of the "Tuvuda" jump, probably with a purchase from the royal state property generally also consisting of the jumps that belonged to the missing countries. It is not to be excluded that the royal property of "Bingionniga" under the jurisdiction of Jerzu and the countryside of San Marco today under the jurisdiction of Tertenia belonged to the "Tuvuda" leap. Oral memory reports that the town was irreversibly damaged by a flood in the last phase of its existence. Today the town would have been called Tovuda Villamonti or Tuda Villamonti.

The word "tuvuda" or "tuda" in literary Sardinian indicates a basin or a depression.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports, thanks to the presence of several car rental companies, it is possible to rent a car to reach Osini.

By car

  • From Nuoro take the State Road 389 Var Nuoro-Lanusei, then, after about 60 km, turn right on the State Road 198 of Seui and Lanusei and follow it to the "Cagliari-Jerzu-Ulassai-Osini" exit, then take the Provincial Road 11 up to Osini.
  • From Golfo Aranci is Olbia take the state road 131 D.C.N. up to the main entrance of Nuoro. Do not enter the city but follow the signs for Tortolì and take the State Road 389 Var Nuoro-Lanusei, then, after about 60 km, turn right on the State Road 198 of Seui and Lanusei and follow it until the exit "Cagliari-Jerzu- Ulassai-Osini ", then take the Provincial Road 11 up to Osini.
  • From Cagliari take the SS 125 Orientale Sarda road up to Tortolì, from here take the State Road 198 of Seui and Lanusei to the "Cagliari-Jerzu-Ulassai-Osini" exit, then take the Provincial Road 11 up to Osini.
  • From Oristano take the state road 131 Carlo Felice until the exit "Nuoro-Olbia", from here take the state road 131 d.c.n. up to the main entrance of Nuoro. Once you arrive here, do not enter the city but follow the signs for Tortolì and take the State Road 389 Var Nuoro-Lanusei, then, after about 60 km, turn right on the State Road 198 of Seui and Lanusei and follow it until the exit "Cagliari- Jerzu-Ulassai-Osini ", then take the Provincial Road 11 up to Osini.
  • Those coming from North-West Sardinia (Alghero, Sassari is Porto Torres) must take the state road 131 Carlo Felice up to the exit Nuoro - Macomer, and then take the state road 129 Trasversale Sarda Macomer - Nuoro. Follow the latter up to the junction for the state road 131 D.C.N., where there are signs indicating Nuoro Highway - Olbia is Nuoro Badu is Carros. Take the exit Nuoro Highway - Olbia and take the state road 131 D.C.N. up to the main entrance of Nuoro. Do not enter the city but follow the signs for Tortolì and take the State Road 389 Var Nuoro-Lanusei, then, after about 60 km, turn right on the State Road 198 of Seui and Lanusei and follow it until the exit "Cagliari-Jerzu- Ulassai-Osini ", then take the Provincial Road 11 up to Osini.
  • From Tortolì take the State Road 198 of Seui and Lanusei to the "Cagliari-Jerzu-Ulassai-Osini" exit, then take the Provincial Road 11 up to Osini.

On boat

From the ports of Tortolì-Arbatax, Olbia- White Island, Golfo Aranci, Cagliari is Porto Torres.

By bus

Osini can be reached by bus from Lanusei, Tortolì is Cagliari with the ARST line 103 or with the ARST 9004 Jerzu-Gairo line.

How to get around

What see

Nuraghe Serbissi
Staircase of San Giorgio


  • Parish Church of San Giuseppe.
  • 2 Church of Santa Susanna.
  • 3 Church of San Giorgio Vescovo. Country church.
  • 4 Church of the Madonna della Fede. Country church.
  • Church of Santa Lucia. Country church ruins.

Works of art in Osini

  • The Game of the Goose Flight. Work of Maria Lai installed in 2004.
  • Mother Goddess. Work of Costantino Nivola installed in 2011.
  • Delicate Stones and Mural by Pinuccio Sciola. Work of Pinuccio Sciola installed in 1995.

Archaeological sites

Several archaeological sites present including:

Places of naturalistic interest

Events and parties

  • San Giorgio Bishop of Suelli. Simple icon time.svgLast week of April. The celebrations open on Friday when the effigies of the Saint dressed in liturgical vestments are carried in procession from the mother Church to the rural one dedicated to the Saint of Suelli. The arrival of the statue is followed by civil events which usually consist of dances and the offering of dinner by the organizing committee. On Saturday the celebrations continue in the small town, while on Sunday the simulacrum returns to the Mother Church accompanied by a festive procession.
  • Santa Susanna Martyr. Simple icon time.svg11 August. Patronal feast. The liturgical feast falls on August 11 when the beautiful wooden statue of the Roman martyr reaches in procession his Church located in old Osini dating back to 1600, there the Bishop of Lanusei celebrates the pontifical in honor of the virgin martyr followed by the civil celebrations that they always present the offer of dinner (meat, cheese, bread, wine etc.) and the typical dances with poetic competitions. During the days of the festivities there are always numerous and interesting activities planned.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices


Useful numbers

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Post Office, Europe Square 5, 39 0782 79736, fax: 39 0782 79736. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 45; Sat 8: 20-12: 45.


Mount Perda Liana

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Osini
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Osini
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