Irpinia - Irpinia

Typical Irpinia landscape
Irpinia - Location
Coat of arms
Irpinia - Coat of arms
Institutional website

L'Irpinia is a territory of Campania.

To know

Geographical notes

It is an ancient district ofsouthern Italy, now almost completely included in the province of Avellino. Its territory is dotted with villages and farmhouses and is also very rich in woods and springs; it is no coincidence that it is often referred to as "the green Irpinia".

When to go

The recommended periods are the Christmas period, the Carnival period and the summer period to participate in the many events organized throughout the territory. However, some initiatives are renewed throughout the year: this is the case of the traditional weekly open-air markets (present in every town) and of theatrical and musical reviews; an example is given by "ClassicAriano", the weekly review of classical music held every weekend at Ariano Irpino.


Inhabited since the most remote antiquity, in pre-Roman times it was occupied by the Irpini, a rough and warlike people of Samnite lineage who adored the wolf (which they called hirpus). This animal, which still lives today in the woods and mountains (albeit in limited numbers), is the symbol of this land.

After the Roman conquest and colonization Irpinia underwent a slow phase of decline, but in the Norman period it again acquired great importance. It was in that period that many villages and castles were built, while among the sovereigns the figure of King Roger II of Altavilla stands out; these in 1130 obtained in the cathedral of Avellino the investiture of the Kingdom of Sicily and, ten years later, issued ad Ariano Irpino the constitutions of the Kingdom, which from then on took the name of "Assizes of Ariano", and also gave the duchy, the new currency destined to last for centuries. The Museum of Norman Civilization, housed in the Castle of Ariano Irpino, preserves the fragments of that glorious past.

In the following centuries Irpinia was aggregated to the Kingdom of Naples of which it constituted a province, curiously called "Principato Ultra", whose capital was Montefusco, while the current province of Avellino arose only in the nineteenth century.

Spoken languages

In Irpinia, in addition to the national language, the Irpino dialect is spoken, which is part of the southern dialects and of the same linguistic group as the Neapolitan language.

A special feature is the small town of Greeks (located on the mountains bordering the Puglia) which constitutes the only linguistic minority of the Campania; in fact, ancient Albanian is spoken there, called arbëresh and, in addition to the language, many traditions have also remained intact over time. A curiosity: the territory of Greci borders on that of another minority, the Arpitan (or Franco-Provençal) of Faeto is Cells of San Vito, two small villages falling however from the Apulian side.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

The municipalities of the Province that exceed 10,000 inhabitants are 7:

  • Ariano Irpino - Said City of the Tricolle, is the most populous center after the capital. Its historic center shows a medieval structure with a Romanesque-style Cathedral and a Norman castle, whose gardens have been transformed into the Villa Comunale. There are numerous museums and the majolica craftsmanship is characteristic.
  • Atripalda - The ancient Abellinum, a Roman city from which Avellino will later derive, is called the Sabatina city because it is crossed by Saturday. In the central Dogana dei Grani it houses a museum and its historic center offers the Collegiate Church of Sant'Ippolisto with Specus Martyrium, a crypt that preserves works of art and testimonies of early Christianity.
  • Avellino - It preserves medieval (castle, Lombard tunnels, original structure of the cathedral), Renaissance (Caracciolo palace, prince's casino), baroque (Bellerofonte fountain), neoclassical and modern testimonies.
  • Mercogliano - Located at the foot of Montevergine, seat of the famous Marian sanctuary, it is divided into the medieval part (Capocastello) which perches on the hill and a new area dominated by the avenue lined with plane trees named after San Modestino, martyred patron in these lands. Noteworthy is the Loreto Abbey Palace. A separate mention deserves the Sanctuary of Montevergine, easily reachable from the town center by one of the steepest funiculars in Europe.
  • Monteforte Irpino - This center has developed at the height of the important pass that connects Avellino with Naples.
  • Montoro - Municipality born in 2013 from the merger of Montoro Inferiore and Montoro Superiore, it preserves various testimonies scattered in its numerous hamlets, each of which has its own center and its own identity.
  • Solofra - A city known for its leather tanning, it offers the Collegiate Church of San Michele, a baroque jewel that houses paintings and works of art by Solimena and Guarini.

Of tourist importance in the region there are some villages, which are part of the association of the most beautiful villages in Italy (such as Green Mount, Nusco, Savignano Irpino, Summonte is Zungoli, the latter also boasting the Orange Flag) and some historic centers such as that of Gesualdo (with its castle, which was the residence of the Prince of Musicians Carlo Gesualdo), Rocca San Felice, Calitri (especially Borgo Castello), the medieval village of Castelvetere as well as Trevico, the Roof of Irpinia, the highest village in all of Campania with its 1094 meters above sea level.

In addition to the Sanctuary of Montevergine, among the many religious destinations, the Sanctuary of San Gerardo in the municipality of Caposele, the Sanctuary of Carpignano a Grottaminarda, the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio a Frigento and the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Valleluogo at Ariano Irpino; next to the latter is jealously preserved an ancient water mill where the Madonna appeared in the Middle Ages.

Other destinations

The other main tourist attractions are the ski area of Laceno, with the lake of the same name, and the Mount Terminio. Another natural pond, the lake Iliad, rises instead in the Cervaro Valley near the village of Greeks.

Laceno lake in Bagnoli Irpino (AV)

Other destinations, albeit less known, are distinguished by their mysterious peculiarities: the Ansanto Valley, At Rocca San Felice is characterized by the curious emission of harmful gases (mentioned since ancient times by Virgil) and also by the presence of the thermal baths of Villamaina.

Further north, close Casalbore, opens instead Miscano Valley with the strange ones in the center Bolle della Malvizza (= "springs of the blackbird" in the Irpinia dialect), which form the largest field of mud volcanoes in southern Italy; this valley was frequented since the most remote antiquity, as attested by the remains of the Neolithic village de The Starza and from the dense network of ancient paths that converge (the sheep tracks, the Roman roads, the medieval Via Francigena).

How to get

By plane

The intercontinental airport of Rome-Fiumicino is about 250 km. The nearest international airport, that of Naples-Capodichino, is about 50 km away. Almost equidistant is the tourist airport of Salerno-Pontecagnano.

By car

Irpinia is crossed along the east-west axis by the A16 Naples-Canosa.In particular, the motorway toll booths serving the area are:

On the train

The city of Avellino it is affected by the railway line that connects the Irpinia capital with Benevento is Salerno.

In addition, the Avellino station offers substitute services by bus for Lioni, Benevento, Salerno.

Trains to / from Naples are available from the train station Baiano.

Finally, there are daily train connections with Rome, Caserta, Foggia is Bari from the station Ariano Irpino.

By bus

The society Autoservizi Irpini connects the region with the cities of Rome, Naples, Benevento, Caserta, Foggia, Salerno and its university, Campobasso is Termoli.

In the capital there is the bus station housed in Piazzale Sullo (formerly Piazza Macello), the terminus of all the lines that from the various municipalities of the province lead to the capital, also acting as an interchange node with city and national transport.

How to get around

By car

The car is an excellent means to use to reach all the towns of Irpinia, thanks to the A16 motorway Naples-Bari (which has seven toll booths in the area) as well as the "Ofantina" highway that connects Avellino to numerous high-irpine centers; these paths flank the much older one national road of Puglia commissioned by King Charles III of Naples, who also adorned it with majestic fountains, one different from the other but all bearing the Bourbon coat of arms in carved stone.

By bus

The societies A.IR it connects the numerous municipalities of Irpinia with each other, with more frequent and regular relations on working days, including Saturdays.

What see

Castles, towers, ruins and villages

Avellino Castle
  • Avellino Castle. There are no certain sources on the origin of the Castle, it was probably built by the Lombards. The first historical news of the fortified village dates back to 769. The fort was involved in several battles during the Middle Ages. In 1611 the Castle was transformed into a noble residence by Camillo Caracciolo.
Ariano Irpino Castle
  • 1 Ariano Irpino Castle (In the highest and most panoramic point of the historic city center, at over 800 meters above sea level). The "castrum" is in the shape of a trapezoid with corner towers communicating with each other. You can also see the ruins of the ancient keep from which, according to tradition, the Gulf of Manfredonia could be seen. Half of the fortress is located below street level. In the basement there are three rooms with half-moon positions and with loopholes. In 2009, long restoration works were completed and, inside the complex, it is now possible to visit the "Museum of Norman Civilization". All around the castle you can admire the large municipal villa with wide panoramic views.
  • Zungoli Castle. The castle is located in Zungoli, inside a medieval village which has remained practically intact. With the exception of a tower (destroyed by the earthquake of 1456), the castle is in excellent condition and is still inhabited.
  • Avella Castle. The structure is of Lombard origin, but, due to continuous destruction, it was rebuilt by the Normans and became a noble residence. After the earthquake of 1456, it was rebuilt by Pietro Spinelli in 1553 although it was abandoned not long after. Today it is possible to visit important ruins: the tower, the defense walls and part of the walls of the residential area.
  • Roman amphitheater of Avella. Of the same size as that of Pompeii and built before the Colosseum, it was famous for its gladiators. Naval battles took place here too.
  • Parise Castle. The square-plan castle with four corner towers is located in the "Celzi" hamlet of Forino, a few kilometers from the center. Unfortunately it is in very bad condition. The structure dates back to 1735.


  • Sanctuary of Montevergine. Located on the homonymous mountain. It is estimated that about 1.5 million pilgrims visit it annually.
Basilica San Gerardo Materdomini Caposele (AV)
  • Sanctuary of San Gerardo Maiella (In Caposele).
  • Sanctuary of Sant'Antonio da Padova (In Montefalcione).
  • Sanctuary of the Saints Pellegrino and Alberico (In Altavilla Irpina). Every year you can attend the parade of the Knockers coming from Mugnano del Cardinale.
  • Shrine of the Stella Mattutina (To Andretta).
  • Sanctuary of Santa Filomena (In Mugnano del Cardinale). The most important sanctuary dedicated to the Saint, her relics are kept here. The facade has two twin bell towers and a dome.
Sanctuary of the Madonna di Valleluogo
  • 2 Sanctuary of the Madonna di Valleluogo (Salus Infirmorum Sanctuary) (along the SS 414 between Ariano Irpino is Montecalvo). Located in a quiet valley full of streams and old trees. Next to the sanctuary there is the ancient mill where in the distant past the Madonna appeared to a deaf-mute girl of the place, healing her.

What to do

  • Country Sport of Avellino, Contrada Valle Santa Caterina (Picarelli fraction), 39 0825 39641. Sports fields of all kinds, swimming pools, etc.
  • The Turtle - Ariano Irpino, Contrada Carpiniello (located in a pleasant valley 1.5 km from the center), 39 0825 8272725. It is a large sports complex with swimming pools, playgrounds, green areas, etc.

At the table

Irpinia is famous for numerous typical products. Some of these are the tasty cheeses from Irpinia, among which the "Caciocchiato" (typical of Ariano Irpino), the Podolic "Caciocavallo" (Aquilonia, Saddlebag, Calitri), the "Scamorza" etc. The production of cured meats, such as "Prosciutto" di Trevico, the "Sopressata" and the "Salsiccia", as well as the homemade pasta (Cavatielli di Castelfranci, Lagane, the Maccaronara of Castelvetere sul Calore), while typical of Montecalvo Irpino it is homemade bread.

Other well-known products are the Tartufo di Bagnoli, the “Chestnut of Montella"IGP (whose production is concentrated in the Terminio-Cervialto area and limited in particular to the territories of the municipalities of Montella, Bagnoli, Cassano Irpino, Nusco, Volturara Irpina is Montemarano) and the famous Irpinia hazelnuts. TO Caposele amaretto is traditional, while a Dentecane of Pietradefusi, Grottaminarda is Ospedaletto d'Alpinolo it is a must to taste the nougat.

Finally, among the condiments the extra virgin olive oil "Irpinia - Colline dell'Ufita" stands out. (Protected Designation of Origin).


Irpinia is also famous for the production of wines. Among the most valuable are the Fiano di Avellino, the Greco di Tufo, the Aglianico and the Taurasi. In addition to companies now veteran in wine production, many others are being born carrying out research paths throughout the territory.


In urban areas there are no particular risks with regard to personal safety, so normal precautions may be considered sufficient. Instead, more attention is needed in isolated high mountain areas, especially in the areas of Feverfew, of the Laceno he was born in Terminio where there are extensive completely uninhabited forests with the presence of numerous ravines. In these areas, telephone connections can be difficult while sudden snow storms sometimes occur in winter.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Irpinia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Irpinia
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