Campli - Campli

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Campli is a city ofAbruzzo.

To know

Geographical notes

Campli develops as a ridge center on the Abruzzo Apennine hills in the Teramo area, not far from the Gran Sasso massif and the Monti della Laga. It is 10 km away. from Teramo, 32 km. from Giulianova and 33 km. from Ascoli Piceno.

When to go

The warm season is definitely recommended, from spring to autumn.


In the necropolis of Campovalano di Campli tombs dating back to the VI - V century BC have been discovered which constitute an important material for the study of the Middle Adriatic civilization and its relations with the Etruscans and Greeks. The territory, after the conquest of 462 a. C. operated by the Romans who subdued the Samnites, it was faithfully Roman; from this period are some finds especially in Campovalano.

Post-Roman Campli is mentioned in documents from the 9th century. In the 13th century the city was divided into two districts, to which Castelnuovo to the east and Nocella to the west were added in the 14th century, located on hills like Campli. Each district was equipped with fortifications. Necella had three doors; Campli quattro, to which was added Porta Viola which stood at the end of the fortified road that started from Porta Castello; Castelnuovo had two gates, of which Porta Orientale is the only one left to this day.

The most flourishing period is that of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, when Campli was able to hold a weekly market and when the bell tower of Santa Maria in Platea, the church of San Francesco and the Parliamentary Palace (Palazzo Farnese) were built. From the fourteenth century are the buildings of the convent of San Francesco, the hospital and the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia, the rearrangement of the fortifications.

In 1372 the city became a free municipality. The importance of Campli was further consolidated in the 15th century, when there was a further increase in the architectural heritage, until in 1538 it became a fief of the Farnese family of Parma, under whose dominion there was an increase in economic prosperity and in the number of inhabitants.

The first theater in Abruzzo was that of Campli in 1520. The granting of the title of City came in 1600 with a bull from Pope Clement VIII and the erection of the Bishopric. Campli also suffered numerous looting by Spanish and French troops, but always recovered until a period of adversity began in the eighteenth century, starting with the earthquake that inflicted considerable destruction in 1703. In 1734 the Farnesian States passed in inheritance to Charles III of Bourbon, and Campli also followed their fate. A typhus epidemic in 1764 decimated the population. In the nineteenth century the Bishopric was abolished. In 1860 the city was attacked by Bourbon soldiers and sacked. Its history joins that of Italy.

How to orient yourself

  • Italian traffic signs - parking.svg On the provincial road that connects Campli to the hamlet of Castelnuovo, a large car park allows you to reach both centers with a short walk.


Its municipal territory includes numerous villages: Battaglia, Boceto, Campiglio, Campovalano, Cesenà, Cognoli, Colli, Collicelli, Fichieri, Floriano, Fonte a Collina, Friscoli, Gagliano, Garrufo, Guazzano, I Cappuccini, La Traversa, Masseri, Molviano, Morge, Nocella, Paduli, upper and lower Pagannoni, Pastinella, Paterno, Piancarani, Plicati, Prognoli, Roiano, Sant'Onofrio, Terrabianca, Trinità and Villa Camera.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A14 motorway Adriatic Highway A14 (from the north: direction Ancona; from the south: direction Pescara), exit a Teramo/Giulianova/Mosciano Sant'Angelo, take the SS 80 Strada Statale del Gran Sasso towards Teramo, continue on the A 24 motorway, exit at San Nicolò, turn onto the SP 17, cross Villa Falchini, Pagannoni Basso, then turn onto the SP 262 for Campli.
  • The SP 262 runs through Campli.

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon
  • The nearest railway station is that of Teramo (about 12 km): for local trains.

Continue to Campli by bus with the "Arpa" bus lines (direct and frequent lines; travel time: about 20 minutes).

  • For national trains get off at the train station in Giulianova (about 30 km away), also in this case you can continue with the "Arpa" bus (travel time: about 1 hour and 20 minutes).

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

The visit to the city should be enjoyed on foot, also considering the small size of the historic center. Even for the ancient part of Castelnuovo the visit can easily be pedestrianized. A large car park located between the two centers allows you to move easily.

What see

Facade of the Scala Santa building: door of ascent, door of descent, portal of the church of San Paolo
Scala Santa - steps of ascent
Scala Santa - descent steps
  • 1 Holy Stairs, via del Sole. The building in which the Holy Stairs it was built in the second half of the eighteenth century. The factory stands against a longitudinal side of the Church of San Paolo, within the urban fabric. The building works lasted from 1772 to 1776; it was blessed and opened for worship in May 1776. Over time it was closed for a few decades and reopened to visitors in September 1995, after benefiting from an accurate conservative restoration.
The Scala Santa di Campli is linked to the possibility of obtaining indulgence by praying and climbing on your knees the 28 olive wood steps that make up the staircase that leads to the chapel of the Sancta Sanctorum.
With a brief apostolic Pope Clement XIV on 21 January 1772 officially granted Campli the same privilege as the plenary indulgence belonging to the Scala Santa in Rome. The text of the brief arranged and identified the location and construction site, adjacent to the church of San Paolo, a church previously dedicated to the Madonna of the seven pains. The pontifical document also assigned the task of designating the days linked to the indulgence to the Ordinary. Monsignor De Dominicis set as reference dates: "the third Sunday after Easter, the Tuesday of Pentecost, the third Sunday of September and the last of October."
The high number of faithful who came to Campli for these anniversaries made it necessary for a further intervention to the Holy See in order to extend the possibility of obtaining the indulgence to other days as well. Pope Pius VI, by means of a rescript, dated December 17, 1776, including the days "from the first vespers of the Saturdays preceding the three Sundays, until all of Monday: and for Pentecost, from the first vespers of Saturday until the evening of Tuesday" .
John Paul II on January 14, 2002 promulgated the papal bull in which, by reconfirming the previous dates, he recognized the Indulgence also to the faithful who will visit the Santa Scala di Campli on all Fridays of Lent.
The Scala Santa building develops a more modest height than that of the medieval church dedicated to St. Paul, which it is placed against. The façade, in brick and stone, finished with a horizontal crown, is opened by two portals and two windows. The portal that introduces the room with the olive wood steps comes from the convent of Sant'Onofrio and has diamond-point workmanship.
The model of the internal structure of the building is similar to the Lateran one, with 2 flights of stairs that connect on a single landing where there is the grate that allows you to see inside the Sancta Sanctorum environment.
In the small chapel there are the altar dedicated to the Savior, relics of martyrs and saints kept in reliquaries of the Neapolitan school, two staurotecas with two fragments of the cross of Christ and a canvas that reproduces the effigy of St. Francis of Assisi. On the walls of the landing two frescoes recall the figures of Pope Clement XIV and of Saint Helena empress, mother of Emperor Constantine I, who holds a large cross in her hands. According to a medieval legend, the sovereign, during a trip to the Holy Land, would have found and transported to Rome the ladder that Jesus climbed to reach the presence of Pontius Pilate.
The walls of the Scala of ascent are richly decorated by 6 large canvases painted between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries by Vincenzo Baldati with scenes from the Passion of Christ, surmounted by a wooden ceiling decorated with angels holding up a cross and other symbols of the martyrdom of Jesus.
The walls that flank the staircase are colored in light colors and decorated with medallions that reproduce scenes from the Resurrection of Christ, connected by festoons of flowers and couples of cheering angels. The wooden ceiling houses images of angels. Scala Santa (Campli) on Wikipedia Scala Santa (Q16600781) on Wikidata
Palazzo Farnese
  • 2 Palazzo Farnese. It is currently the Town Hall of the city. It was built around the middle of the 14th century and represents one of the rare examples of late medieval civil architecture in Abruzzo. In 1982 it was included in the list of Italian National Monuments
  • 3 Collegiate Church of Santa Maria in Platea. The church was built at the end of the 14th century on the remains of an older building, and in 1395 it was elected a Collegiate.
It underwent numerous transformations, including the restoration following the earthquake ofthe Eagle from 1703 when the current facade was built.
The central part of the façade of the church, in neoclassical style and attributed to Giovanni Antonio Fontana, is marked by two orders of niches and pilasters. On the sides there are two areas dating back to the medieval construction in blocks of stone and tuff.
On the right side of the facade is the bell tower with the polygonal lantern of 1474 at its peak, attributed to Antonio da Praise. In 1793 the bell tower was raised with the addition of the spire.
The interior of the church has three naves, with the left one added between the 15th and 16th centuries and the right one completed in 1561.: The wooden ceiling painted by Donato Teodoro at the beginning of the 18th century is characteristic. The altar houses in the central niche a Madonna by Giacomo da Campli and two panels with the saints of Cola dell'Amatrice, now preserved in the civic museum.
Below the choir is the crypt, which houses a cycle of 14th century frescoes by Niccolò di Valle Castellana, which originally had to extend along all the walls, while today parts of the central nave remain in a vault, with the depiction of the four Evangelists, and in the end spans.
  • Church of San Francesco d'Assisi. It was built in the 14th century, with a square stone facade and a decorated portal. The bell tower dates from the same period; it was dismantled because it was unsafe and was rebuilt in 1997. Inside you can see residues of fourteenth-century frescoes.
  • 4 National archeologic museum (site in the former Franciscan Convent). The museum was inaugurated in 1989 and occupies four rooms of the convent of San Francesco. The finds come from the necropolis of Campovalano, where in about forty years of research 610 burials of the Iron Age and Romanization from the 9th to the 3rd century BC have been found [
The exhibition is mainly educational and shows the evolution of the funeral rite.
The most ancient funerary monuments are shown consisting of large mounds with stone circles and with grave goods that included weapons, bronze pottery and even war or parade chariots for male burials, while they concerned bronze fibulae and amber and glass paste jewels. for female burials. Progressively then we witness an impoverishment of the outfits passing to the classical-Roman culture. National Archaeological Museum of Campli on Wikipedia National Archaeological Museum (Q21552041) on Wikidata
  • 5 House of the Pharmacist. Ancient residence overlooking the course
  • 6 House of the Doctor. Like the apothecary's house, this building also overlooks the main street of the city.
  • Torre dei Melatino (in the Nocella district). It was erected in 1394.

In Castelnuovo

St. John Baptist
Eastern Gate
  • Church of San Giovanni Battista. Close to the fourteenth-century Eastern gate, the façade has an elegant stone door of the fourteenth century and a coat of arms of Charles of Anjou. The interior has two naves: the original left, the right added in the 15th century. On the walls there are fifteenth-century frescoes. The ceiling is decorated with motifs recalling the starry sky. In 1902 it was included in the list of Italian National Monuments.
  • Eastern Gate (Angevin; Of sun; of San Giovanni). It is the only one of the ten existing gates in the fourteenth century to protect the three fortified nuclei of Nocella, Campli and Castelnuovo. At the end of the fifteenth century the bell tower was erected, enslaved by the adjoining Church of San Giovanni.

In Campovalano

  • 7 Necropolis - archaeological site. The necropolis area extends in the locality of Coccioli di Campovalano on a river terrace of about 50 hectares, between the courses of the Misigliano stream (to the north) and Fiumicino (to the south). The entire surface of the burial ground is located between the altitudes of 426 and 455 meters above sea level. The site is crossed by a paved road which, like a "sacred road", crosses the ground that has been excavated since 1967. A farmer plowing the land in this area reached the burial floors of the burials, bringing to light some finds. Later the site revealed to contain a considerable number of mound tombs of the ancient Piceni, still only partially explored today. Over time, over 600 burials have been brought to light dating back to the end of the Bronze Age, 12th-10th century BC, a period that corresponds to the first phase of use of the land for burial, up to the time of the Roman conquest, from the 2nd century BC, the age in which the area returned to being cultivated for agricultural purposes.
The research carried out leads us to believe that the necropolis holds about 20 thousand tombs in its subsoil. The archaeological heritage of the funerary objects found consists of sets of bronze vases, black ceramic vases worked on a lathe, poculum, pyxes, jugs, jugs, bronze grater, Attic kylix, horse bit with equine apophysis, swords, daggers, sand-holders.
In the women's tombs bronze fibulae with cowrie shell pendants, nail cleaners, ear cleaners, work tools related to sewing, weaving and spinning, such as needles, spools and spindles, and also bulle, glass paste and amber necklaces have been found. The material from the archaeological site of Campovalano was destined for display and conservation both at the National Archaeological Museum of Campli and at the National Archaeological Museum of Chieti.
  • 8 Church of San Pietro. The medieval sacred building dates back to the eighth century; reconstituted and modified between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by the Premonstratensian monks following the canons of Romanesque architecture, it is located about one km from the town. Inside it preserves an early Christian sarcophagus, called of the marble shopkeeper, sculpted by Aurelio Andronicus of Nicodemia and decorated with bas-reliefs representing scenes from the Old and New Testament; a seventeenth-century clay statue that portrays the Madonna and Child flanked by two angels and votive frescoes. The remains of the Premonstratensian convent which belonged to the regular canons ("white monks") of San Norberto are attached to the church building.

Events and parties

  • Festival of the Italic porchetta. Simple icon time.svglast weekend of August. The festival also includes a competition between producers; Baked suckling pigs are served in sandwiches.
  • Pizza party. Simple icon time.svgin summer. It is held annually in the summer on a date chosen from time to time.
  • Truffle festival (in Campovalano). Simple icon time.svgin setate. It is held annually in the summer on a date chosen from time to time.
  • Jazz music festival. Simple icon time.svgin summer.

What to do

  • 1 Old Mill Lake, Contrada Santo Stefano, 39 0861 569443. You can practice sport fishing in an artificial lake.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


  • 1 Marozzi Pharmacy, Corso Umberto I, 60. Simple icon time.svg 39 0861 56112.
  • 2 Corso Pharmacy, Corso Umberto I, 74, 39 0861 56180.

How to keep in touch

  • 3 Italian post, Piazza San Salvatore, 72, 39 0861 569977.


  • Civitella del Tronto - Perched on a ridge, it offers us the spectacle of its fortifications which are among the best preserved and the largest in Europe; it was the last stronghold to surrender, when the rest of the Bourbon kingdom had already been conquered from Italy.
  • Teramo - Ancient city with an important historical center, it boasts a splendid Cathedral which is one of the best expressions of Abruzzo's religious architecture.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Campli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Campli
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