Giulianova - Giulianova

Giulianova vista.jpg
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Giulianova is a city ofAbruzzo.

To know

The ancient city is located on a hill with a view of the sea; the modern city has spread over the coast where it is a primary tourist center of Abruzzo.

Touristically it is known for the beach of fine golden sand that has been awarded the Blue Flag for years, the marina, the largest accommodation in the province (hotels, restaurants, chalets), the cycle path that crosses the entire seafront and connects to the north with Tortoreto. (across a structural wooden bridge over the Salinello stream) and to the south with Cologna beach on the Tordino river.


The Apennines behind Giulianova

The area was inhabited since prehistoric times: numerous clay finds from the Neolithic era testify to this. The origins of the town, however, date back to the period immediately following the Roman conquest, when around 290 BC. Castrum Novum Piceni was founded on a terrace near the Tordino river, where previously there was a Piceno center called Batinus or Batia. The latter has returned fragments of Messapian pottery that document the existing contacts with the areas of Apulia. The center was connected to Rome with the via Cecilia and to the other coastal centers with the via Salaria.

Its role as a cornerstone of Roman penetration into the Adriatic and its function as a road and port hub made it an important trading city. Over the course of its history Castrum Novum Piceni underwent a considerable urban expansion towards the coast, and also suffered devastation as evidenced by findings showing signs of fire.

In the Byzantine era Castrum Novum was a fortified center and still a port center. In the sixth century the Castrum was equipped with further fortifications, and changed its name to Castrum Sancti Flaviani, to become in the thirteenth century Castel San Flaviano.

A legend is linked to the patron saint of Giulianova. The remains of San Flaviano, sent to Italy by Galla Placidia inside a silver ark destined for Ravenna, due to a storm landed on the shores of Castrum Novum, and from here they were moved to the Byzantine church of the center, which was in that extended period.

A hospitium for pilgrims and patients near Santa Maria a Mare, which is believed to be the starting point for the Holy Land, was annexed to the port that guaranteed commercial prosperity. From 1382 Castel San Flaviano became a fief of Antonio Acquaviva, and suffered looting and devastation who prostrated the center.

Its rebirth is due to Giuliantonio Acquaviva, who in 1470 founded a new city north of Castel San Flaviano, whose inhabitants gradually moved to populate the new center. A new mighty wall surrounded the city, in whose profile stands out the bulk of the church of Santa Maria in Platea, which became San Flaviano in the sixteenth century and is the first example of an octagonal church in coastal Abruzzo.

Giulianova, named in honor of its founder, is an example of an "ideal city" on the Adriatic, conceived and built according to precise urban and military canons; the urban layout has been attributed by some to Francesco di Giorgio Martini, by others to the school of Leon Battista Alberti.

Recent history, with the construction at the end of the 19th century of the Litoranea and Giulianova - Teramo railways, sees the explosion of the urbanization of the coast and the spread of the city from the ancient walls to the marina. Now Giulianova is experiencing an important tourist dimension that makes it one of the main Abruzzo centers in the sector, as well as commercial, linked to the fishing port among the most lively in the region.

How to orient yourself

The historical core, Giulianova Country, it is on the hill that rises just beyond the coast: it maintains the structure of the city of foundation, with part of the fortifications that survive in the two towers; it is the administrative and management center. and is welded to its budding from via Gramsci and via Montello, as well as other small arteries.

The new city, Giulianova Lido, is spread over the coast, where it stretches for a few kilometers and where tourist and commercial activities are concentrated. The Split promenade to the south and the Zadar promenade to the north branch off from Dalmatia square, the heart of the coastal promenade with the Kursaal and the monumental promenade.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • State Road 16 It is crossed by the Adriatic state road
  • A14 motorway It has a toll booth right on the Adriatic highway

On boat

  • Italian traffic signs - marina icon.svg It has a marina at the intersection of the Zadar promenade with the Split promenade

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon
  • It has its own station on the Adriatic railway line
  • It is the terminus of the route Teramo - Giulianova

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

By public transport

It has urban bus lines that connect the historic center with the seaside town, with more frequent runs in the tourist season.

Adriatic Green Corridor

  • Italian traffic signs - ciclabile.svg The Adriatic Green Corridor or Adriatic Cycle Route is the cycle path that runs along the Adriatic coast. This path coincides with branch no. 6 of the great national cycle network (BicItalia) proposed by FIAB, the Italian Federation of friends of the bicycle, partly in the design phase and partly already built, which integrates with the wider European cycle network called EuroVelo.

The planned route is the coastal road par excellence, it runs parallel to the E55, to the Romea in the central part and to the Adriatica state road in the southern part. It has a length of 1300 km and connects Trieste with Santa Maria di Leuca, along the Italian Riviera with the richest beaches dedicated to seaside tourism.

This very long cycle path crosses all the regions bathed by this coast. At the moment (year 2015) patches of patches have been built, but from year to year the route is increasingly being completed by the municipal, provincial and regional administrations crossed. The region Abruzzo it financed the completion of the entire regional section of competence with an extension of 132 km, that is the entire coast. These works began in March 2015.

Along the Teramo coast there are several sections of the cycle path already completed and others in the completion phase (works started in March 2015 financed by the Abruzzo Region).

South of the Tronto, in the stretch Martinsicuro-Villa Rosa at the moment you cycle mostly on the sidewalk; after the cycle / pedestrian bridge over the Vibrata stream, a long cycle path follows that crosses the towns of Alba Adriatica-Tortoreto Lido-Giulianova-Cologna beach, crossing the cycle / pedestrian bridges over Salinello and Tordino; the track crosses areas with rich vegetation (pine forests, rows of palms and tamarisks). Another active section is in Scerne di Pineto (3 km) and a Pineto (where a stretch of beaten earth develops under the characteristic pine forest).

So the cycle path is almost uninterrupted in the Pescarese-Theatine between Montesilvano, Pescara (where there are some short sections missing and where the Ponte del mare that crosses the Pescara river is in operation) e Francavilla al Mare.

In the southern section, ie along the Coast of the trabocchi, the project for the recovery of a long section of the disused railway is ready Ortona-Vast-San Salvo (about 50 km) in a wild and particular territory. At the moment there is a stretch of cycle path in the towns of Vasto Marina and San Salvo Marina.

What see

Portal of the Cathedral of San Flaviano
Cathedral of San Flaviano
  • 1 Cathedral of San Flaviano. San Flaviano was Patriarch of Constantinople. His remains reached the shores of Giulianova due to a storm that hit the ship that transported them to Ravenna. The Cathedral of Giulianova is dedicated to him, built in the second half of the fifteenth century in an octagonal shape. The imposing dome rests on two meters thick walls. The church was decorated in the late Renaissance period as well as in the Baroque period; most of these frescoes have been lost. In their place were placed paintings and sculptures by contemporary artists such as Aligi Sassu, Renato Coccia and the Julian artist Venanzo Crocetti.
A crypt preserves the remains of the patron saint San Flaviano as well as those of some personalities of the city.
War Memorial
On an external wall, to the side of the portal, a marble plaque commemorates the fallen Giuliesi; below it a smaller marble inscription commemorates - something unusual - i Fallen for the Empire 1935 - 1936.
"Il Bianco" Tower
Tower of Porta Napoli
  • 2 Fortifications. Little remains of the defensive system, after the nineteenth-century demolitions. The towers stand out The fortress, seat of the Archaeological Civic Museum, "Il Bianco", that of "Porta Madonna", partially incorporated in the larger Palazzo Re, and the small tower of the Ducal Palace. Originally the bulwarks were seven or eight. : These cylindrical towers were covered by terraces with crenellated parapets, and protruded from the line of the walls. Of the tower "Il Bianco" today it is possible to see only the top, since the rest of the tower was filled in with the filling of the moat in the 19th century. Sections of the scarp walls are still visible.
Sanctuary of the Madonna of the Splendor
  • 3 Sanctuary of Santa Maria dello Splendore. The Madonna, seated on an olive tree and surrounded by an intense light, appeared to a woodcutter named Bertolino. It is said that the apparition took place on April 22, 1557, but from archival research there is evidence of religious settlements referring to the Madonna dello Splendore as early as 1523; others place it around 1480. The fact is that the devotion to this Sanctuary has never ceased, and for centuries it has attracted crowds of pilgrims from all over the region and beyond. A shrine was first built on the site of the apparition, transformed into a church and entrusted by the Acquaviva to the Celestine monks, who were replaced in 1847 by the Capuchin friars who still guard the Sanctuary.
The church is part of a monumental complex which includes the monastery of the Capuchin fathers of the sixteenth century. The Sanctuary is the result of extensive interventions carried out during the Fascist period on the church already rebuilt in 1907 in place of an earlier Baroque temple.
Church of Sant'Antonio
Church of Sant'Anna
  • Church of Sant'Antonio formerly San Francesco. Built with the adjacent convent demolished at the beginning of the twentieth century, during the first half of the sixteenth century, the church during the eighteenth century was enriched inside with altars, sculptures and stuccos by the workers employed by Girolamo Rizza da Veglio.
  • Church of the Misericordia. Built in the sixteenth century, it has a trapezoidal shape, completely unusual for the canons of the time. Prospect on Piazza Dante.
  • Church of Sant'Anna formerly of the Madonna dei Sette Dolori. It is a modest-sized building that has recently had the roof reconstructed, which collapsed in the 1950s. It was built on the commission of the canon of the Collegiate Church of San Flaviano, Don Pierascenzio Malaspina, in the second half of the seventeenth century. The altar, in Baroque style, is still awaiting restoration.

In Giulianova Lido

Church of Santa Maria a Mare
Detail of the portal of the church of Santa Maria a Mare
  • 4 Santa Maria a Mare. It is an ancient church, the construction of which dates back to the 10th or 11th century. The sacred building, today at the entrance to Giulianova Lido, is located near the mouth of the Tordino into the sea, where the ancient medieval city developed when it was called Castel San Flaviano. The interior originally had three naves, now reduced to two.
In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries it was heavily remodeled; during the Second World War it suffered serious damage following a bombing. The church, in exposed brick, has a beautiful portal with elegant chisels and allegorical and animal representations.
In the first half of the twentieth century it was the seat of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary
Processional statue of Maria Santissima del Portosalvo
  • Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. It is a recent construction. It was built at the beginning of the twentieth century and consecrated on April 30, 1911. It is located in the center of the lower part of the city. Its construction became necessary following the development and the continuous increase of the population of the Marina.
In exposed brick, it houses the statue of the Virgin Mary, an object of particular veneration by the Julians. The simulacrum is carried in procession during the feast of Maria Santissima del Porto Salvo which is held on the second Sunday of August, when it is also taken to sea on a motor ship, escorted by dozens of boats in large pavese.
Protector of sailors and fishermen, she is celebrated every year since the summer of 1912, the year following the consecration of the church on the Julian coast.
The Kursaal
  • Kursaal. Conceived in the years before the Great War, its construction was abandoned and then resumed in another place, the current one, in the twenties. It was intended to characterize the development of the navy which in these years perfected and defined the first settlements of the late nineteenth century, thus beginning to urbanistically mark the subsequent great urban development that in the sixties and subsequent will affect the entire Julian coast. The building combines neoclassical features and liberty elements and makes a fine show of itself on the large square that forms the center of the promenade.
It was used as a hotel until it suffered considerable damage from a bombing in the Second World War. At the end of the conflict it was restored and became the property of the Municipality which uses it for various cultural events, conventions, exhibitions, exhibitions.
Zadar waterfront

  • 5 Monumental waterfront. The Monumental waterfront it was built in the years 1936 and 1937 on a project by Giuseppe Meo, from Giulio, and it affects the stretch of coast between via Nazario Sauro and the marine colony. It has a length of about seven hundred meters and is inspired by the Viale della Vittoria which was built about ten years earlier in Benghazi, then an Italian colony.
Giulianova Lido beach extends between the Salinello rivers to the north and Tordino to the south; 95 meters deep on average, it stretches for about five kilometers. The port area divides it into two parts: the north-central stretch of beach flanks the Lungomare Zara while the southern stretch of beach is on the Lungomare Spalato and the Lungomare Rodi. The sand of the beach is fine and golden, the bottom is shallow and sandy. On the beach, bathing establishments proliferate; there are also stretches of free beach. At both ends of the promenade there are campsites.


  • Splendor art museum.
  • archaeological Museum.
  • Vincenzo Bindi Civic Art Gallery.

Events and parties

  • Feast of the Madonna of the Splendor. Simple icon time.svgon April 22.
  • International Festival of Musical Bands. Simple icon time.svgend of May..
  • Week of the sea.
  • Feast of the Most Holy Mary of Porto Salvo. Simple icon time.svgsecond Sunday of August..
  • Patronal feast of San Flaviano. Simple icon time.svgon November 24.
  • Living Nativity. Simple icon time.svgon December 26th.
  • La Rocca Barocca - Music Festival, Old Town. Simple icon time.svgAugust. Concerts, operas, events, conferences.

What to do


How to have fun

In the summer season, the campsites and clubs by the sea offer entertainment and music.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 The spider, Via Mantova 7 (where the Lungomare Zara nord ends, in the camping area in Giulianova Lido). simple place, traditional cuisine, extraordinarily low prices, good quality dishes

Average prices

Fish specialties

  • 2 Blue Lagoon Restaurant, Via Galileo Galilei, 299 (In Giulianova Lido on the Adriatic state road), 39 085 800 8038. A place that offers excellently cooked fish dishes. Large portions. Excellent value for money
  • 3 Beccaceci, via Zola 28, 39 085 8004176.
  • 4 Osteria Dal Moro, Split seafront 74, 39 085 8004973.
  • Dino's, Zadar waterfront, 39 085 8000115.
  • 5 The Seagull, via Marsala 20, 39 085 8004930.
  • La Tellina, Zadar promenade 21, 39 342 1251465.
  • 6 Osteria La Stracciavocc, via Trieste 159, 39 085 8005326.

Meat specialties

  • 7 Braci & Grani - Braceria and pizzeria, Split waterfront 17, 39 389 9172518.


Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

Camping and tourist villages

High prices


  • 1 port authorities, Split waterfront 1, 39 085 8004918, fax: 39 085 8004918, @. Simple icon time.svgMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 to 12; Tuesday and Thursday also from 3 to 4 pm.

Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 7 Italian post, via Gramsci 1, 39 085 8003445, fax: 39 085 8000737.
  • 8 Italian post, viale Orsini 19 (in Giulianova Lido), 39 085 8000559, fax: 39 085 8005996.
  • 9 Italian post, via Annunziata 72 (in Giulianova Lido), 39 085 8000646, fax: 39 085 8000646.


  • Teramo - Ancient city with an important historical center, it boasts a splendid Cathedral which is one of the best expressions of Abruzzo's religious architecture.
  • Atri - One of the oldest cities in the region, it preserves a first-rate artistic heritage, the excellence of which (among many) is certainly recognizable in the stupendous Cathedral, distinguished among the noteworthy churches ofAbruzzo.
  • Campli - Its important historical center, with churches, palaces, squares, fortifications makes it a place of indisputable charm.
  • Civitella del Tronto - Perched on a ridge, it offers us the spectacle of its fortifications which are among the best preserved and the largest in Europe; it was the last stronghold to surrender, when the rest of the Bourbon kingdom had already been conquered from Italy.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Giulianova
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Giulianova
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).