Pietradefusi - Pietradefusi

Church of the Holy Cross
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Pietradefusi is a city of Campania.

To know

When to go

In Pietradefusi you can go during the Christmas period to buy handcrafted nougats in the Dentecane hamlet or in the summer to participate in the many organized events that focus on the culinary delicacies of the area.


The town of Pietradefusi, probably founded around the 12th century, owes its name to the "stone" with which the first houses were built. In 1948 the ancient municipality of Pietradefusi divided into the present municipalities of Pietradefusi and Venticano.

Since 2008, together with the municipalities of Torre le Nocele and Venticano, it is part of the Union of Municipalities of the medium heat.

How to orient yourself

How to get

Pietradefusi can be reached along the SS 90, the SP 50, the SP 56 or using the A16 Napoli-Bari motorway, exiting at Castel del Lago.

How to get around

By public transport

For those who cannot move easily, the use of means of transport is recommended as the entire municipal area is mainly sloping.

From one fraction you can easily reach the others except for the fraction of "Sant'Angelo a Cancelli" which is closer to Montefusco than to the center of Pietradefusi.

By car

You can move around on foot or by car. The roads are almost all in decent condition and the signage is quite comprehensive.

What see

  • 1 Aragonese Tower, Piazza N. Melisci. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgHanging gardens always open, the interior of the Tower and the rooms attached to it can be visited during events, conferences and exhibitions. The tower is the fulcrum around which today's historic center has developed. It was built in 1431 by the noble Giacomo de Tocco. The Tower has been restored a few years ago and is available for the organization of exhibitions and, especially in summer, events are organized. The tower is 11 m high. and is surrounded by hanging gardens. Both outside and inside the tower it is possible to notice the protrusion of different parts of rock on which the tower was built.
  • 2 Collegiate Church of Maria SS. Annunziata, Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 39 0825 692265, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ Free. Simple icon time.svgWeekdays: 6.30pm Holidays: 10.30am and 6.30pm. The church overlooks the main square of the town and dates back to 1700 in Baroque style.The building has a Greek cross and three naves: the central one dedicated to Maria SS. Annunziata, the one on the right dedicated to Calvary, the one on the left is dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary.On the right aisle, in addition to the minor altars dedicated to Santa Rita and Santa Maria, there is the monumental altar dedicated to San Faustino Martire, patron saint of the town . The statue in the niche dates back to 1836 and is therefore very delicate wax.
  • 3 Convent of the Immaculate Franciscan Sisters (Mother House), Go Father Ludovico Acernese (Coming down from the main square along a characteristic stone path.), @. Ecb copyright.svg€ Free. Simple icon time.svgEvery day on request. The Convent has annexed the museum dedicated to "Father Ludovico Acernese", Founder, and to Teresa Manganiello, blessed who lived here. Next to the Convent is the church of the Madonna delle Grazie, a private chapel which houses the relics of Father Ludovico Acernese and a precious statue of the Madonna delle Grazie.
  • 4 Church of San Giuseppe al Purgatorio (Church of San Giuseppe), Via San Giuseppe. The oldest religious building in Pietradefusi. Already in precarious conditions before the earthquake of 1980, it suffered the coup de grace due to the fact that in ancient times the dead were buried in this church, the portal, and some details of the facade depict skulls and crossbones. The church of S. Giuseppea al Purgatorio, despite the damage of the earthquakes still manages to attract the eye.
  • 5 Church of S. Pietro and Paolo (Church of San Paolo), Via Roma. Ecb copyright.svg€ Free. Simple icon time.svgMass hours. The church is in the center of the Dentecane hamlet and has nineteenth-century architectural lines in the Vanvitellian style.The facade has a large central rose window above the three stone portals. Inside it is possible to admire some works by Vincenzo Volpe.
  • 6 Madonna dell'Arco Church. The church of Madonna dell'Arco has an imposing bell tower located next to it, recently restored by the archconfraternity of S. Maria dell'Arco, in the evening it is illuminated inside, characterizing the skyline of Pietradefusi. The religious building is striking for its state of neglect, made even more explicit by the words "Ave Maria".
  • 7 Church of the Holy Cross (Church of Sant'Elena), Piazza Sant'Elena. Ecb copyright.svg€ Free. Simple icon time.svgSunday morning and on other important religious occasions and on 16-17-18 August until midnight. Modern construction, it is very impressive even if of modest size because it is placed on the top of a staircase with steps. In the church it is possible to admire the statues of: Sant'Elena Imperatrice, San Gerardo, Sant'Antonio, San Giuseppe as well as the ancient marble altar.
  • 8 Church of S. Spirito (Church of the Madonna del Carmelo), Pappaceci (From Piazza Municipio to Sant'Elena Irpina Go up via Montella and follow the road). Ecb copyright.svg€ Free. Simple icon time.svgAsk an elderly woman who lives in the immediate vicinity of the church. In the center of Pappaceci, Count Andrea Nardone had the church of S.Spirito built in 1713, which he then donated to the people. The church had a single nave with a stone altar, surmounted by a niche with the wooden statue of the Madonna del Carmelo. Of particular artistic value were the paintings that frescoed the walls that popular tradition wanted to have been done by Giotto.
  • 9 Church of San Michele Arcangelo.
  • 10 War Memorial, Piazza Don Eugenio lauda.
  • 11 Sant'Angelo Cemetery in Cancelli.
  • 12 Monument to Father Lodovico Acernese (At the entrance to the historic center).
  • 13 Church of San Gennaro, Via I Podestà. Born as a private chapel of Cardinal Coscia, it housed the remains of San Faustino, patron saint of Pietradefusi. These remains are now preserved in the Collegiate Church. The church preserves the statues of San Gennaro and San Pio and various paintings.

Events and parties

  • 1 Festival of fusillo and pietradefusana chop (Fusillo festival), Piazza Guglielmo marconi, @. Ecb copyright.svgDepending on the consumption. Simple icon time.svgSecond Friday and Saturday of August.
  • 2 Festival of cecarecchia and nougat mousse (Cecarecchia festival), Dante Troisi square. Ecb copyright.svg€ depending on the drink. Simple icon time.svgSecond Friday and Saturday of September. In the splendid Piazza Troisi (Dentecane) there will be the Cecarecchia festival. The product, born from the combination of cecatielli with orecchiette, will also this year attract a mass of lovers of fresh pasta. The sumptuous Dentecane Nougat will also be distributed, supplied by the various local confectionery industries.
  • 3 Festival of orecchiette and porchetta, Town Hall Square. Ecb copyright.svg€ Depending on the drink. Simple icon time.svg16-17-18 August.
  • 4 Stone of the Spindles (Feast at the Tower), Via I Podestà. Ecb copyright.svgDepending on the consumption. Simple icon time.svgAugust 14-15.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Where stay

Average prices


  • 5 Carabinieri station - Dentecane, Via Dionisio Pascucci.

How to keep in touch

Post office

On the municipal land there are 2 post offices:

  • 6 Pietradefusi central, Via Potenza, 4, 39 0825 962020, fax: 39 0825 962020.
  • 7 Pietradefusi Dentecane, Via Roma, 132, 39 0825 962002, fax: 39 0825 962002.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pietradefusi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pietradefusi
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).