Tertenia - Tertenia

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Tertenia is a center of the Sardinia, in the province of Nuoro.

To know

Geographical notes

Tertenia is located in Ogliastra and borders on Cardedu, Gairo, Jerzu, Loceri, Osini is Ulassai.


The first traces of humans are from the Late Neolithic (4th millennium BC), and are attributable to people of the Ozieri culture. In addition to relatively widespread obsidian tools, monumental evidence of the final Neolithic can be found in the internal areas, where there are hypogenic necropolises in Domus de Janas. In the locality of Magalàu there was a necropolis consisting of three hypogea dug out of the schist, the only surviving one of which consists of a single cell with a niche; in the locality of Santa Lugia a single artificial cave, similar to that of Magalàu but with a secondary chamber. In the territory there are 77 nuraghi, 22 villages, 34 giants' tombs and a sacred well dating back to the nuragic period. This density of structures testifies to a high demographic density, parallel to that documented for other areas in Sardinia, which also implied a certain economic and socio-political articulation of the territory. The entire nuragic cultural development is visible in the current landscape.

In the Middle Ages it was part of the Giudicato of Cagliari, in the curatoria of Sarrabus of which it was the capital. At the fall of the Giudicato (1258) it passed for a short time to the Giudicato of Gallura, then to the municipality of Pisa and subsequently, from 1324, to the Aragonese.

Under the Aragonese dominion the town was incorporated into the county of Quirra, formed by the king of Aragon Pietro IV the Ceremonious and given as a fief to the Carroz. In 1603 the county was transformed into a marquisate, a fief first of the Centelles and then of the Osorio de la Cueva.

Around the sixteenth century, to watch over the coast, the tower of San Giovanni di Sarrala (Santu Juanni de Sàrrala) was built. In the eighteenth century south of Tertenia the villages of Ullu disappeared at the foot of the castle of Quirra and Tovuda Billamonti in the locality of Bidda 'e Monti in the countryside of Tertenia.

The town was redeemed to the Osorio, the last feudal lords, in 1839 with the abolition of the feudal system, so it became a municipality administered by a mayor and a municipal council.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

From the following airports, thanks to the presence of several car rental companies, it is possible to rent a car to reach Tertenia.

By car

  • From Cagliari take the SS 125.
  • From Olbia is Nuoro take the SS 389 Var Nuoro-Lanusei, then, turn left and take the SP 27 for Villagrande Strisaili, continue in the direction of Tortolì, then, arrived at the entrance of the city, turn right and take the SS 125 in the direction Cagliari in order to reach Tertenia.

On boat

From the port of Tortolì-Arbatax or from the ports of Cagliari, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

By bus

You can reach Tertenia from Cagliari is Tortolì with the ARST line 103.

How to get around

What see

Tower of San Giovanni di Sarrala
Beaches of the marina of Tertenia
Nuraghe Longu


  • 1 Parish church of the Beata Vergine Assunta.
  • 2 Church of Santa Teresa.
  • 3 Church of Santa Sofia. Country church.
  • 4 Church of San Pietro. Country church.
  • 5 Church of Santa Lucia. Country church ruins.


Military architectures

  • 7 Tower of San Giovanni di Sarrala.

Places of naturalistic interest

Nearby is the complex of volcanic origin of Mount Ferru, rich in woods and challenging paths, of notable archaeological interest is the presence of the Aleri nuraghe.

Archaeological sites

  • 8 Nuraghe Longu.
  • 9 Nuraghe Nastasi (Nuraghe Anastasi).
  • 10 Nuragic well temple of Sa Brecca.


There are several beaches including:

  • 11 Barisoni beach.
  • 12 Foxi Manna beach.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Il Moro, Via Marosini, Sarrala locality, 39 338 5467607. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 18: 00-24: 00. Pizzeria steakhouse.

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

Tertenia, 39 0782 570441, 39 0782 570442, 39 328 0929872. Camping.

High prices


Useful numbers

  • 3 Carabinieri, Via Roma 16, 39 0782 93822.
  • 4 Emergency medical Service, Via Peppino Mereu, 39 0782 93952.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 5 Post Office, Via Don Manca 7, 39 0782 93812, fax: 39 0782 93812. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35, Sat 8: 20-12: 35.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tertenia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tertenia
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