Coast of the trabocchi - Costa dei trabocchi

Coast of the trabocchi
The Trabocchi coast seen from the abbey of San Giovanni in Venere

Coast of the trabocchi is a culturally homogeneous area of Adriatic coast of Abruzzo in Italy.

To know

It corresponds to the southern section of the Adriatic coast of Abruzzo marked by the spread of the overflow, fishing machine on stilts. It is a famous stretch of coast throughout Italy for its naturalistic beauty and its heterogeneity: each of the towns of the coast maintains its own characteristics and traditions.

Geographical notes

It develops on the Abruzzo Adriatic coast between Pescarese-Theatine to the north, the Molise to the south, the Adriatic Sea to the east and theAbruzzo Apennines West.

The coast is not homogeneous in the various sections that compose it, but on the contrary it changes considerably in appearance. There are stretches of low and sandy beach such as a Francavilla al Mare, Ortona, Casalbordino, Vast is San Salvo and cobbled sections - a Fossacesia is Turin di Sangro -, as well as high and rocky stretches a San Vito Chietino is Rocca San Giovanni.

The coastal strip makes its way between valleys and hills which, ending at the sea, give life to landscapes and natural environments of various kinds. From an urbanistic point of view, the urban layout of this stretch of coast does not share the characteristics of continuity and linearity typical of the so-called Adriatic city that develops more or less continuously from Ortona until Rimini even if phenomena of pushed urbanization are not lacking.

A little hidden inwards, They launch plays a role of attraction for a vast territory, like Vast ed Ortona; the three cities constitute the urban centers of reference for the entire area of ​​the Costa dei trabocchi and extend their influence also over a large part of the Apennine hinterland.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Fossacesia
  • Francavilla al Mare - Its seaside tourist vocation broke out in the early twentieth century and is becoming more and more consolidated.
  • They launch - City of ancient tradition, it was the capital of the Frentani and then a Roman municipality. It has an ancient nucleus of great interest, which comes alive on the occasion of the numerous historical re-enactments; famous are the Medieval Week with the '' Mastrogiurato '' and the sacred representations of Holy Week. It is a destination for pilgrimages following his Eucharistic miracle.
  • Ortona - The ancient monumental inhabited area stretches out on a promontory of the coast; fishing and bathing activities develop on the coast. It is a city linked to important events of the Second World War.
  • Vast - The ancient city with its fortifications is in an elevated position on the sea; the modern budding is on the coast where the seaside resort of Marina di Vasto develops.

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A14 A14 Adriatica motorway with, from north to south, the toll booths of:
  • Strada Statale 16 Italia.svg Adriatic coast

On boat

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon All the main coastal centers are served by the Adriatic railway backbone. From the stations of Ortona is San Vito Chietino - They launch Marina railway lines are detached for the interior in the direction of the Apennines.

Adriatic Green Corridor

  • Italian traffic signs - ciclabile.svg The Adriatic Green Corridor or Adriatic Cycle Route is the cycle path that runs along the Adriatic coast. This path coincides with branch no. 6 of the great national cycle network (BicItalia) proposed by FIAB, the Italian Federation of friends of the bicycle, partly in the design phase and partly already built, which integrates with the wider European cycle network called EuroVelo.
The planned route is the coast road par excellence, it runs parallel to the E55, to the Romea in the central part and to the Adriatica state road in the southern part. It has a length of 1300 km and connects Trieste with Santa Maria di Leuca, along the Italian Riviera with the richest beaches dedicated to seaside tourism.
This very long cycle path crosses all the regions bathed by this coast. At the moment (year 2015) patches of patches have been built, but from year to year the route is increasingly being completed by the municipal, provincial and regional administrations crossed. The region Abruzzo it financed the completion of the entire regional section of competence with an extension of 132 km, that is the entire coast. These works began in March 2015.
Along the Teramo coast there are several sections of the cycle path already completed and others in the completion phase (works started in March 2015 financed by the Abruzzo Region). South of the Tronto, in the stretch Martinsicuro-Villa Rosa at the moment you cycle mostly on the sidewalk; after the cycle / pedestrian bridge over the Vibrata stream, a long cycle path follows that crosses the towns of Alba Adriatica-Tortoreto Lido-Giulianova-Cologna beach, crossing the cycle / pedestrian bridges over Salinello and Tordino; the track crosses areas with rich vegetation (pine forests, rows of palm trees and tamarisks). Another active section is in Scerne di Pineto (3 km) and a Pineto (where a stretch of beaten earth develops under the characteristic pine forest).
So the cycle path is almost uninterrupted in the Pescarese-Theatine between Montesilvano, Pescara (where there are some short stretches missing and where the sea bridge that crosses the Pescara river is in operation) e Francavilla al Mare.
Along the Costa dei trabocchi, the project for the recovery of a long section of the disused railway is ready Ortona-Vast-San Salvo (about 50 km) in a wild and particular territory. At the moment there is a stretch of cycle path in the towns of Vasto Marina and San Salvo Marina.

How to get around

By bike

Along the Trabocchi coast, the construction of the Adriatic Green Corridor is planned (the 1,000 km cycle path that will run along the entire Adriatic coast from the mouth of the Po to the Puglia) in the disused area of ​​the Adriatic railway (49 km).

What see

  • Abbey of San Giovanni in Venere (in Fossacesia).
  • Abbey of Santo Stefano in Rivomare (in Casalbordino).

The overflows

Trabocco in Fossacesia
Trabocco in San Vito

Many overflows of the coast have been transformed into restaurants.

  • Trabocco Fosso Canale
  • Trabocco Punta Tufano
  • Trabocco San Gregorio
  • Overflow Turchino
  • Trabocco Valley Caves
  • Trabocco Sasso della Cajana
  • Overflow Tip Isolated
  • Overflow Punta Cavalluccio
  • Trabocco Fish Palombo
  • Overflow Punta Punciosa
  • Trabocco Punta Rocciosa
  • Trabocco Le Morge
  • Overflow of Casalbordino
  • Overflow of Punta Penna
  • Overflow of Vasto Marina
  • Trabocco Zi 'Nicola di San Salvo

Protected areas

  • 1 Guided nature reserve Lecceta di Torino di Sangro (in Torino di Sangro). It hosts a variety of protected flora and fauna; it extends for 180 hectares from the last stretch of the Sangro river, near the mouth, to the Adriatic coast; it is a coastal wood planted on the Pliocene beach and is the only area in Abruzzo where the terrestrial tortoise lives and reproduces.


  • Lido Riccio (Ortona)
  • Punta Ripari di Giobbe (Ortona)
  • Lido Saraceni (Ortona)
  • Punta Acquabella (Ortona)
  • Punta Mucchiola (San Vito)
  • Pier of San Vito Marina
  • Calata Turchino (San Vito)
  • Punta del Guardiano (San Vito)
  • Caves Valley (San Vito)
  • Punta Cavalluccio (Rocca San Giovanni)
  • Coast of Fossacesia
  • Gulf of Venus (Fossacesia)
  • Le Morge (Turin di Sangro)
  • Pen tip (Casalbordino - Vast)
  • Punta Aderci (Vasto)
  • Punta Vignola (Vasto)
  • Lido of San Salvo Marina

What to do

At the table

Where stay



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Coast of the trabocchi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Coast of the trabocchi
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