Safe Torricella - Torricella Sicura

Safe Torricella
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Safe Torricella is a town in the province of Teramo, in the area Abruzzo. Its territory is included and is the seat of the Comunità Montana della Laga.

To know

Geographical notes

The town of Torricella Sicura is about 6 km from Teramo and is located on the provincial route that connects the Abruzzo city to the town of Rocca Santa Maria and the locality Strain.

The territory of the municipality extends to the north-west of the city of Teramo, at the foot of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park. It borders the municipalities of Campli, Cortino, Rocca Santa Maria, Teramo e Castellana Valley. It has a total of 30 sites among localities and hamlets, such as: Abetemozzo, Antanemuccio, Borgonovo, Case di Pompa, Colle Fiorito, Colle Sansonesco, Corvacchiano, Costumes, Faognano, Fornaci, Galliano, Ginepri, Ioanella, Magliano, Morricone, Pastignano, Piano Grande, Poggio Rattieri, Poggio Valle, Prognetto, San Felice, San Pietro ad Azzano, Santa Chiara, Santo Stefano, Scorzone, Tizzano, Valle Piola, Villa Popolo, Villa Riccio, Villa Tofo.

The whole area has the characteristics of an agro-pastoral area, mainly hilly and mountainous. The lowest elevations are found at an altitude of 286 m up to an altitude of 1572 m. The landscape is home to wooded areas of oaks, maples and hornbeams, within it flow streams that flow north into the Vezzola stream and south into the Tordino river.

When to go

Torricella Sicura can be easily visited in every season of the year having a typical mid-mountain climate with mild springs and summers and winters with some snowfall.


The discovery of ancient archaeological finds, found in the old Pieve di San Paolo in Albata, would date the origin of Torricella Sicura in Roman times. The village, however, conformed its current urban aspect during the Middle Ages, after the barbarian destructions, in the period of monasticism, when the religious built defense towers and castles for the protection and safety of themselves and the villagers.

The toponym of the town can be broken down into two words: Torricella is Safety.
The first would derive from the presence of an ancient castle of which not many traces remain today, while the term "Sicùra" seems to be traced back to "Sicula", referring to the presence in the area of ​​the Sicilians around the first millennium BC. Other hypotheses, however, argue that "Sicùra" could derive from "obscura".

The fortified work probably stood on a hill north of the current inhabited center that the residents call "lu castille"or Colle Ciliegio. Luigi Ercole, at the end of the eighteenth century, reported the discovery of an underground tunnel that led from the fortress to the surrounding countryside with these words: There was a castle today in ruins and it doesn't have much, an underground road was discovered, in which some rusty weapons were found and that from the castle had the exit into the countryside..

According to a popular tradition under Colle Ciliegio there is a cave with a treasure protected by a huge snake. Although with some exaggeration, the legend coincides in the affirmation of the existence of the underground passage.

In the Torricellese area there are countless testimonies of Italic, Roman and early medieval remains. In the immediate vicinity of the town the remains of a temple, some Roman tombs and a mysterious altar with the dedication to the "unknown god" have been found.

There are also numerous epigraphs present, some of which suggest the presence of a thermal establishment. On a plaque there is a dedication to the priestess Numisia.

On April 26, 1958, at 03:20:00, an earthquake was detected with its epicenter in the territory of Torricella Sicura with an intensity of the 5th degree of the Mercalli Scale. On November 1, 1959, a 4th degree quake occurred.

How to orient yourself

The municipal area is crossed by the roads: SP50a, SP48a and SS80, all easily passable, uncrowded by traffic which is very smooth.


Since ancient times the Torricellese village has been crossed and frequented to reach other villages located in the Monti della Laga.The center of Torricella Sicura is divided into several small villages of medieval origin, almost like ideals, contemporary, tiny neighborhoods, such as :

  • Torricella Scarpone, where a castle once stood,
  • Torricella Scura or Dark,
  • Roman Torricella or Roman houses, where the house of the Romani family is located,
  • Colle Pero or Colle della Pera,
  • New houses

and the new, most central area of ​​the country which has no specific name.

In the central area of ​​the town there are two large squares dedicated respectively to Mario Capuani, partisan, and to San Paolo. In the first one is the seat of the municipal building and in the space of the second one opens the facade of the homonymous parish church. The squares are separated by Via Alcide De Gasperi, the main street of the town where, in addition to numerous commercial activities, in 1635 the small church of the Madonna delle Vergini was erected.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

By car


Ordinary viability

  • State Road 80 of the Gran Sasso d'Italia
  • Strada Statale 81 Piceno Aprutina which connects Teramo with the city of Ascoli Piceno
  • SP48
  • SP50a

On the train

  • The railway station closest to the Torricellese center is located at Teramo, about 6 km.

By bus

  • From the city of Teramo there are several bus routes to reach Torricella Sicura which is also connected to the more upstream localities in the hinterland area of ​​the Monti della Laga.

How to get around

The means to move more comfortably are the car and the motorbike, during the summer it is also advisable to take a bicycle. Inside the town the roads are in good condition and by car it is possible to get to the center of the encased, where there is also a large area destined to the load of vehicles. The rest of the urban fabric is connected with small streets, alleys and stairways that can also take a decent slope. The narrowest alleys and streets can only be traveled on foot or by bicycle and can also be used by people with disabilities.

What see

Church of San Paolo
  • 1 Church of San Paolo, Piazza San Paolo. Ecb copyright.svgfree. The religious building was built in the last decades of the eighteenth century and completed in 1806. This church was erected to replace the old parish church of San Paolo in Albata, built outside the town center, dating back to the seventeenth century. The interior of the sacred room, enclosed by the façade in baroque-style bricks, is divided into a single nave. There is an altarpiece dated 1627, made by the Polish painter Sebastiano Majewskj, also active in Abruzzo, which portrays the Madonna with Child and some saints and a seventeenth-century stoup from the oldest church. In the sacristy you can appreciate the presence of a Corinthian capital. Some Roman remains and fragments of the decoration of the medieval church of San Paolo have been inserted into the wall fabric of the external wall of the rectory. The bell tower completes the architectural composition of the ecclesiastical complex, an imposing brick artifact with a square base that ends with battlements.
Ethnographic nativity scene Le Genti della Laga
  • 2 Museum and Ethnographic Nativity "Le Genti della Laga", Mario Capuani square, 39 338 3316641, @. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Simple icon time.svgopen from 8 December until 6 January each year. Upon reservation it can be visited all year round. The museum is spread over a total area of ​​about 850 square meters of which 450 have been dedicated to a section of life scenes from the past, reconstructed in full size, furnished with period objects. The remaining 400 square meters were allocated to the preparation of an original prespe, counted as the largest in the Abruzzo region and among the largest in Italy. The entire setting offers a miniature reconstruction (1: 5 scale) of rural life scenes from the early 1900s, enriched with faithful reproductions of historic buildings in the Monti della Laga. The characters that populate it come alive with mechanisms and crowd into alleys, rural houses and ancient artisan shops perfectly reproduced in the smallest details.

Events and parties

  • Infiorata of Corpus Domini, Old Town. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Public event held on the occasion of the feast of the solemnity of Corpus Domini. The preparation of the infiorata begins during the night preceding the religious holiday, when about 250 volunteer flower growers make carpets of white fir wood shavings along the main road of the town, dyed in color baths that give life to polychrome works.
  • Sagra Lu ccite ​​de lu porc, Mario Capuani square. Annual festival held in February since 1996. There are numerous food stands that from lunchtime offer dishes of polenta with roast pork.
  • Sagra del minestrone, callara sheep and local products, Historic center of Torricella Sicura. Annual festival held in September since 1993. the historic center welcomes the presence of numerous stands that offer the visitor the opportunity to taste typical products and local specialties.

What to do

  • Excursions. During the summer it is possible to follow paths and hiking trails to be tackled by bike, mountain bike or on foot, which wind through the Monti della Laga.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Al Tizzone Pizzeria Restaurant, Mario Capuani Square 85, 39 0861 554171, 39 393 8194138, 39 327 0950612. Clean, welcoming restaurant, easy to reach because it is located in the center of the town. The kitchen offers porcini mushrooms as a specialty.
  • 2 Pizzeria Madama, Via Alcide De Gasperi, 120, 39 0861 175 1906, 39 340 1073694. Pizzeria open in December 2015. In its menu, in addition to pizza to the plate, it offers first courses and kebabs also to take away.

Where stay



List of telephone numbers that can be useful during a stay:

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 2 Italian post, Via San Paolo 1, 39 0861 554121. Torricella Sicura Post Office.


Church of San Bartolomeo in the hamlet of Villa Popolo
  • 3 Church of San Bartolomeo in Villa Popolo. Ecb copyright.svgfree. In the hamlet of Villa Popolo, about 2 km from Torricella Sicura, it is possible to visit the church dedicated to San Bartolomeo, which has been listed among the Italian National Monuments since 1902. It is a compact and powerful looking building that is one of the oldest in the municipal area. Its construction, prior to the second half of the thirteenth century, was mentioned for the first time in documents of the year 1267. Another date that is linked to this church is that of the year 1684, reported both inside and exterior of the factory, interpreted as a possible reference to extension and renovation works. The liturgical hall consists of a single nave covered by a richly painted wooden ceiling, made up of a total of 106 panels decorated by an unknown artist. In the panels there are images of martyrs and saints portrayed with the iconographic symbols that distinguish them, executed in the same style as the paintings in the cathedral of Toledo. This suggests that the work was carried out by a Spanish soldier, who came here following the military campaign against banditry. It is not clear whether the signature on the paintings refers to the author or the client. By decree of the Minister of the Interior of November 29, 1986, published in the Official Gazette of January 21, 1987, the church was recognized as "civilly recognized ecclesiastical body"with the name of San Bartolomeo.
Piola Valley
  • 4 Piola Valley. It is an uninhabited village since 1977 and counted among the ghost towns of Abruzzo. It is located in the territory of the municipality of Torricella Sicura, within the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park. Located at about 1017 m a.s.l. it lies on the north-eastern side of Mount Farina. The small town can be reached along a dirt road, via della Fauna, which runs into the mountain and continues as a mule track. The entire site, built with stone walls, consists of nine nineteenth-century buildings, once used as residences, plus the church dedicated to San Nicola, now in ruins with increasingly faded and peeling frescoes, and a farmhouse for shepherds. The oldest written document that mentions it is dated 1059. Due to its position it was often isolated during the winter due to the abundant snowfalls. The inhabitants, dedicated to pastoralism and agricultural production, expressed themselves with a dialect that was difficult to understand because of Lombard origin. Over time it has also been a refuge and hiding place for brigands, smugglers and partisans. Depopulation began in the 1950s with the emigration of the few residents to city centers or abroad in search of a better standard of living. In the 70s the few inhabitants who were there were unable to remain in autonomous isolation and abandoned the site which remained completely uninhabited. In the month of August every year there is a meeting of riders with a horse ride for the Memorial Cesare Foglia . In 2013 the farmhouse owned by the municipality was rearranged and rented to the Proloco di Torricella Sicura which uses it for welcoming visitors and for events.
The Gran Sasso d'Italia, the north wall
Calderone Glacier

The proximity of the mountain massif of the Gran Sasso, 2 912 m a.s.l., invites you to visit and see the grandiose and endless landscape scenarios that can be seen from its walls which, on the Teramo side, are harsh and rocky. The routes of the climbing itineraries have the typical characteristics of mountaineering, but you can also choose hiking sections and paths such as the path of the March of the three meadows which connects the towns of Prati di Tivo, Prati di Intermesoli and Prato Selva for a total of 15 km. Between the altitudes of 2650 and 2850 meters, on the northern side of the Corno Grande, is the Calderone Glacier, the southernmost in Europe and formed during the great Quaternary glaciations.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Safe Torricella
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Safe Torricella
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