Pinzano al Tagliamento - Pinzano al Tagliamento

Pinzano al Tagliamento
Panorama of Pinzano at sunset
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Pinzano al Tagliamento (Pinçan in Friulian) is a municipality of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

To know

Geographical notes

The town is located in the Media Val Tagliamento. The western part of the municipality borders the Val Cosa, while the north-eastern part is located in the lower Val d'Arzino. The geographical position of the territory, which is located in the transition belt between the high Friulian plain and the first foothills, is of particular naturalistic value. This is also thanks to the abundance of woods and waterways, to the presence of the important habitat constituted by the Tagliamento river, and finally to the low human impact on the territory. is 43 km from Pordenone and 32 km from Udine.

When to go

Pinzano al Tagliamento, according to the Köppen climate classification, enjoys a typical temperate climate of mid-latitudes, rainy or generally humid in all seasons and with very hot summers. Precipitation is concentrated in the periods between March and May, with a slight decrease in the summer months, and a worsening in the period between October and late November.


The territory of Pinzano has given prehistoric finds from the Neolithic, Mesolithic and Bronze periods. After the settlement of the Celtic populations, the area fell under Roman domination, when the town was a center of trade between the Roman city of Concordia and the Noricum, along the trade route constituted by the Tagliamento river. Patriarchate of Aquileia, a period in which Pinzano had a Lord, Ermanno di Pinzano, and a castle. Passed to the Savorgnan, it was then the domain of Venice in 1420 like the rest of the region, until 1797, the year of the end of the Venetian Republic which became a possession of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with the brief Napoleonic interlude, until 1866 when with the third war of independence it became Italian. than in the Second World War. In the post-war period, a major historical event was the 1976 earthquake. The earthquake in May caused 14 deaths in the municipality, razed 77 houses to the ground and damaged almost all the buildings more or less severely. In 1986, the reconstruction was already ninety percent completed, involving even notable changes in the appearance of the towns and above all of the square of the capital.

How to orient yourself

The municipal territory of Pinzano al Tagliamento also includes the hamlets of Manazzons, Valeriano, Borgo Ampiano, Borgo Mizzari, Campeis, Colle, Costabeorchia, Pontaiba and Pradaldon.

How to get

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

On the train

By bus

  • Coaches connect it to the provincial and district capitals.

How to get around

What see

Church of San Martino
  • 1 Church of San Martino (in Pinzano). In 1520 the building underwent a first expansion, consisting of the reconstruction of the presbytery and the construction of three side chapels. The latter were frescoed by Pordenone in 1526 and 1527; notable are the Madonna and Child and the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. Still from the same period, but by an unknown artist, is the so-called Madonna "del cassonetto" because it is inserted in a decorated wooden box. This painting comes from the church of Ognissanti in the castle, as well as the contemporary wooden group of piety visible on the first altar of the left aisle. The presence of two chapels on the right side and only one on the left side is explained by the fact that on the left of the church there was the ancient bell tower. At the end of the seventeenth century, under the direction of the master Antonio De Adamo, the side chapels were transformed into aisles.
Another work of art of some importance is the depicting altarpiece Sant'Antonio in Gloria, dated 1740 and the work of Gianantonio Guardi.
The building in its present form dates back to the enlargement of 1773, which brought the length of the aisles to 17 meters, to which the 7.35 meters of the choir enlarged on that occasion must be added. In the same period the bell tower leaning against the left aisle was demolished and a new one was built in front of the church and curiously detached from it.
Damaged by the 1976 earthquake, the church was returned to the ecclesiastical community only ten years later. The church is not normally open to the public outside of religious celebrations. Church of San Martino (Pinzano al Tagliamento) on Wikipedia church of San Martino (Q3671059) on Wikidata
The Church of Santo Stefano in Valeriano
  • 2 Church of Santo Stefano (in the hamlet of Valeriano). The parish of Valeriano derives from the ancient parish church of San Pietro in Travesio. It is mentioned in a papal bull for the first time in 1186, but it was located in a place of worship that was destroyed, of which nothing is known except that it was probably located in the same place as the current building. The latter dates back to 1492, as can be seen from two inscriptions: one affixed to the right of the entrance portal, the other on the architrave of the portal itself.
The façade appears simple and sober, made up partly of the original stone blocks, partly of plastered masonry. The only decorative elements are the main stone portal and a brick oculus. The building, in Romanesque style with evident Gothic influences, develops internally in a single round barrel nave. : The apse is polygonal, with three sides, and inside there is a valuable wooden choir with nineteen stalls, with inlaid decorations with geometric motifs. Among the works of art, a work by Pordenone also stands out: the large triptych depicting St. Valerian, St. Michael the archangel and John the Baptist, fortunately spared from the 1976 earthquake. The work is signed and dated 1506, therefore it has been considered the first certain work of the artist. On the opposite wall there is instead a Trinity dating back to 1535, while the high altar is from 1757.: The church was heavily damaged by the earthquake, the bell tower even collapsed for most of its height. Both needed long and heavy renovations to return to their function, and finally on December 22, 1985 the religious building was again consecrated by the parish priest Don Enrico Todesco.
The church is not normally open to the public outside of religious celebrations. Church of Santo Stefano (Valeriano) on Wikipedia church of Santo Stefano (Q3674313) on Wikidata
Santa Maria dei Battuti in Valeriano
The Nativity of Pordenone (1527) - Church of Santa Maria dei Battuti in Valeriano
Last supper, S. Maria dei Battuti, Valeriano
  • 3 Church of Santa Maria dei Battuti, in the hamlet of Valeriano. It is a small religious building erected by the confraternity of the Battuti (ie devout flagellants) around 1300. The church has a single nave with a barrel vault. Over the centuries various enlargements, in the 14th and 16th century, have doubled its length and modified the apse from circular to polygonal.
The façade, which dates back to the end of the fifteenth century, has been defined as "a precious anthology that collects and illustrates the three golden centuries of painting": it is in fact a precious work divided into four main scenes. To the right of the entrance portal is a grandiose San Cristoforo, once attributed to Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone but probably the work of Marco Tiussi (1532). On the left of the portal there is a fresco by Pordenone depicting the saints Valeriano, Giovanni Battista and Stefano. Above this last painting, Pordenone also frescoed the Magi in adoration. Finally, above the lunette of the architrave, there is a partially erased Madonna enthroned, surmounted by the Savorgnan coat of arms. All the original frescoes on the façade, dating back to 1524, are kept inside the church, on the counter-façade, to protect them from the elements, while on the outside some monochromatic traces have been reproduced. The portal, dating back to 1499, is the work of Giovanni Antonio Pilacorte.
Inside, the left wall retains a Nativity, a rather well-known work by Pordenone and dating back to 1527. Other frescoes on this wall are: one Flight to Egypt, probably the work of a collaborator, and a Christ in Glory fourteenth century. On the left wall of the nave there is one instead Last Supper, one Trinity, a San Niccolò and a naturalistic scene: all fourteenth-century works, probably by the same hand.
The original wooden altar is located in the museum of Palazzo Ricchieri, a Pordenone, and was replaced with a marble altar dating back to 1527, but blessed only in 1964 as it was never used before. The altarpiece by Gasparo Narvesa, painted at the end of the sixteenth century, depicts the Trinity with the Virgin and Saint John the Baptist, and below the saints Valerian and Severus. As also reported in an inscription contained in the work, the altarpiece was made to fulfill a vow of the painter towards San Severo, having his daughter regained her sight by the grace of the saint.
In 1962 a long and painstaking restoration work on the church began, which lasted ten years, but during the 1976 earthquake the vault collapsed and the building was seriously damaged. Following a patient renovation work, which was definitively completed in 1996, it is possible to admire the church in all its beauty. It is normally open to the public even on weekdays. Church of Santa Maria dei Battuti (Valeriano) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria dei Battuti (Q3673669) on Wikidata
There Most Holy
  • Church of the Holy Trinity. Commonly called "Santissima", the church probably has sixteenth-century origins, but it was located in a different place. The building was certainly rebuilt in its present location most likely in the eighteenth century, as indicated by an epigraph on the main facade, following the flood of the Tagliamento in 1740, which may have destroyed the old building located further down. At that time the church had a certain importance, it was the seat of a brotherhood, it possessed a confessional and it was the destination of propitiatory processions from all over the Arzino valley. From 1723 to 1730, by bishop's decree, pilgrims were granted a plenary indulgence on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. From the end of the nineteenth century the town cemetery was added to it. During the year 1968, six more masses were celebrated there, plus three votive ones, but the church fell into disuse following the damage reported in the 1976 earthquake. In 2006 the restructuring and restoration was completed which allowed it to reopen for worship. . The church is not normally open to the public, apart from the religious celebration of November 1st which is usually held here.
  • Pinzano bridge. Near Pinzano the Tagliamento river passes through a natural bottleneck, and this has meant that since ancient times the place was home to a ferry. In 1901 work began for the construction of a road bridge, completed in 1903; in three parabolic arches it was at the time the largest reinforced concrete bridge in Europe. In November 1966 the structure was overwhelmed by the sadly known flood of the river: a pylon was undermined irreparably compromising the entire structure, which had to be made to shine. The reconstruction lasted from 1968 to 1970. The new work was also avant-garde as it involved the use of prestressed reinforced concrete and the spectacular cantilevered construction technique, without support, and exceeded 185 meters between the two banks in a single slender arch. To confirm its solidity, the new bridge was not damaged during the 1976 earthquake, and still today it performs its essential function of connection with San Daniele del Friuli ed Udine.
  • 4 Ossuary. It is an unfinished mausoleum, which should have kept the remains of about thirty thousand German and Austrian soldiers who fell in the First World War. The German government chose a hill called Pion as the construction site, located not far from the Pinzano bridge, from where you could enjoy a spectacular view of the Tagliamento. The construction works of the structure, which began in 1939, were interrupted following the armistice of 8 September 1943 and were never resumed. The area was later the scene of a clash between the Germans and a local group of partisans, and after the war it remained under the Italian military property due to its strategic position. German Military Ossuary of Pinzano on Wikipedia Germanic military ossuary of Pinzano (Q3886722) on Wikidata
Mill of Ampiano
  • 5 Mill of Ampiano (in Borgo Ampiano). We have news of the mill since the fourteenth century. Operated thanks to the strength of a canal derived from the Cosa stream, it was formerly owned by the lords of Pinzano, and was leased. After passing to the Savorgnan family, the mill was sold to the Battuti di Valeriano brotherhood and later to other local families. The structure has undergone various alterations and extensions, the most important of which in the early twentieth century: two new generation mills were installed, one for wheat and the other for maize, powered by a turbine that replaced the old ones. paddle wheels.
The ancient south facade, which following an extension is now inside the building, housed a fresco by Pordenone depicting the Madonna of Mercy. It is a work carried out between 1524 and 1527, which represents the Madonna with the Child Jesus blessing on her knees, four angels supporting her cloak and the devotees with white hoods, members of the Battuti brotherhood, then owner of the mill. In 1957 or 1958 the fresco was torn from the wall and later restored: what remains of it is in the civic museum of Conegliano. Vittorio Basaglia in 2001 painted his "Homage to Pordenone", an oil on canvas preserved inside the mill, in honor of the old fresco.
The mill ceased its activity in 1969, and was damaged by the 1976 earthquake. Now it is municipal property and houses the old equipment that can be visited thanks to the restoration of the original structure. The mill is part of the "Ecomuseo Lis Aganis" museum circuit of the Friulian Dolomites and is home to temporary exhibitions, cultural activities and educational workshops. Outside the structure there is an old threshing machine, kept under a canopy, also evidence of the agricultural past of these areas.
  • 6 Savorgnan-Rizzolati Palace. The secondary residence of the Savorgnans, subordinate to the castle, was located in the place where today's palace stands as early as the sixteenth century. In a divisional act of 1562 it is referred to as "the lower house in the villa called the large house with caneve, stables, broylo, arches and courts". The current building was perhaps built at the end of the sixteenth century, when the registers no longer speak of "house", but of "palace", but it seems that only after the French Revolution did it definitively replace the castle as the administrative seat and residence of the lords . Already in 1809, however, the building changed owners due to the Savorgnan ruin and the changed political situation.
In the mid-nineteenth century the Rizzolati family, the new owner of the building, used the most beautiful stones, architraves and arches of the now in ruins castle to embellish the building. After another change of ownership, in 1925 the building was divided between two different owners; the door was opened on the main facade still visible today.
Since 1939 part of the building has been used as the town hall, while the ground floor of the eastern part houses the village pharmacy. The structure was compromised by the Friuli earthquake, but promptly restored to its function: a small square was created in the rear courtyard, which bears the name of Piazza 6 May 1976, the anniversary of the earthquake, connected by an alley to Viale Vittorio Veneto. Overlooking the square, in the place where the old stables of the building stood, the new municipal medical clinic was built.
Pinzano Castle in winter
  • 7 Pinzano Castle. The site where the castle stands, a hill overlooking the town of Pinzano, was certainly already frequented in Roman times. The first mention in a written document dates back to the 12th century, when the castle was inhabited by the lords of Pinzano. The property passed to the powerful Savorgnan family in 1352, a period in which the castle was the administrative and economic center of the fief of Pinzano. : The building underwent various transformations over the centuries, but with the beginning of the nineteenth century it gradually began to go into disrepair. The 1976 earthquake brought down the last remaining walls. since 2000 the Municipality of Pinzano has promoted the recovery of the castle area also with a view to its tourist enhancement.
The legends
The castle of Pinzano has always been the subject of numerous legends and popular beliefs. According to many of these, in the basement of the castle (where once there were also the prisons of the jurisdiction), a room would have been placed where the Pinzano lords would have hidden their impressive fortune, the result of their raids in Friuli. Also from the undergrounds, it is said there are secret tunnels that wind below the territory. One of these would reach the Tagliamento river and would be used by the adopted daughter of the Pinzano to escape during the massacre of 1344.
Another more recent legend tells of a poor woman who found herself wandering among the ruins of the castle at midnight. The woman, legend has it, saw the ghost of a knight brandish a sword and kill a lion. Frightened, she ran away screaming. The Agane Arzino and Tagliamento, which heartened her and invited her to follow them to the river. But when the woman realized that in reality the water nymphs wanted to drown her, she invoked the name of Mary, and the Aganas ran away terrified and horrified. Pinzano Castle on Wikipedia Pinzano castle (Q3662801) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • Patronal festival of San Martino. Simple icon time.svg11 November.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Strolic Pizzeria, Via Roma, 42 (in the Valeriano district), 39 0432 950331.
  • 2 Don Quixote restaurant, Via Roma, 76 (in the Valeriano district), 39 0432 950555.

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 5 Italian post, Via XX Settembre, 67, 39 0432 950675.


  • Gemona del Friuli - The reconstruction of the city after the terrible 1976 earthquake that brought it to its knees is an unmatched example of the value of its people who, in addition to the houses, have rebuilt, stone by stone, its beautiful Cathedral as it was.
  • San Daniele del Friuli
  • Trasaghis - Devastated by the 1976 earthquake, the town saved the ancient church of San Michele del Pagani.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pinzano al Tagliamento
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pinzano al Tagliamento
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