Molise - Molise

Panorama of Campobasso
Molise - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Molise - Coat of arms
Molise - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Molise is a region ofsouthern Italy.

To know

Geographical notes

The Molise adjoins theAbruzzo to the north, the Lazio to the west, la Campania to the southwest, la Puglia to the south east, while to the east it is bathed by the Adriatic Sea.


In the third century BC, the territory suffered the invasion of the Romans, who created some colonies there. Subsequently it was prey of the Goths and finally inserted in the Lombard Duchy of Benevento.

The name Molise appeared in the Middle Ages, to identify a part of the territory belonging to the de 'Moulins family.

With the annexation to the Kingdom of Italy, Molise was part of the Abruzzi and Molise region, a region that was divided into two distinct entities in 1963.

Culture and traditions

Bachelors it is the only center where the tradition of bagpipes survives. Scapoli has dedicated a small museum to this musical instrument.

Agnone it is a city with an ancient tradition of manufacturing bells.

Frosolone is the last Italian village where transhumance is still carried out on foot with Puglia along the millenary tratturi.

Events and festivals

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Molise Apennines - The Apennine area includes almost the entire territory of the Region crossed by the Apennines. Among the tourist centers should be mentioned Capracotta, ski resort at 1460 meters above sea level and the nearby San Pietro Avellana, surrounded by beech woods and nicknamed "the homeland of the white truffle". Pescopennataro it is called the country of fir trees, due to the surrounding woods. Vastogirardi it is the base for excursions to the Pennataro state forest. Pietrabbondante with its famous archaeological area it represents the most important cultural and religious center of the Samnite peoples.

The two mountain groups of tourist importance are located on the borders of Molise and are shared with the finitime regions of Lazio, Abruzzo is Campania.

  • Monti della Meta - They stand on the border with Lazio is Abruzzo and culminate in Mount Petroso of 2247 s.l.m. The lower elevations of the chain take the name of Mainarde. From Pizzone you can reach, through a provincial road, the plain located just below Campitello, called "Pianoro delle Forme" or Valle Fiorita, from where you can begin the ascent to Monte Meta (2,242 meters). Cerro al Volturno is another Molise town on the edge of Abruzzo National Park and is surrounded by woods
  • Massif of the Matese - It extends along the border with the Campania and reaches 2050 meters with Mount Miletto. The north-western side of the chain belongs to the territory of Molise. On the Matese mountains there are the ski resorts of Bocca della Selva and Campitello Matese, There are also the lake of Matese of glacial origin and the natural oasis of Guardiaregia

Cities that boast an important historical center are Isernia, Venafro, Agnone.

The part of the territory that extends between the highest peaks in the west and the eastern Adriatic coast is the hilly area of ​​central Molise, whose reference point is the regional capital. Campobasso; other centers of good interest and with an important past are Bojano is Trivento
      Molise coast - The Molise coast extends for just 35 km on the Adriatic Sea and includes, in addition to the port of Termoli the small seaside resorts of Campomarino, Marina of Montenero is Marina di Petacciato. The more inland centers also fall within the coastal area by tradition, vocation and cultural ties Larino, which shares with Termoli the role of service center of the area, Guglionesi, Portocannone.
  • Countries of Albanian tradition - Near the coast there are villages where Albanians fled from their native lands in the fifteenth century as a result of the Ottoman invasion and the death of their national hero Giorgio Castriota Skanderbeg. Albanian centers are Campomarino, Ururi, Montecilfone and Portocannone.

Urban centers

  • Campobasso - The old city develops on a hill around the castle in a dominant position. The modern city has developed in the plan. It is the most populous center of Molise, of which it is the regional capital.
  • Agnone - Ancient Samnite city, known worldwide for the traditional and centuries-old artisan construction of bells, has an interesting historic center and an expanding tourist infrastructure.
  • Bojano - It was a powerful Samnite city, then a Roman center. In the Middle Ages it became an episcopal seat. It retains a beautiful old town full of churches, as well as the cathedral.
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.
  • Larino - City with a remarkable past, it boasts a beautiful medieval village; its cathedral is among the best monuments of Molise. After Termoli is the most important center of attraction in the Molise coast.
  • Termoli - It is the main town on the Molise coast and the second largest city in the region by number of inhabitants. Its ancient core, with the cathedral and fortifications, stands on a promontory overlooking the sea.
  • Trivento - Ancient bishopric, in its cathedral the crypt of particular historical-architectural value dating back to the 11th-12th century is preserved.
  • Venafro - His long membership in the Campania. City of the Samnites, later a Roman colony, the remains of the empire flanked by an important medieval urban heritage, in which the numerous churches stand out, unfortunately in large numbers deteriorated.

How to get

The Port of Termoli

By plane

Molise does not have airports. The closest one is a Pescara. Another airport to consider is Rome-Fiumicino. ATM regional bus lines [1] they operate a connection with the Tiburtina station in Rome where the trains to Fiumicino airport pass and another for Pescara.

By car

The region is crossed only by the motorway Adriatic, while at the regional level the road network is based on a system of state and provincial roads.

On boat

The port of Termoli it is connected by hydrofoils and passenger ships to tremiti Islands and to some localities of the Dalmatia. Termoli also has a tourist port, the Marina di San Pietro inaugurated in 2011.

On the train

The main Molise line is the Adriatic Director, which crosses the region along the coast. Beyond this, there are complementary lines:

How to get around

What see

Remains of the Basilica on the site of Saepinum
Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno
Cathedral of Isernia
Sanctuary of the Madonna Addolorata in Castelpetroso
Fraterna Fountain of Isernia

If you are looking for culture in the region there are several museums including the Palaeolithic one ofIsernia and the Samnite one of Campobasso. In the regional capital there are also the Museum of Mysteries and the Museum of Nativity Scenes. There are numerous ancient churches and castles that preserve ancient memories.


Isernia "La Pineta" is an archaeological site of the Paleolithic found by chance in 1979 in conjunction with the works for the opening of the highway Naples-Vast. The finds are exhibited in the Paleolithic museum of Isernia.

Roman and pre-Roman times

For those wishing to retrace the footsteps of the Samnites who inflicted the scorching defeat of the Caudine Forks on the Romans, Molise has several archaeological sites. The most interesting vestiges are a Pietrabbondante. Other Samnite centers were discovered in Campochiaro, Vastogirardi is Carovilli. However, these are sites of specialist interest. The finds are exhibited at the New Samnite Provincial Museum of Campobasso. The archaeological park of Sepino (Saepinum) is the best example of a Roman settlement in the land of Molise. Venafro, the ancient Colonia Augusta Julia Venafrum, still retains in the urban layout, the shape of the Roman castro. In Venafro there are also the ruins of an aqueduct and an amphitheater. Larino, the major center of the Frentani and mentioned by Cicero also preserves the ruins of an amphitheater from the end of the 1st century AD. In the Middle Ages it was used as a stone quarry and today it is surrounded by condominium buildings with a very banal appearance.

Middle Ages

Made between the 5th and 6th centuries AD. the Monastery of San Vincenzo al Volturno is located less than 1 km from the sources of the river and stands out for its Byzantine frescoes. The co-cathedral of Venafro still retains its Romanesque structure. The church of San Francesco ad Agnone from the 14th century it has original Gothic elements such as the Gothic portal while the interior has a Baroque aspect.

Renaissance and Mannerism

Modest examples in the field of civic architecture are some noble residences obtained from medieval castles such as the Carafa baronial castle in Ferrazzano and that of Carpinone which, although in a state of ruin, still retains its majestic appearance. The Monforte Castle which dominates the city of Campobasso. Of a rather severe aspect, it was restored in 1456 on commission of Count Nicola II Monforte.

Baroque and Rococo period

Art of the 19th and 20th centuries

The neoclassical style is well documented in Molise. The disastrous earthquake of 1805 required reconstruction works. Prominent examples are the cathedral of Campobasso and that of Isernia. the Sanctuary of the Madonna Addolorata a Castelpetroso and the graceful "Fontana fraterna" ad Isernia they are the best examples of neo-Gothic style and eclectic art generally prevailing at the end of the 19th century.

Contemporary art

  • Museum of Contemporary Art of Termoli (MACTE), Via Japan, Termoli, 39 0875808025. The building is the result of the renovation and new design of an old local market. The circular plan and the lateral modules remain of the previous structure where once there were the seven boxes intended for sale. Today the central square is a space that hosts temporary exhibitions and conferences, while the works from the Termoli Prize Collection are exhibited in the seven exhibition rooms.

Natural reserves


What to do

In addition to visiting the interesting typical local festivals in the villages, it is possible to indulge in snow sports thanks to the ski resorts of Campitello Matese is Capracotta. There are numerous nature trails, paths and routes to be made on foot, by bike and on horseback.

For lovers of the sea there is the area of Termoli which comes alive in the summer filling up with tourists from all over. From here it is possible to take the ferry to reach the Tremiti Islands.

For young people, the fun is centered especially in the local discos and pubs, especially in the capital. However, there are sports centers, wellness centers, farmhouses, bowling alleys, golf, go-kart tracks, riding stables and more.

At the table


  • Pampanella Pork dish cooked in the oven and abundantly spiced. The dish originates from the town of San Martino in Pensilis.
  • Panonta - Originally from the country of Miranda, Panonta is fresh pork sausage garnished with peppers, grated pecorino, parsley and garlic.
  • Pied - Originally from Capracotta, the Pezzata is a dish based on sheep meat cooked over low heat in copper pots and seasoned with aromatic herbs.
  • Cazzarielli with beans - Fresh pasta similar to gnocchetti seasoned with fried borlotti beans together with bacon, chilli and chopped celery, onion, carrot and then boiled in abundant tomato sauce.
  • U 'bredette (Fish broth) - Born as a poor dish of Adriatic fishermen, the fish soup is a typical dish of Termoli which differs from the others for the differentiated cooking of the various species of fish and for the use of pepper. The official recipe was signed by a notary and registered as "Brodetto di Tornola" on the initiative of the Italian Academy of Cuisine section of Termoli.
  • Cheese and eggs - balls of cheese and breadcrumbs cooked in a full-bodied tomato sauce.
  • Torcinelli - lamb intestines stuffed with lamb sweetbreads. Usually, it is eaten cooked on coals, but sometimes it is also eaten with meat sauce.
  • Rattatura pizza - a pizza bread created by remixed, salted and oiled in the right way from the scraps of flour from the oven, generally goes well with sauces and cold cuts. Typical of Castelmauro.
  • Friarielli - fried green peppers.
  • Sfringions - fried batter in the shape of a sausage.
  • Cavatelli - fresh handmade pasta, usually seasoned with sauce.
  • Pizza and soup - country vegetables and a pizza made with maize flour.


  • Caragnoli - Typical sweets with a helical shape prepared for Christmas and Carnival with a dough made from flour and eggs which, after being fried in olive oil, is sprinkled with honey.
  • Milk pan - This sweet owes its birth to Molise and more exactly to a note pastry of Campobasso.

Typical products

  • Truffle - Widespread in the Matese mountains and in the Mainarde. The Molise towns best known for truffle harvesting are Carovilli is San Pietro Avellana. The latter is called "the homeland of the White Truffle" (prepared to season fettuccine)
  • Olive oil - "La bella del Molise" is the name of the olive, known especially to Larino, but not only that, which produces a fragrant and tasty oil unique in Italy.


Stracciata from Molise
  • Tattered - An elongated dairy product, made from cow's milk.
  • Burrino - Typical cheese of southern Italy with stretched curd made from cow's milk, with a heart of butter.
  • Pecorino di Capracotta - Cheese made from aromatic sheep's milk and a little spicy if aged. It has a hard, hazelnut-colored rind and a compact texture with rare watery holes. The curing phase can last from 3 months up to 2 years.
  • Scamorza Molisana - Produced with milk from alpine brown cows reared in the wild, it has the characteristic shape of a pear with a severed head. Eaten fresh or after a few days, it is excellent grilled.

Salami and sausage meats

  • Pietracatella sausage - Made with pork with abundant quantities of fat, salt, wild fennel, sweet and spicy chilli.
  • Soppressata from Molise - Obtained from pork, lightly smoked, it is consumed after maturing or stored in fat in glass jars, but also in crates containing wheat to keep the product fragrant in the summer.

Each country then has its own typical products that follow ancient traditions handed down from generation to generation. A tip for those who decide to visit Molise is to explore these places and their typical products, you can rediscover a simple but wonderful cuisine.


In the small territory of Molise, four DOC wines are produced:

  • Tintilia del Molise - Obtained from a native grape of Molise, Tintilia is a red and rosé wine with an intense flavor and a strong color. It follows the Molise tradition according to which good wine must "stain" the glass.
  • Pentro of Isernia - It is a white wine with an intense flavor.
  • Biferno - White, red and rosé, it is one of the most prestigious in the region.
  • Molise DOC - A red wine bottled with several variations, each with its vine clearly prevalent compared to the others.


Molise is among the quietest regions of Italy.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Molise
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Molise
  • Collaborate on WikisourceWikisource contains original works by or about Molise
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Molise
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